Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 853

"People from the fifth division? Why are you here?"

Asanjing Renji stared at Alan who suddenly fell from the sky, with an expression of extreme disgust on his face.

The reason is simple!

Alan's Yuto Imai is actually quite a nasty bitch.

In the Goting Thirteen Team, most of the Captains, Vice Captains and Officers have been mocked by him, so they are quite bad in many Death God reviews.

Almost to the point of being hated by people and annoying by dogs.

However, after accidentally offending Aizen, this guy was dealt with ruthless, and it is estimated that he has now entered a big empty stomach.

Of course, Alan looks like Imai Yuto in the eyes of Death God who has seen the beginning of the illusion, but in the eyes of Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yuryu who have not seen it, it is the original appearance.

It's a pity that the two behind him haven't seen Yuto Imai, so they naturally regard his original appearance as the real Yuto Imai, so there's no need to worry about getting through.

"Why am I here? Of course it's because of your incompetence! Originally I wasn't going to come forward, but who made you unable to handle such a trivial matter. Here! This is the Central Take the order issued by the forty-sixth room and take a look for yourself." Alan bluntly slapped Renji's face with the document that Aizen gave him.

"This is?!!!"

Asanjing Renji's face changed drastically after seeing the contents of the document.

He originally thought that with the Kuchiki family's status in the soul world, things like lending the power of Death God to an ordinary person would at best be sentenced to several decades in prison.

For a Death God with a long lifespan, that's nothing.

But now, he suddenly realized that he was wrong, and it was ridiculous.

The Central Forty-sixth Room has paid more attention to this matter than the normal scope, and even adopted the method of targeting those who committed capital crimes and felons.

"Renji! What's going on?" Kuchiki Byakuya subconsciously frowned.

"Captain! The central forty-sixth room has already treated Rukia Adam as a death row!" Asanei Renji raised the document with the seal in his hand.

The eye-catching red at the bottom immediately caused a flash of anger in the eyes of the head of the Kuchiki Clan, one of the four great nobles.

But soon, he forced himself to calm down, and asked in a voice without any emotion: "Why did the central forty-six room make such an abnormal behavior? Rukia committed Shouldn't the mistake be far enough to be punished by death?"

"Sorry, Captain Kuchiki, the decision made by the forty-sixth room in the center is not the third seat of my small fifth division. As far as I can tell. Of course, as the four nobles, you naturally have sufficient qualifications and reasons to question their decisions, but please don't hinder me from carrying out my mission."

After saying that, Alan Ignoring the other party's ugly face, he pointed directly at Rukia, who was in a sluggish state, and asked Sakura with a pretense: "This Death God shouldn't be your student, right?"

"en! My students have never been There are only humans, and Death God is not included." Sakura also pretended to replied.

"Very good! It seems that we have reached a tacit understanding."

Alan directly picked up Kuchiki Rukia and ordered the Soul Society through the contact device of the Technology Development Bureau. He opened the boundary crossing door, and went straight through.

Byakuya Kuchiki and Renji Asanjing follow closely from behind.

The two of them had already ignored Sakura, the spoiler who came out halfway, and all they could think about was how to convince the arrogant bastards in the central room 46 not to impose the death penalty on Rukia.

With the Death Gods leaving this world, Ichigo Kurosaki endured the pain and struggled to get up from the ground.

"teacher! Why let them take Rukia away? Didn't you hear that Rukia will be executed if she goes back?"

"Or else? Did a Death God fight the whole corpse? Did you know that the two guys just now had 80% of their powers sealed? Did you know that in the Goting Thirteen Team, Captain and Vice Captain like that, their respective There are twelve more, each of them has a very powerful power. Maybe I can barely support one or two, but if I face more than three at the same time, it will only be a matter of time before I lose." Sakura explained angrily. .

"What? One hundred... eighty percent of the power has been sealed?" Ishida Yulong suddenly widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

He didn't expect in his dreams, and he didn't lose to 100% Renji Asanjing, but one-fifth of Renji Asanjing.

