Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 912

wū wū wū wū ...


With the loud noise of the incineration cannon charging, Zeno's entire dark green arm was illuminated by bright flames , showing almost the same appearance as the burning Legion magic cannon.

Although it hasn't launched yet, he can feel the fuel in the arm's launch tube, which has heated up to an astonishing 3,500 degrees Celsius.

As long as you aim at the target, you can spray hot flames in minutes.

Whether it is rock or steel, it will melt into a flowing liquid in an instant.

There is no doubt that thanks to the alloy's superior high temperature resistance, the new incinerator is at least several times higher than the previous formidable power.

And at such a high temperature, the metal wrapped on the outside showed no signs of softening, and it was still as hard as before.

"Unbelievable! Academician, you're amazing to be able to make such a high temperature alloy." Zeno Si couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

"Hehe, it's not me, but the organization that provides these wonderful metals. Although they ask for some cutting-edge technology in exchange, it makes me a little bit worried." Cusno Academician explained with a smile.

As an authoritative expert on cyborg transformation, he doesn't mind sharing technology, knowledge and experience, but only worries that these things are applied in bad places.

After all, there have been problems with reformed people before, resulting in the destruction of the city and the death of a large number of innocent people.

"What is the origin of this organization? What is the purpose of their collection of technology to transform people?" Zenos stopped the operation of the incinerator, and lifts the head asked curiously.

Because he is a victim of the reformed man's rampage, he is more concerned about these things than others.

Kusno Academician hesitated for a moment, then touched the chin and replied: "It's not just about human-transforming technology. As far as I know, he has recently been with many of the top scientists in the world. Cooperation, and the exchange of things is not limited to metal, but also some new technologies that have never appeared. If you encounter it in action in the future, remember to help me pay more attention."

"Understood! I Will pay more attention."

Zenos hurriedly nodded and started the next test.

He can't wait to use his new body to test his limits by taking on the bald Great Demon King.


On the other side, near the residence of the rich man Zenir, Sonic the speed of sound has already encountered Taoyuan Group head-on.

In just one face-to-face, these rogues who rely on battle suits to gain their powerful strength were slaughtered by the former's naked eye, which was almost indistinguishable, and slaughtered like a melon and vegetable.

This is not a fight at all!

It was a complete one-sided slaughter!

Almost all of the deceased suffered cuts and punctures in their necks and heads.

Because that's the only place on their body that isn't covered and protected by their combat suits.

Only the hammer head noticed something in advance, and resolutely raised his arms to block his ears, avoiding the end of being headed by a knife.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to use the amazing power given by the battle suit to smash the ground, create a small earthquake centered on himself, and repel the terrifying enemy with large-area splash damage.

"What is this doing? Scare people? You shouldn't be able to see my movements, right?" Sonic squatted on the treetop and raised his mouth slightly, mockingly.

From the happy expression on his face, it is not difficult to see that he really enjoys the feeling of playing with his prey in the palm of his hand with speed.

"I found you!"

The hammerhead is obviously not an idiot. He quickly confirmed the opponent's position through his voice. He grabbed a big rock and threw it fiercely. .

Compared to the sluggish reactions of his younger brothers, he obviously has quite a wealth of combat experience and understands how to make good use of his strengths.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

With deafening loud noises and vibrations, boulders fell from the sky one after another, forcing Sonic Sonic into a passive state. Dodge with your own speed.

Alan, who was standing in the woods not far away, saw this scene and immediately touched the chin and commented: "This kind of battle suit doesn't seem to be as tasteless as I imagined, but there is still something to be desired. What do you think?"

"In terms of strength enhancement alone, it is comparable to large construction machinery, not only can easily lift several tons of stones, but also throw two Three hundred meter away. Most importantly, it also has a certain physical defense effect, which can greatly improve the defensive power of the ordinary person class. It is indeed a very good invention. Unfortunately, it is far less than dragon for us. Egg transformation technology, cheap and effective from the king of biceps." Sakura analyzed from a relatively objective point of view.

"Then bring back a few pieces as research materials and technical reserves. After all, we don't need it, it doesn't mean that others don't need it either." Alan quickly gave orders to the Guardian director behind him.


Edna Bevan bent down and bowed deeply, then raised her hand and snapped her fingers.


Two shadows swept across the battlefield at a very fast speed, and sent all the headless corpses of the members of the Taoyuan Group back to Eleun Tiyu above the great vortex of the endless sea of Azeroth.

After finishing all this, Sakura stroked the long light purple hair hanging down from her ears, and asked meaningfully: "Are you sure that mysterious organization will risk being arrested for these battle suits? The danger of our pursuit?"

"Maybe, but there's no harm in trying, isn't it?" Alan spread his hands with a smile.

After all, the swift and powerful counterattack some time ago almost raised the bottom of Fang Family.

He also doesn't know whether this organization will recover battle suits and data like the original plot.

"Okay, you're right. I want to see who has the guts to even grab our stuff." Sakura's eyes flashed with icy white cold light.

Just as the two were talking, the battle between Mace and Sonic came to an end.

Without any surprise, Sonic, who had a crushing advantage in speed, easily won the final victory.

However, the hammer head, with its skull thickness several times that of the ordinary person, forcibly blocked the deadly attack of Kunai, and fell to the ground to pretend to be dead, while the other party called to report the situation to the employer, Sa Yazi rushed Into the woods, the peach blossoms.

When Sonic came back to his senses and was about to chase, Alan, who had watched the play for a long time, finally slowly walked out of the woods, with a black mask on his face at some point, and took the initiative. He raised his hand and greeted: "Yo! Good morning. You are the village of ninjas, the only survivor of the forty-fourth issue of the end, Sonic the speed of sound, right?"

"who you are?"

