Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 862

With a touch of white light beginning to shine on the fingertips, the black crescent moon just hit it and was instantly disappeared without a trace.

No explosions!

No shocks!

No damage or damage was done!

The powerful slash formed by absorbing spiritual pressure seemed to disappear out of thin air, leaving no trace at all.

Of course, some people with a keen eye for observation and perception, such as Aizen holding a collapsible jade, have noticed that the density of spiritual particles in the air has increased dozens of times.

Obviously, this is the prototype of the ghost created by Alan based on the original magic, the breath of the soul.

Although it is still far from complete, it is not even possible to release the high-density spiritual child, but it is enough to be used as a means of defense and melee attack.

Especially after being released like Crescent Moon Sky Chong, you will no longer be able to get supplementary out-of-body flight attacks. Basically, if you touch it, it will instantly collapse into the most basic spirit child state.

" is this possible?!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

Since he completed moonslash's swastika cultivation, he can even suppress Kuchiki Byakuya, who could easily hang himself before, in a short period of time,

But now, I think The proud Crescent Moon Tianchong disappeared so silently.

"Shouldn't that be..."

Dong Xian Yao seemed to sense something. His face suddenly became a little serious and vigilant.

As a member of a clandestine group, he had occasionally seen Alan privately study the process of "Destroying Souls".

However, compared to that time, the "Soul Destroyer" has obviously reached a level that threatens everyone, and it is no less than the terrifying Zanpakutō called "Death".

Aizen was slightly nodded: "That's right! You guessed it right! This is the ghost way he has been researching and developing. I can't believe that in just eight months or so, it's already It's perfected to this level. Such a terrifying innate talent, even if it is unique in the entire history of the Soul Society."

"Fortunately, he is on our side now, otherwise It's really troublesome." Ichimaru Gin said with a smile.

"Yeah! It's someone else who should be having a headache now." the Captains.

After all, the Bengyu has been taken out and is completely exposed to everyone's perception.

Anyone who is not a fool can already vaguely infer the conspiracy behind the whole thing.

Alan had no doubt noticed this, and said meaningfully to the confused Kurosaki Ichigo: "Yo! long time no see, boy. Since time is limited, let's skip each other. For the part of greetings and temptation, let's go straight to the topic."

"Going to the main topic?"

Ichigo glanced at Rukia, who had been freed from Aizen's clutches, and was full of thoughts. question mark.

It's not hard to see from that bewildered expression that he didn't understand what was going on at all.

"en! Aizen Captain asked me to do a little test on you to see how far your potential is. Be careful, if you don't live up to your expectations, you're going to die ."

tone barely fell!

Alan turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't have time to respond when he felt a sharp pain coming from his abdomen, and then his whole body fiercely fell to the ground like a cannonball.

bang! ! ! ! !

With a loud noise, he smashed a large pit on the ground with a radius of more than 30 meters, wa'ed spurting a lot of blood, as if all the bones on his body were broken.

【What happened? ! what happened? ]

While this somewhat innocent boy was still thinking, Alan's silhouette appeared in front of him again, and Ruthless raised his fist again and smashed it down.


Because of the brutality of this blow, Kurosaki Ichigo's abdomen sank, and even the soul structure itself was seriously unstable.

The next second...

A white mask with red paw prints suddenly appears out of thin air, followed by black holes in the chest, and a lot of black and white The spiritual substance flows out from under the skin and quickly forms a hard protective layer on the body surface.

Without a doubt!

With his life seriously threatened, the emptiness within him begins to take over.

In just a few seconds, about fifty percent of the soul has been blurred, and a sharp horn has even grown on his forehead.

And with that comes amazing spiritual pressure.


The blurred Kurosaki Ichigo instantly gathered an astonishing spiritual pressure of formidable power on the front of the horns on his forehead, Then suddenly released.

bang! ! ! ! !

Its terrifying formidable power instantly plows out a terrifying gully that is dozens of meters wide and four or five hundred meters long.

The Captain of the Seventh Division, Komamura Zuozhen, who rushed over first, was not paying attention, was instantly killed by Wang Xu's flash, and fell to the ground with a thud, the dog's face was full of shock. expression.

He couldn't believe that he, who had mastered the Zanpakutō swastika, was defeated by a young traveler.

And Alan easily dodged with the exceeding movement speed, and instantly cut into the ruthless and threw a fatal punch.


The right hand holding the sword of Ichigo was shattered on the spot, and even the moonslash spun and fell to the side.

But in less than three or five seconds, the lost arm grew back.

Overdrive regeneration!

A few abilities unique to Achucas and Vastord.

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!!!! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

The character of Ichigo is obviously a more violent and bloodthirsty type , immediately raised the newly grown right hand, used some ability to suck the moonslash back, and waved wildly at a speed that naked eyes could hardly tell.

Because of the skyrocketing spiritual pressure, every sword he swung carries a terrifying wind pressure, even enough to completely split the surrounding rocks and ground.

"Kill me? Sorry! It seems a little difficult to do this in your current state."

Alan kept using his own high-speed movement mode, Ichigo Kurosaki is playing around in circles.

Regardless of whether the opponent is using the virtual ability or the moonslash ability, they cannot touch even a piece of clothing.

To be honest, excluding the protagonist's halo, Kurosaki Ichigo's ability is actually not very good.

At least at this stage, Alan can't feel the slightest threat and pressure, so the battle process looks like an adult playing with a child.

Perhaps, the only thing worthy of praise is the amazing transformation efficiency produced by the fusion of the three powers of Death God, Void, and Quincy.

This is also the reason why he can learn the initial solution and the solution in just a few days, and can always break out the spiritual pressure of surpassing the opponent at a critical moment.