"That's right! In order to prevent too much damage and disturbance to the present world, according to the regulations of the Soul Society, Captain and Vice Captain must seal 80% of their power. Their performance underestimates the strength of Gotei Thirteen, let alone the illusion that they can easily defeat Captain and Vice Captain." Sakura warned with a serious expression.

Just when she was about to use her unique healing ability, Urahara Kisuke finally couldn't bear it anymore, jumped out of the hiding place, and greeted with a smile: "Yo! Boy! You! It doesn't look good now."

"The store manager?! Why are you here?" Kurosaki Ichigo was obviously stunned.


Before Urahara Kisuke could tell the reason he made up, Sakura took the lead in raising the Reiki weapon in his hand and warned: "Back off! Death God No matter what ulterior motives you have, you'd better stay away from my students."

"Death...Death God? The store manager is Death God?"

Just now Ichigo, who had heard the dark history of Soul Society and Gotei Thirteen, suddenly showed a vigilant look.

If it were the past, he would probably be foolish enough to think that the man in the hat in front of him was just kindly helping him.

But now I suddenly realize that everything is not as simple as it seems.

"He is not only Death God, but also the founder of the Technology Development Bureau of the Soul Society, the Captain of the Twelfth Division of the 13th Goting. By the way, the black cat beside him is his predecessor. The Captain of the Second Division, the 22nd generation leader of the great noble Sifengyuan family, the commander-in-chief of secret maneuvering, and the night of Sifengyuan who owns the City of Instant Gods." Sakura sneered and revealed the duo of the pair.

Under Alan's advice, she would not let the other party use the two teenagers behind him as fools like the original plot.

"Oh? You seem to know our identities very well." Urahara Kisuke pressed the brim lightly, and strange rays of light flashed in his eyes.

You must know that he, Yeichi, and the masked Legion, who was trapped by Aizen, came to the world several decades ago.

According to Sakura's current age, she should not have been born at that time.

This also means that it is very likely that behind the other party is an insider of the events of the year.

"I don't care what ulterior motives you have, but please stay away from my students. Otherwise... I'll use the spirits to let you Death Gods understand that some things are not the only ones Zanpakutō can do it."

After saying this, Sakura directly released the Spiritual Healing Technique, and made a simple hemostasis and healing on the wounds on Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yu's dragon bodies. Treatment, and then like carrying a chicken, one hand, one by one, returned to the apartment where he lived.

Watching the three gradually disappear into the night, Yeichi finally couldn't help but ask: "What should I do? It seems that someone has seen through your plan."

Urahara Kisuke The helpless shrugged shoulders: "No way! It seems that if you want to bypass the terrifying Miss Quincy and directly contact Kurosaki Ichigo, it is not enough. In this case, let's just find a chance to go to the door and explain it clearly. In any case, Aizen must not be allowed to get Bengyu too easily. Otherwise, the entire Soul Soul World will really be doomed."

"I can't imagine that two hundred years after that incident happened. , I can still see such a person, the power in the bloodline of the Quincy Exterminator is really frightening." Ye Yi said with a slight emotion.

"Let's go, go back and prepare first. I have a hunch that it will not be easy to convince Miss Sakura to stand on our side."

After that, Urahara Kisuke He turned around and walked towards the dilapidated shop he opened.

Ye Yi kept the image of a black cat and jumped on his shoulders.


At the same time, the Soul Palace of Souls.

Rukia Kuchiki has been imprisoned in a special cell, restless in her heart, waiting for the arraignment and sentencing in the forty-sixth room tomorrow.

Although she had already sensed through the document Alan had presented earlier that she was likely to be sentenced to death, she still held a trace of luck in her heart.

