Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 915

The next day, in the Conference Hall of the Hero Association headquarters in City A, a large number of high-level managers were gathered to discuss the operation of the entire organization.

"Then, according to the results of the discussion, the undocumented Knight will continue to maintain the No. 1 position in the C-Class."

"Okay, I will arrange to contact him immediately."

"Really, why is he unwilling to rise to B rank."

"It would be great if all the heroes could obey the order like a trainer."

"Yeah! I heard that the council is considering letting him replace silver fangs and atomic warriors and directly rise to the third position. silver fangs himself has agreed, but the atomic warriors are still there. There are some small problems that have not been resolved."

"This moonlight is the animal trainer himself, and he has brought about 15 billion donations and sponsorships to the association. Apart from this, the sales of peripheral products also benefit. It has reached an astonishing 1.254 billion, and the number of fan support clubs has broken through 80 million. It is simply the most expert hero that deserves it. Even the smiling mask of the A-level Ranked 1st cannot be compared with it. I dare not. I believe that he has only debuted for about two months."

"He has strength, looks, and popularity, and every time he makes a move, he will quickly remove the threat and minimize the damage. I think this is why The reason why the council wants to make him the brand of the association."

"no! I think it has something to do with the two S-Rank heroes of Ice Demon and Saintess recommended by the trainer himself. Especially The latter has now become the spiritual belief and sustenance of the people. Everyday all helps those who are injured and sick all over the world to heal. Whether they are politicians or wealthy businessmen, they all long for a chance from her to be resurrected after death. After all This world is so dangerous, no one knows what will happen in the next second."

"It makes sense. Do you feel that, most recently, the frequency and danger of various disasters are different In the rapid rise, there may be a major crisis that will lead to the destruction of human beings."

"So the association is preparing for a possible bigger crisis?"

"cough cough cough! Please keep quiet! We move on to the next topic."

"The fifty-fifth hero assessment test, the total number of participants this time is..."

"A total of 11,684 people in the six examination rooms, an increase of 22% over the previous session."

"Oh? Has it improved again?"

"It's not too early to be happy! No matter how many participants there are, but the hero's aptitude is not enough, it doesn't mean anything in the end. So we have to be extra strict in the testing session. Also, I heard that there is a Special talents also participated in this test?"

"Yes! Although not confirmed, the probability is high. It is said that the animal trainer himself showed considerable interest in this, and he personally appeared at the sixth special venue. "

"What? The trainer also appeared? It seems that this youngster called Zeno is getting a lot of attention. "

"Of course! The person behind Zenos is Kusno Academician, a top scientist in transforming people. "


There is no doubt that compared to the bald Great Demon King Saitama, who has always been in the blind spot of the Hero Association, Zeno is often active in fighting criminals and weirdos all over the world. Si, has long been included in the scope of observation.

After all, his battle method is too fancy, often accompanied by violent explosions and burning.

After a battle, nearby A few streets will be completely turned into ruins, and it is difficult for the government and the Hero Association to not notice.

But what about poor Saitama?

Because his fights are basically one punch There is no process or duration for an instant kill.

When the Hero Association reacted and went to investigate the specific situation, everyone had left for an unknown time, and even the disaster level was too late to confirm, so the merits Inevitably, they will all be blamed on others.

But for those who understand the Hero Association rating system, the so-called rankings are actually a joke and have no direct relationship with strength.


It refers to many comprehensive factors such as record, social influence, and the disaster level of defeating monsters.

even more how, the reason why Alan appeared in the sixth special venue is not at all. Not for Zeno Si, but to see how blind the people of the Hero Association are, to be able to ignore the bald Great Demon King's explosive physical fitness.

"This is the one you've been paying attention to. people? ”

Banggu Old Master stared at the bald head in the stadium who was repeatedly jumping at supersonic speed, creating at least twenty afterimages, his tone was full of undisguised surprise.

