Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 856

"ahhhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!"

Zaraki Kenpachi roared to release the spiritual pressure that was normally hidden in him, and this root is still constantly changing from In the surrounding environment of Seireitei, the crimson spear stick, which is drawn from the spiritual child to strengthen itself, fights.

At this moment, his spirit was so excited that there was an expression of ecstasy on his scarred face.

Because he knew that if he failed to resist this weapon in the end, his entire body would be penetrated instantly, and even if he survived, he would be seriously injured and fall to the ground.

And this kind of thrill of passing by death is exactly what he wants to pursue and long for until now.

After all, the premise of enjoying the fun of battle is that the opponent has the ability to kill himself.

Otherwise, it's like playing a game, and you can guarantee a win every time, so what's the point.

This is why so many people enjoy dangerous extreme sports.

The answer is simple!

They were just as addicted to the thrill of passing death as they were before him.

"As expected of the most fanatical fighting lunatic in the entire Gotei Thirteen..." Alan commented with a smile.

Without a doubt!

Zaraki Kenpachi is pure!

Purely not interested in anything other than fighting.

For him, whether it's eating, drinking, or resting, it's all to better enjoy the next battle.

In almost all animation works, pure people often mean that they can reach the pinnacle in a certain field.

The only regret is that Yamamoto Motoyanagi, a bad old fogey, deliberately made Kenpachi "voluntarily" give up the cultivation of sword dao, just to be able to use this terrifying potential Wild beast with innate talent is limited to a relatively safe range.

Otherwise, the Central Forty-sixth Room was worried that once he ran away, no one would be able to subdue him and arrest him.

"Im... Imai's third seat, do you think Captain Zaragi can win?" Yamada Hanataro asked in an uncertain tone.

"Win? Please don't look at Captain Zaraki with such a boring thing as winning or losing! In his eyes, the process is more important than the result." Alan replied meaningfully.

"The process is more important than the result?" Yamada Hanataro showed a puzzled expression.

He himself is not interested in fighting, so he can't understand why the people of the Eleventh Division are so fanatical about fighting.

"Hehe, people like you who are indifferent to the world will never understand. Now take this young man in trouble and stay away! Because it's not even safe here. ." Alan reminded casually.

As the collision of spiritual pressure begins to approach its limit, the next thing to happen is the big bang of the attractive spectacle.

Although spiritual explosions are different from chemical explosions, physical explosions and nuclear explosions, there is no essential difference in the destructive power produced.

Especially for Death God, a special life born from the combination of soul and spirit.

If the density and spiritual pressure of one's own spirits are not strong enough, the soul flew away and scattered every minute in a wave of explosions, and was directly impacted into the most basic spirits state, followed by the Origin Magic - Destroyed Soul Breath makes no difference.

Yamada Hanataro is also the seventh seat officer of the Fourth Division. He still has the basic ability to recognize spiritual pressure. He immediately sensed the danger, quickly thanked him, and carried the seriously injured Kurosaki on his back. Hu quickly ran into the distance.

But just as he ran out less than two or three hundred meters, he heard a deafening loud noise behind him.

bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A dazzling golden beam of red light rose into the sky and spread all around at an extremely fast speed.

Whether it was a house building or a Death God who accidentally broke into this area, they all evaporated in an instant.

Even Zaragi Kenpachi's little follower, Kusaka Yachiryu, was blown up by the strong air current, and rammed backward uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Alan was quick to grasp the collar of this pink-haired loli to avoid the tragedy of a direct collision with the wall.

After the impact of the violent spirit and spiritual pressure disappeared, Zanaki Kenpachi was standing in a big pit covered in blood, and almost all the clothes on his body disappeared, leaving only one piece that barely covered him. The tattered loincloth, which is the key to the lower body, grinned and laughed unbridled.

"Hahahaha! You didn't let me down! The feeling of being able to unleash all your power is amazing! Come on! Let's continue!"

"Continue? You Are you sure you can continue to be injured like this?"

Sakura raised her eyebrows and looked at the dozens of large and small wounds on the opponent's body, and some of them were even able to see the connection between the souls.