But what she didn't know was that the Fifth Division Captain Aizen Kuyousuke, who was hiding behind the scenes and manipulating all this, was standing outside the cell, looking at himself with great interest, and had passed by. It took only a minute to say with a smile: "It really is hidden in the soul. Urahara Kisuke's innate talent in technology and R&D is even higher than mine, and he can come up with such an ingenious method, so that Bengyu will not be indebted to Kuchiki Luqi. Alan's soul has no effect."

"But he still failed, didn't he?" Alan asked rhetorically.

"no! The reason for his failure is not a technical problem, but a vision, an awareness, and the courage to go straight to the essence through phenomena. Remember, in this world, not everyone has the courage Stand up and overthrow those rotten old things. Most people are actually more willing to maintain the status quo, no matter how bad the status quo is, they are subconsciously afraid of unknown changes." Aizen pushed her glasses slightly and said herself the opinion of.

Alan praised the nodded: "Very philosophical! It seems that Captain Aizen sees human nature very thoroughly."

"So! In a place where idiots gather, there are only three people who can really make me pay attention. One is the general Captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi, and the other is Urahara Kisuke who created the collapsed jade, and you are the last one. If I didn't guess If it's wrong, your terrifying Zanpakutō should be able to be swung out, right?"

Speaking, Aizen turned her attention to the Zanpakutō that vaguely exuded ash-gray death.

In order to cover up the true face of this knife, he always turned on the hypnotic effect of illusion.

"Hehe, I really can't hide anything from you. That's right! I have mastered the solution not long ago. If you are interested, I am more than happy to do it in the next action. Show me a little." Alan casually held the handle of the knife, and a ray of death appeared in his pupils.

But Aizen gently shook the head: "Forget it. You are the secret weapon in my hands. If you reveal it too early, the Gotei Thirteenth Team will be vigilant. Captain Captain, he is truly experienced. And his formidable power is a huge threat even to me."

"Don't worry! Take care of those who get in your way. , I still don't need a Zanpakutō." Alan pursed his lips into a chilling expression.

"That's right! Based on your accomplishments in white fights, flash steps and ghost ways, it is estimated that there are not many people in the entire Gotei Thirteen Team who can take over. Then I'll look forward to it first. Your performance. But before that, let's have a good game. Like you said, let the whole soul world dance in the Melody we play!" Aizen declared with raised hands.

In his opinion, capturing Bengyu is a game, a process for everyone to re-understand themselves.

From now on, the name Aizen Soyousuke will become a taboo. Whenever someone mentions it, you will instantly feel awe and fear from the heart.

[Just keep running on this Road of No Return, which is crazy to death, and finally there is time for you to cry. ]

Alan complained in his heart.

It's obvious that you can directly take out the collapsing jade from the body of Rukia, but you have to play this extremely complicated crafty plots and machinations, as if you can't do it without some complicated operations. Prove your own first-class IQ.

Sometimes he really doesn't understand whether Aizen is really smart, or a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, he is just a bystander in this war and has no position.

The reason why I choose to help Aizen now is just to get in touch with Bengyu and finally break the boundary between Death God and Xu.

And then combined with the Quincy power obtained from Sakura to complete the fusion of the three power systems in this world.

Alan doesn't care what the Souls and Voids will look like.

In his eyes, Death God's so-called theory of maintaining the balance of the Three Realms is full of loopholes. It is very likely that the group of guys who made Spirit King into a man made it up for their own selfish interests. The excuse of legitimacy is an outright lie.

And in this huge lie, the only truth is that if the Spirit King is killed, the entire Soul Society will be destroyed.

That's why the guys who started it at the beginning created so many complex defense measures to ensure the safety of the tool, the Spirit King.

As Aizen's plan was fully rolled out, the organization, including Alan, Tosenya and Ichimaru Gin, all took action.

Sakura, who is far away in this world, also deliberately pretended to be persuaded by Urahara Kisuke, and let the Kurosaki Ichigo, whose soul was severely damaged, begin to regain his own power.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the script written by Alan...

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