As a martial arts festival leader, he naturally doesn't know what this speed means.

Even the staff in charge of counting are stunned and don't know how to record.

Because the speed is too fast, the naked eye alone cannot observe how many times the bald Great Demon King has repeatedly jumped horizontally within 30 seconds. Just fill in a number.

Alan saw this scene and immediately understood why Saitama was finally defined as a C-level hero.

It's not that this guy is not acting hard enough, but The performance is too hard, and the result exceeds the upper limit of the statistical capabilities of the instruments and staff.

In the end, only a subjective estimate can be made, which is almost millions miles apart from the real situation.

Thinking of this, he immediately chuckled and nodded: "Yeah! Incredible, right? A person who has obviously not undergone any systematic training and also has no fighting skills, actually has a body like a god. Tell me, for someone like him, do you think martial arts can still work? "

"Well, I think I see what you mean." Skill is always relative, but power is absolute. With the speed, strength and explosiveness he showed, there was really no need to learn martial arts. "Banggu was slightly sighed.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Once upon a time, he was also full of confidence in his own strength.

He believes that no matter what happens Even the most powerful enemy can be defeated with thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

But after seeing the god-like bodies of Alan and the bald Great Demon King , finally realized that his so-called "powerful" is only at the level of "mortal".

But the first two have exceeded the limit of "mortal" and entered the level of "god". Domain.

"You're right! Although skills can compensate for the gap in strength to some extent, there is a limit to this compensation, so it is also called soft power or elastic power. In contrast, hard power, such as strength, speed, reflexes, and explosiveness, is the true measure of a person's strength. To be honest, I'm not very satisfied with how the Hero Association currently works. Because essentially, the management does not realize that strength is the measure of a hero, and it is still full of all kinds of boring bureaucracy and formalism. ”

When talking about this remark, Alan did not hide his dissatisfaction and irony with the Hero Association at all.

Although he has already used the convenience provided by the other party to earn money in this world A lot of wealth.

Similarly, because of the excessive bureaucracy, when BLUE, the son of the S-Rank Ranked 1st hero Blasting, stood up to establish "NEOHEROS", there were immediately a large number of S- Rank heroes choose to change jobs.

After all, heroes who are a little bit idealistic and aim to pursue greater personal strength will not like to deal with a group of politicians and bureaucrats who only hide behind and give orders.


Especially in order to attract more sponsorship and donations, these people do everything they can, and even force the heroes to do something against their will.

In this regard , the most popular Alan can be said to feel the same way.

It's just that he doesn't need to compromise like others, either create two Shadow Clone casually to deal with the past, or directly throw an Illusion Technique to deal with each other.

Banggu immediately showed a helpless expression when he heard this remark: "The questions you mentioned were raised a long time ago. But the problem is that the operation of the Hero Association itself requires a lot of financial support, otherwise the heroes can't even guarantee the most basic life, how can they feel at ease to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations. "

"So, do you also support reform? "Alan's face shows a meaningful expression.

"Reform? forget it. An old fogey like me, who is about to retire, doesn't want to get involved in this troublesome thing anymore. But if you want to drive change, it's best to be careful. Because there are many people in the association who are the beneficiaries of the current system, they will not allow you to change the rules easily. "Banggu reminded, touching his beard.

"Don't worry, I will find a suitable time in the future to change all this. For now, let's keep it as it is. "

After saying that, Alan turned around and left the sixth special venue without looking back.

Seeing his receding back, Banggu couldn't help but sighed slightly and sighed softly. Said: "The current Hero Association is really troubled, it seems that the next troubles will definitely be inevitable, and I have to prepare a little bit. "


About ten minutes later, in the locker room of the venue, Saitama and his elder disciple Zeno were staring at the notice enclosed in the envelope with anticipation.

Especially the half-leaked arc mark, which looks very much like a capital S from a distance.

"It's really a teacher! Sure enough, it was higher than my A rank, and it went straight to S-Rank. "Zenos congratulated excitedly from the side.