Sonic subconsciously frowned, a wary expression on his face.

"Me? I'm also a ninja, so I came here to learn ninjutsu with you."

After that, Alan completed the knot seal with both hands at a very fast speed.

Although he could skip this step entirely.

"Shadow Clone!"

Bang! boom!

Two identical Shadow Clone instantly appeared on the left and right sides, about ten meters away from the main body.

This scene instantly made Sonic, who is a ninja, wide-eyed, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

After all, in the ninja training he received, there was no chakra energy, let alone the supernatural power of myriad.

Alan, who originally came with the mentality of engaging others, pretended to be mysterious and said: "From your face, I see shock, confusion and confusion. Obviously, you have not come into contact with the real Ninjutsu."

"Real Ninjutsu?!" Sonic subconsciously repeated this sentence.

"That's right! The real ninjutsu! It's really sad, as a ninja, I don't even have a mastery of ninjutsu. Now, let me, the senior, teach you a lesson. Look at it, This is the attitude that a ninja should have. Si-wei-shen-hai-wu-yin, fire escape-ho Fireball technique!"


accompanied by a loud noise With a bang, a massive Fireball, the size of an entire stadium, spewed straight out of Alan's mouth.

This is the result of suppressing the transmission of life energy to a minimum.

Otherwise, even the lowest C-rank ninjutsu, which he displays, is enough to easily destroy a city.

"What... are you kidding me! This is ninjutsu?!"

Sonic jumped deep into the treetops next to him, his face full of disbelief .

"Of course it's ninjutsu! Water escape - the technique of water dragon bullets!"

The other Shadow Clone's hands flew up and down at a speed that naked eyes couldn't tell, in a few seconds Forty-four knots were completed within the clock.

The next second...

A water dragon that is comparable to a big river rises into the air and rushes up ahead.


In the roar of the water, hundreds of trees were pulled up by the roots on the spot, and everything along the way was forcibly washed away.

Although Sonic once again dodged with speed, before he could catch his breath, a piercing screeching sound made the hairs all over his body stand up again.

I saw a dazzling white electric light flashing on the second Shadow Clone's hand, and the whole person launched a spurt at an extremely fast speed.

"Thunderbolt - Chidori!"

"Not good!"

Sonic, realizing that it was too late to dodge, immediately raised his The knife, with all his strength, fiercely chopped up.



This long knife made of special alloy was cut off by Chidori in the middle of the line, and the first half of the blade flew out in a spin and inserted into the trunk of a big tree.

And he himself stood there, not daring to move.

Because the terrifying lightning at the end of the chidori is only less than a millimeter away from the neck, the skin can even feel the tingling pain, just a little bit forward, the fragile throat will be cut open.

"hmph! The current ninja village is really inferior to one generation, and the ninjas taught will not even the most basic ninjutsu."

Alan pretends to be frigid irony and scorching satire One sentence, and then released the two Shadow Clone, posing a distressed look.

"Who are you? And...what is the real ninjutsu?" Sonic asked, rubbing his neck with lingering fears.

Through a short fight, he has basically confirmed that this guy who suddenly appeared in front of him calling himself "Ninja senior", if he really wanted to kill himself, he would have died long ago.

The amazing "Ninjutsu" that released the destructive power just now was closer to a show than a fight.

"This is not the place to talk. If you want to know the truth, come with me."

After saying this, Alan turned into an afterimage, Non-stop display of Teleportation Technique through the dense woods.

And Sonic followed along without the slightest hesitation.

Soon, he realized that the speed he was proud of, he could only barely keep up with the pace of the other party, let alone pull in the distance, and he had to do his best to keep from being thrown off. .

The two raced one after the other for about ten minutes before finally stopping at a sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces on the outskirts of the city.

At this moment, Sonic was exhausted to the point of collapse, and he was panting heavily while leaning on the trunk.

The intense extreme exercise made his lungs feel as uncomfortable as they were on fire, and the tight clothes he wore were completely soaked with sweat.

But in order to understand the so-called "real ninjutsu", this little physical pain is nothing at all.

Looking at the stubbornness revealed in the eyes of the other party, Alan satisfied nodded: "Not bad! It seems that you have the corresponding consciousness and are qualified to carry out the real ninja cultivation."


"Would you like to teach me?" Sonic probed in an uncertain tone.

In his cognition, real ninjutsu with amazing formidable power must be the biggest secret of a ninja village, and it should not be taught to outsiders at all.

"Of course! But the premise is that you join the Shinobi village I belong to, and unconditionally obey every order given by the village. How, can you accept this condition?" Alan asked meaningfully.

"No problem!"

Sonic agreed without hesitation.

Because of the Shinobi village he belongs to, he was slaughtered by Flash, an S-Rank hero, and he is the only survivor.

So joining other Shinobi villages is not a major event for him at all.

As for obedience to orders, in his opinion, it is also a matter of rights.

After all, you have to pay some price to learn the ability of others' trump card.

It's as if Shinobu had cultivated himself at the beginning, and he had to make money by killing people to repay after graduation.

Sonic received this kind of education since he was a child, and he didn't think there was any problem.

To be precise, he has been following the philosophy that Shinobi has instilled in himself over the years.

As long as you accept someone else's employment, you will definitely solve the trouble for the employer.

This was perfectly reflected when they slaughtered Taoyuan Group just now.

There is no concept of good and evil, just simply complete the work.

Alan, who has been in Naruto World, naturally impossible doesn't know this, and immediately nods slightly: "Very good! From today, you are my subordinate and Disciple. Before starting cultivation, I want to tell you about the history of the ninja world and the responsibilities of the ninja profession..."

In the next hour or so, Alan told the story of Naruto that he had tampered with beyond recognition. A brain instilled into Sonic, and the latter was completely flickered and lame.

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