If it were another Death God, it is estimated that he would have fallen to the ground and unconscious.

"Why not? I'm not dead yet! I can continue to swing my sword!"

In order to prove this, Zakigi Kenpachi once again released a terrifying spiritual pressure, Then he stepped forward and rushed over, raising the Zanpakutō with both hands and slashing with all his strength.


Sakura lifted her right arm wrapped in the frost armor, forcibly blocking the blow.

The Zanpakutō in the half-baked state was obviously not enough to cut through the thick and sturdy armor, it just left a gap several centimeters deep on the surface.

Feeling the extremely compressed spiritual child on the blade, and the extremely excited mental state of Zaragi Kenpachi in front of her, Sakura couldn't help but sigh slightly: "You really like to be brave. Since that's the case... Spirit child armed - giant sword!"


A large sword with a door panel that is two meters long and wider than an adult's body appears out of thin air and emits a dazzling white light.


Zaraki Kenpachi instantly revealed an undisguised surprise.

Because in his cognition, the woman who claimed to be a Quincy before him should be an expert with a spear.

"Be careful! This is no ordinary sword!"

Sakura reminded meaningfully, and then grabbed the hilt with one hand and swept.

Zaraki Kenpachi subconsciously wanted to block with the Zanpakutō in his hand.

But just a second later he realized what a stupid mistake he had made.

bang! ! ! ! !

The moment the door-paneled sword came into contact with the Zanpakutō, the highly concentrated and unstable spiritual child instantly caused a violent explosion, blasting him out dozens of meters away on the spot, rolling on the ground with great difficulty. Stabilizing his body, the original bleeding wound showed a terrifying scorch black.

But Sakura, who was also within the scope of the explosion, didn't take any damage at all because of the protection of the frost armor.

Just the opposite!

With the skills the Quincy used to the Reiki, she even completely repaired the previously damaged part of the armor.

"Your sword will explode?"

Zaraki Kenpachi touched the wound on his waist that had been completely scorched, his face full of disbelief.

If the opponent is a Death God and the weapon used is the Zanpakutō, he will not feel too strange no matter what effect it produces.

Because Zanpakutō was originally divided into two categories: direct attack type and ghost type.

Especially the latter, which can often produce all kinds of incredible changes. The Captain's Ryukinoka and Hitsugaya Toshiro's Hirinwan pill belong to this type.

The problem is, Sakura is obviously not Death God, but a Quincy.

So how did the spirit weapon in her hand acquire the ability similar to the ghost-type Zanpakutō?

Zaraki Kenpachi was originally too good at thinking, and he was not interested in the theoretical knowledge of the professor of the Mao Spirit Technique Institute, so now the expression on his face is like seeing a ghost.

Seeing this scene, Sakura immediately raised the door panel sword in her hand and explained with a smile: "You must be very strange, how did I make a weapon composed of spirits explode. , right? In fact, the principle is very simple! When I shaped this sword, I used two completely different densities of spirits. So when it is subjected to an external force, it will have a repulsive effect due to the different densities of the two spirits. . Simply put, the harder you push, the stronger the explosive formidable power generated by this sword."

"The frost armor on your body was created to defend against explosions?"


Zaraki Kenpachi finally realized that he had such superb fighting skills for the opponent, but he still covered himself with a sturdy turtle shell.

It turns out that this armor is not originally designed to defend against attacks from opponents, but to defend against its own indiscriminate self-destructed door-panel sword.

"Hehe, although it's not complete, you finally guessed a pretty close. How about it, do you want to continue fighting? I promise, with your current state, you will get two or three more blows. It is estimated that he is going to die. If he dies, he will no longer be able to enjoy the joy of battle." Sakura blunt pointed out the poor physical condition of Zaraki Kenpachi.

You have to know that this guy has already suffered very serious external and internal injuries when he took the spear and stick. Coupled with the explosion just now, his body is already close to the limit.

The reason why I haven't fainted yet is entirely due to the strong willpower supporting me. I don't want to let go of such an opponent who can spare me no effort.