Because there is no story of the evolutionary house, he did not directly become the last place in the S-Rank ranking like the original story, but was only It is rated second in A-rank.

And in his eyes, with the power of his teacher that is so powerful that there is no upper limit, becoming an S-Rank hero is simply something as it should be by rights.


Unfortunately, Zeno Si obviously underestimated the bald Great Demon King's bad luck.

When the notice was completely pulled out of the envelope, the curved mark was not an S at all. , but an uppercase C. There is also a lowercase fraction next to it - seventy-one.

In an instant!

Saitama's whole person is petrified, and his face is full of hopelessness Love's expression.

Before he came back to his senses from the blow, he heard a familiar laugh from behind.

"Hahahaha! It's actually a C grade? Your bad luck is still as prosperous as ever. How, do I need to go to Chief-In-Charge to file a complaint and ask them to re-score you? "

Alan walked in slowly from the door, his tone full of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune and ridicule.

No way!

Shaved head The Great Demon King's deflated expression, no matter how you look at it, is so funny that he can't get enough of it.

"Huh? Why are you guys here? "

Saitama's face changed in an instant, and at the same time, he stuffed the notice with C and seventy-one points into his pocket at a very fast speed.

Alan smiled. He explained: "Have you forgotten? I'm an S-Rank Ranked 5th hero animal trainer, so of course I'll take a look at a large-scale event like this to select new recruits. How, do you need me to re-edit the rating for you? In League of Legends, my words still carry a bit of weight. "

"Don't! I don't want to be embarrassed anymore. Saitama shook his head and refused without even thinking about it. "C-level is C-level. Anyway, as long as you work hard, you can always rise little by little in the future." "

"That's right! With the strength of the teacher, becoming an S-Rank hero is simply with no difficulty. ”

Zenos hurriedly stood up and cheered to ease the awkward atmosphere at the scene.

Who made him think that the capital C was an S before, and ended up making such a scene What a joke.

"Well, I respect your opinion. In addition, as a senior in this line, I will treat you to a feast today to celebrate your successful entry. "Alan suggested with interest.

"Huh? real? Can anything work? Saitama jumped up from his chair.

You must know that he has not received half a dime for a long time recently, and the wallet full of coins has also dried up at a speed visible to naked eyes. Go on, I'm worrying about eating.

After all, although fresh meat ingredients can be obtained from Azeroth for free, condiments, condiments and vegetables still need to go to the supermarket to buy .

If someone treats you, you can have a big meal, and when the time comes you don't need to eat in a day or two.

I have to say, I am careful In terms of saving money, the bald Great Demon King is a professional.

As a neighbor separated by a wall, Alan certainly doesn't know how bad the other party's current economic situation is, and immediately didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Nod: "That's right! Whether it is the highest restaurant, or a 5-Star level hotel meal, you can choose whatever you want. I have a million budget for this meal. "

"One...a million?" a meal? ! "

"Poor Ghost" Saitama opened his mouth in surprise, and was deeply shocked by the huge gap between the rich and the poor.

You must know that when he is most extravagant, he is just going to the roadside I ate two bowls of pork bone noodle soup with extra eggs, fried dumplings and pork chops in one go.

"Isn't it normal for a million to eat a big meal? You must know that many high-level ingredients are very expensive, plus the appearance fee of Peak chef, if the budget is too low..."

Before Alan finished speaking, the speaker above his head The instrument rang suddenly.

"ding dong! Mr. Saitama, Mr. Zeno, there will be a briefing session for qualified applicants at 16 o'clock, please move to the third lecture hall immediately. "

"hmph! Boring formalism. Anyway, I'll wait for you outside and talk about the rest later. ”

Alan waved his hand and walked straight out of the locker room.

Obviously, the only qualified candidates in the entire sixth special venue were Saitama and Zeno Si.


As for the rest, they were all eliminated without exception.

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