As the battle between the two became more and more intense, Kurosaki Ichigo's blur became deeper and more complete.

The head is completely covered by the black horn mask, and the original rough steel skin has also become a tight-fitting uniform that is white on the outside and black on the inside.

Obviously, this is the strongest posture he can show at the moment.

Although they are not as good as the Peak Death Gods such as Aizen, Ichimaru Gin, Kyōraku Chunsui, Yamamoto's Captain, and Uno Hanaritsu, their strength is enough to make everyone present feel that breaking the Death God and What an astonishing improvement can be achieved after the boundary between the virtual and the virtual.

Noticing that the strength enhancement of Ichigo Kurosaki had stopped, Alan immediately and his skillful movements interrupted the opponent's limbs, and then supplemented it with a tie to firmly nail him to the ground. On the ground, he turned around and asked with interest: "How, Captain Aizen, are you still satisfied with his potential?"

"Satisfied! Of course satisfied! How can you be dissatisfied! The unintentionally planted seeds have grown to this level unconsciously. It seems that my theory is correct. When the boundary between Death God and the virtual is broken, its power will increase exponentially. A treasure that can make the soul evolve infinitely."

When speaking of this remark, Aizen's eyes flashed with excited rays of light, and even to the Chief Captain, Yamamoto Motoyanagi, who had already arrived, And several other Captains turned a blind eye.

"Yes, then can I let go of my hands and feet to make a scene?"

Alan's hand rested lightly on the handle of his Zanpakutō. , instantly locked the old fogey that was exuding amazing fire and heat all over his body.

If among all the Death God Captains in the entire Gotei Thirteen Team, who is the one he wants to kill the most, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni undoubtedly ranks first on the list.

As for the second place, it is naturally Aizen Soyousuke himself.

But Aizen didn't seem to realize this, and still maintained a posture of controlling everything, touched the chin replied: "Although this is slightly different from my plan, it doesn't matter. Go do what you want. If you can kill or seriously injure some Captains, it seems like a good choice."

"Sinner Aizen! Is this all your conspiracy?" Captain asked sharply, staring into terrifying eyes.

"Sinner? With your age and experience, don't you know that only losers become sinners?" Aizen took off the eyes that had been on her nose, and the corners of her mouth appeared slightly raised A contemptuous smile.

"Don't move! Otherwise, I promise you will die miserably!"

Shobee suddenly appeared behind him, and aimed the Zanpakutō that had already begun to resolve. His fragile neck.

But just a second later...

Aizen, who was standing on the spot, was suddenly disappeared, and then the current Captain of the second team spurted a lot of blood from his chest. , fell head down on the ground.

Seeing that another unlucky guy was overturned by Illusion's perfect hypnotic ability, Alan raised his foot fiercely and stepped the struggling head of Ichigo Kurosaki into the dirt, then teased with a smile: " You don't even know where Aizen Captain is, and you dare to threaten a cloud of air? You really have the courage."

"Don't be so harsh. After all, they don't know yet. Illusion is a true ability, so it's not surprising to make some reckless actions."

Aizen shook off the blood stained on the blade, raised her hand to condense the spirit, and pushed all her hair back. , put out the most classic BOSS shape in advance.

"Aizen! What the hell did you do?" Sifengyuan Ye Yi narrowed his eyes and asked.

Aizen replied nonchalantly: "What did you do? No! I didn't do anything, just slashed at Captain Broken Bee. You know? In my eyes, you all person There are many weak spots. If I want, I can completely subvert the entire Soul Society today. But that would be too boring, so I decided to give you another chance to challenge me.”

tone barely fell !

Kyoraku Chunsui and Ukitake Shiruro unanimously performed flash step, appearing on the left and right sides of Aizen at a lightning-fast speed, and attacked with the Zanpakutō in their hands.

Clang! clang!

After two crisp sounds, they were surprised to find that they were not attacking Aizen at all, but each other.

"This...what's going on?" Shiro Ukitake's eyes widened in shock.

"It's Zanpakutō! Aizen's illusion ability is probably a bit different from what he described!"

Kingle Chunshui immediately stopped the movement in his hand, and quickly stepped back and pulled away. Safe distance.

With a delicate mind and an observant, he has realized that the Zanpakutō, which looks inconspicuous, may have a terrifying power that is enough to make the entire Soul Society tremble.

"Hehe, as expected of the Kyōraku Captain, he realized the true power of illusion so quickly. That's right! My Zanpakutō's true power is not about creating illusions, but completely hypnotizing. .Everything you see, hear, and feel is no longer real, but an illusion controlled by me. It's like this..."

As the last one blurted out, Aizen In front of everyone's air, he stabbed a sword lightly.

Before the others could react to what happened, Jingle Chunshui's abdomen was instantly pierced by the sharp blade that appeared out of thin air, and blood flowed out from the wound.

As a subconscious first reaction, the Captain's proud Disciple immediately backhanded it.

It's a pity that it wasn't Aizen that struck this blow, but the second Captain of the 12th Division, Nie Mayuri.


The latter reacted faster and retreated in time to avoid being cut off in the middle. It was just a not-so-deep wound on the chest.

Such a bizarre and terrifying scene not only made the Gotei 13 team feel numb, but even the gold medal undercover Ichimaru Gin felt a chill in the heart.

The current Aizen is like the god of aloof and remote, unscrupulously ruling the entire battlefield.

Under the perfect hypnotic ability of Illusion, quantity is no longer an advantage, but a downright disadvantage.

Because no one knows whether he is dealing with Aizen himself, or someone who is disguised as Aizen by illusion.

Only Alan, who has developed "spiritual eyes", and Sakura and Kurosaki Ichigo, who have not seen the beginning of the illusion, can be temporarily unaffected.

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