"You want me to retreat in spite of the difficulties?" Zaragi Kenpachi's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

"no! I just don't want to kill you now. Because you still have a lot of room for growth. When you can complete the first solution of Zanpakutō, you will be hunted by me by me. value." Sakura raised her chin slightly and said in a condescending tone.

"hmph! Treat me as a prey? You are really arrogant as a woman!"

Zaraki Kenpachi was undoubtedly quite displeased with the other party's attitude, and subconsciously clenched his hand The weapon, put on a posture that can be charged at any time and desperately.

He is not afraid of death!

I even look forward to that day.

Sakura sensed this, but continued indifferently: "Arrogant? No! This is confidence! You know? In order to gain power comparable to you Death God Captains, I It took a whole ten years. Whether it is in the aspect of spiritual control or in the use of skills, it has reached the peak level. But you! You are just staying at the level of squandering your innate talent, and you have not learned how to Better and more efficient use of energy, and even accustomed to self-suppression. What qualifications do you have to be killed by me? Wild beast needs sharp fangs and claws! But you will cut off your own Nails and fangs in his mouth."

"Bastard! How dare you underestimate me? Go to hell!!!!!!"

Zaraki Kenpachi was obviously taken This remark was so irritating that he rushed out again like crazy, pouring all the spiritual pressure on Zanpakutō.

But before he could rush to the front, he felt an afterimage flashing before his eyes.

The next second...

A sharp pain came from the back of the head, and then he immediately lost consciousness and passed out.

"I'm sorry, Captain Zeraki, now is not the time to be brave."

Obviously, Alan, who had been watching the show for a long time, finally made his move.

As someone who knows the great potential of Kenpachi, he can't allow this guy to die so easily.

"Hey! You bastard! Why stop Xiaojian's duel?" Kusaka Yachiryu asked loudly.

"Idiot! If you don't stop him, he's going to die. You don't want to watch Captain Zeraki get killed and take his place, right?" Alan rolled the eyes angrily.

"But Xiaojian is obviously very happy!" Pink Mao Lolita quibbled with her small fists.

"Happy? Are you happy even when you die? Please! Kusaka Yachiryu Vice Captain, can you be a little more mature, I'm saving Captain Zeraki's life." Alan curl one's with disdain lip .

Judging from the Millennium Blood War, this pink-haired loli is most likely a part of the Zanaki Kenpachi Zanpakutō, just like the first ten-blade Koyatai Stark, belong to the soul community.

In fact, Death God's Zanpakutō is the embodiment of his own soul after it was split.

It's just that most people's Zanpakuto form will only exist in their Soul Space.

But Zaraki Kenpachi was too strong due to his spiritual pressure, so he pulled it out of Soul Space and gave it to the entity.

By the way, Alan's Zanpakutō died in Soul Space as an indifferent girl wearing a long gothic dress and a black suit all over her body.

The two seldom speak when they communicate, and they are all done with fierce battles.

He has always been curious, what is the relationship between Death God and Zanpakutō?

Is Zanpakutō's character and ability related to some desires in my subconscious, or to some characteristics of the soul?

Because of the presence of outsiders, Alan didn't say hello to Sakura. To Vice Captain Toru Yuyin.

After seeing the terrifying injury, the latter was so frightened that the complexion greatly changed, and hurriedly asked: "What's going on? Who injured Captain Zeraki like this? No! No! Who should have the ability to hurt Captain Zeraki like this?"

"A member of the disaster! Last time I mentioned the one who made Captain Kuchiki Byakuya suffer a big loss in my report last time. Quincy." Alan shrugged gave the answer.

"Unbelievable! No way! I have to hurry up and report to Captain and the Captain! You guys, come and help Captain Zeraki deal with his wounds."

After that, Hu Cheyong said Without thinking about anything else, Yin quickly ran in the direction of the Conference Hall.

She knows very well how strong Zakigi Kenpachi is.

According to her own Captain Uno Hanaritsu, this is the only man who can make her feel satisfied.

But now, even such a powerhouse has been injured like this, and the danger of those traveling in trouble can be imagined.

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