Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 909

bang! bang! bang! bang!

With the sound of heavy footsteps, Asura Horned Beetle, the deepest demon in the deepest part of the house of evolution, was finally released.

The height of more than 3.5 meters, and the thick thighs and arms that are many times stronger than the ordinary person, just standing there will give people an invisible pressure.

Although it looks like a large beetle with a human face on the outside, its internal structure has reached an almost "perfect" level under the manual intervention of scientists.

At least in the eyes of Kenos Academician, this is the most perfect "work" he has produced.

Of course, what's even more terrifying is that at the moment when this guy was released, he tore the clone and the two weirdos who came to open the door directly to pieces, and also stepped on their blood and internal organs, A terrifying footprint with one was formed on the ground.




Unscrupulously venting the desire for violence and killing in the heart!

Asura Horned Beetle has all the flaws and faults that most geeks should have, even better than the other geeks in the House of Evolution.

Because he knows that he is the strongest here.

A hundred times stronger than the other subjects combined.

And this power makes Asura Horned Beetle supercilious.

Because he knows that no matter what he does, there is no need to pay the price, and no one can make him pay the price, even Kenos Academician as the creator.

In a fearless mood, he slowly walked out of the secret room specially used to imprison him, and it didn't take long before he saw Mosquito tearing through the metal door in the passage.


The two weirdos stopped all movements in their hands and stared at each other with very wary eyes.

To be precise, they all felt a strong threat from each other, so they all entered a state of war.

"Who are you? A new experimental subject from the Academician of Kinos?" Asura Horned Beetle squinted and probed.


Under the powerful Illusion Technique, Mosquito, whose life has entered the final countdown, has no reason at all , just repeating in his mouth what Alan had forced into his brain.

Before the other party could react to what was going on, she instantly disappeared in place.

Next second...


Mosquito's razor-sharp upper body collided with the single horn above Asura Horned Beetle's head, sending out dazzling golden sparks.

Obviously, the hardness of this horn is stronger than the alloy gate that was used to defend against foreign invasions.

"Cut! It turned out to be a failure."

Asura Horned Beetle slammed her feet and pushed her sideways, her eyes full of intense fear.

You must know that if his movements just slowed down a little bit, then it wasn't the hard single horn that was cut, but the neck and head without any carapace protection.


Mosquito, who failed in one blow, seemed to be activated by something in his body, and his eyes were full of commands. The bloodshot of the person shuddered, and at the same time, the ribs of the chest were also cracked one by one under the action of the medicine, and they grew at an unbelievable speed, and finally turned into an extremely sharp hollow blade.

The price of this, of course, is that its delicate internal organs are completely exposed to the air.

In simple terms, it is to abandon defense to increase the attack power to the highest level.

It is foreseeable that once they are successfully grappled by these blades, they will be instantly drained of all the blood from the whole body.

"Damn it! What the hell did this bastard Genos make?"

Asura Horned Beetle's expression changed slightly, and he didn't dare to be a little bit more arrogant.

Because he understands that with the gap between the carapace on his body, if he is accidentally inserted by a sharp blade, he will not die also seriously injured.

Similarly, he also realized why Kenos Academician suddenly released himself.

It's not the other party's conscience finding out, but a big trouble in the base that only you can solve.

"Asura Mode!"

Without any hesitation!

The strongest monster in this evolutionary house directly activated his exclusive ability, his body size instantly expanded from 3.5 meters to 8.5 meters, and a special hormone was secreted from the whole body to allow cells to enter overloaded operation state.

As one of the very few weirdos who is sensitive to breath, he can clearly perceive the strength of the enemy, knowing that he can only fight against Mosquito in front of him after turning on the Asura mode.

After the mode was loaded, Asura Horned Beetle lost all sanity in an instant, leaving only anger and tyrannical emotions flooding her brain.

“Ahhh Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!”

With a wild beast roar, it only took him 0.1 seconds to accelerate, boom The sound was like a cannonball hitting Mosquito ahead.

On the basis of this terrifying matchless imposing manner, once you are poked by the thing on the head that has changed into a sharp thorn, even if it is not squeezed into a patty by the impact force of terrifying, you will be stabbed on the spot. Tear in half.

No doubt about it!

The ultimate weapon of the House of Evolution, the Asura Horned Beetle is definitely worthy of the Hero Association's third tier, the Dragon-level Disaster.

If it is released, it only takes a few hours of work to raze several surrounding cities to the ground, and more than half of the S-Rank heroes have no way to take him.

Unfortunately, what he encountered this time was Mosquito, who was injected with medicine and also evolved into a dragon-level.

When the latter raised his speed to the limit, he directly avoided the blow sideways with no difficulty, but most of the wings behind him were scraped off by the horns.

Not only that!

Mosquito also used the splayed blade in his chest to slash several slits in Asura Horned Beetle's side, and frantically sucked blood from the opponent's body.

It took less than two or three seconds for the blood to enter her body, and she also showed the exact same purple and green pattern on the surface of her skin, and at the same time, the whole person became the same angry and crazy.

"Destruction! Destruction! Destruction! Destruction!"

tone barely fell!

The female eccentric slammed her mouth open and sprayed countless irritating goo that ripped the metal plates and corroded potholes of reinforced concrete in the surrounding corridors.

You don't need to ask to know that by absorbing Asura Horned Beetle's blood just now, she has acquired certain powers and characteristics of the other party.

After a round of confrontation, the two fearless lunatics turned on their fire again, colliding again and again in this small space, trying their best to kill each other.


"Unbelievable! Mosquito can match spare no effort Asura Horned Beetle!"

One in the lab The clone stared at the fierce fighting scene on the electronic screen, and couldn't help exclaiming and admiring.

"no! It's not evenly matched! Look! Mosquito is taking the blood of Asura Horned Beetle in battle to strengthen herself. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before she surpasses the latter." Another clone added excitedly.

"Look! Mosquito is hurt! She's bleeding! We should send someone to collect some blood right away to see what's going on inside her."

" Asshole! Are you crazy? Collect blood samples where these two monsters fight? How many lives are not enough to die!"

"For our great research! more how, we can let the beastmaster, earth dragon and armored gorilla go. With their strength, it should not be so easy to kill."

"Agreed! Anyway, with new experimental subjects, these failed The works have lost their research value.”

In just a few sentences, the clones of Kenos Academician made a decision.

As for himself, he was concentrating on observing the changes inside the dragon egg after implanting human genes through instruments, and he didn't notice that his base had been infiltrated into a sieve.

Right now, Assassination Master Sharna is standing beside Kenos Academician, staring at the huge dragon egg that has swelled to over one meter five on the experimental bench, and asks in a suspicious tone: " Lord Alan, why do human beings so eager to evolve?"

"On this question, I can only tell you that the more things that humans cannot get, the more eager and turbulent they are in their hearts. It is with all kinds of strong desires that we can move forward continuously. Of course, in the process of exploring and seeking knowledge, we will inevitably step on some traps or go astray. Take the home of evolution In other words, although their actions are wrong, their ideas are not wrong. In this dangerous world where human beings can mutate into monsters or heroes at any time, the sooner we can figure out why, the sooner we can usher in a new era. "

Alan explained, pressing his palms on the scales on the surface of the dragon egg, feeling the life that was being conceived inside.

With the powerful ability of Aizen's "illusion" to completely hypnotize, any so-called heavily fortified place is as simple as entering and leaving his own backyard.

Especially after being strengthened by Bengyu, this kind of hypnosis does not even require the other party to watch the beginning of Zanpakutō, and can be easily done with just one look.

Not one of the dozen clones in the entire laboratory noticed the abnormality, even though the intrusion alarm kept flashing red light and making a piercing sound.

Because of what they saw, heard, and came into contact with, everything was normal in the lab.

No wonder Aizen finally had the idea to replace the Spirit King as the aloof and remote god.

No matter who it is, living for hundreds of years in such a situation where I can control other people's thoughts and behaviors at any time will also unconsciously generate the idea that I am higher level than others of the same kind around me.


Alan is no longer a lonely traveler, and has not only Sakura, the lovely "daughter", but also the guardian of the Knight, the King of the Fur.

In addition to the many Guardians of the city in the sky, Eleontiyu, he will never choose the road that Aizen has traveled.

Sharna's nodded: "so that's how it is! That's why you would rather choose to exchange resources, technology and knowledge with scientists in this world. You want to see , with their own ingenuity, what kind of change can they bring about."

"Forget it. As a human being, I will never underestimate the development potential and creativity of human beings, and I firmly believe that no matter what it is In such a world, only need to give those geniuses a chance, and they will inevitably bloom with the brightest radiance. Take the Kenos Academician in front of him, just his invention of the kind of technology to recover one's youthful vigor is enough Drive the entire world into madness. Know that longevity and immortality have always been an irresistible temptation for the short-lived species of humans.”

When Alan said this remark, face The armored orangutan covered in blood finally ran in from the outside, his whole body was covered with eye-catching blood, the hand holding the test tube kept shaking, gasping for breath and said: "This... This is the Mosquito collected. Blood. The Beastmaster...the Beastmaster and the Earth Dragon are dead."

"Have the blood? Well done!"

Kinos Academician snatched it from the opponent's hands After passing the test tube, both eyes flashed with frightening frenzy, and immediately took out a small part and began to test.

The clones also got busy, trying to figure out the reason for Mosquito's sudden surge in power as quickly as possible.

As for the life of the lion and the gopher, they don't care.

Seeing this scene, the armored orangutan immediately showed a helpless expression. Alone leaned against the wall and sat in the corner, silently watching the fierce fighting on the electronic screen.

You don't need to ask to know, he's already used to this kind of situation.

After all, Kenos Academician is a "ruthless" who doesn't even care about himself and clones, so how could he care about his failed work.

Scientists who enter the working state are definitely the most dedicated group in this world.

It didn't take long for the clones to detect the active ingredient contained in the potion from Mosquito's blood samples, and extracted it to create a new potion that glowed red.

"Success! We succeeded! It's so exciting! It turns out that there is such an interesting and incredible thing in this world, which can force cells throughout the body to exceed their own limits by fifty times. State work, and let genes evolve infinitely. Quick! Prepare the instrument! I'm going to inject this into a new research project."

Kinos Academician danced with excitement.

If he didn't need to collect data, he would want to give himself a shot directly and try the wonderful feeling of unlimited evolution.

"" The clone's mouth opened wide in surprise.

"Bullshit! I have a hunch that this will definitely be the most outstanding work the House of Evolution has ever done."

The mad Kenos Academician simply ignores what exists in it A huge security risk forced two clone assistants to complete the preparations.

At the same time, in the big screen, after a fierce battle, Mosquito finally managed to grab Asura Horned Beetle with the advantage of speed, and drained all the blood from the opponent's body. It swelled to an astonishing ten meters, was destroying defense facilities along the way, and rushed towards the direction of the laboratory.

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