Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 928

"Ah roar! Alan, are you alright?"

Less than five minutes after the battle with Boros, Saitama squatted on the edge of the pit and shouted down.

However, it is not difficult to see from the plain tone and reaction that he is not worried about the outcome of the battle at all.

This is just the most basic courtesy.

Although under this deep pit with a vertical height of more than 10,000 meters, most people cannot hear the sound from above.

But Alan's hearing and vision are so sharp, and the huge electric field has already been opened, and he immediately caught the bald silhouette, and made a wait gesture directly to Arturia, Then it instantly turned into an electric light and returned to the surface.

Before the Great Demon King could react, he was standing behind him and lightly patted his shoulders.

The next second...

Saitama turned around and threw a terrifying punch.

bang! ! ! ! !

Along with the violent air explosion and strong wind, Alan directly caught this fist with one hand and teased with a smile: "Why, this is how you greet your friends?"

" Please! Don't show up directly behind others next time, it's scary."

After seeing who was behind her, Saitama couldn't help complaining immediately.

You must know that he just felt a trace of danger that he had not seen for a long time, so he decisively punched and attacked. He didn't expect Alan to directly travel through the electric field for instant teleportation.

"You're actually scared? That's really strange enough." Alan couldn't help but complain.

Because so far, he has never seen a bald man afraid of anything, except when he was so poor that he couldn't catch up with the big discounts in the supermarket.

You should know that normal people are more or less afraid of things.

For example, some people are afraid of spiders, some people are afraid of Insect, snakes, reptiles, some people are afraid of large dogs and carnivorous beasts, and some people are afraid of heights, deep seas, small secret rooms and so on.

All of this is in the process of growing up, and the human self-protection mechanism is at work.

Take Alan himself as an example, even if he knew that cockroaches, spiders, flies, moths, and maggots would not cause even the slightest threat and harm to himself, he would still involuntarily have a strong fear, disgust and rejection.

What about bald people?

This guy even dares to grab it with his hands...

Combined with his previous behavior of cooking and eating certain parts of the weirdo's body, Alan has reason to believe that this guy is losing his hair Light was not a normal person before.

"Hey! What are you looking at? No wonder you're thinking of something very rude?"

Saitama's Sixth Sense is undoubtedly very keen, and he noticed it at once There was something wrong with the look Alan stared at himself.

Of course, it is also possible that the two have damaged each other so many times that they have formed a sense of each other.

"Don't think too much about it, I just think you are a bit strange. Whether it's the terrifying strength of unlimited growth, or the inexplicable slack personality." Alan shrugged explained.

"Huh? Am I weird?" the bald man asked, pointing to his nose.

"Aren't you surprised?" Alan asked rhetorically, touching the chin. "You must know that you are a pure human being, your body is not doped with the genes of any other creatures, and you have never systematically learned any martial arts or other superpowers, energy control, and you have achieved everything in this world simply by the power of your body. It's a level that no one can reach."

"Uh--I hear you say that, it seems to make sense. But the problem is, I don't know what's going on." Saitama's face surfaced. A puzzled expression.

"Because I don't know, I have to figure it out. After all, curiosity is one of the most important driving forces for human beings to move from the wild step by step to civilization. How about it, are you interested in coming to my side? ? I promise to give you the best treatment at the highest level, and at the same time do my best to uncover your powerful mysteries." Alan quietly dug into the corner of the Hero Association.

But unfortunately, Saitama's character is too lazy. As long as it is not unbearable, he will not move the place easily. Blunt refused: "Ah! It's not bad in the Hero Association, I don't plan to leave for the time being, because it's too troublesome. Sorry."

"Hehe, you're really not surprising at all. Okay! As you please. But if One day you feel that there is a problem with the Hero Association, and I welcome you to join us at any time."

After that, Alan turned around and turned his attention to the heroes rushing over not far behind: "How about you? Is there anyone out there who wants to break away from the increasingly bureaucratic Hero Association and join me?"

"hmph! What's this? Invitation?"

Dragon Volume both hands crossed near chest, chin slightly raised, still maintaining that proud expression.

Although the battle between Alan and Boros just made her feel the shock from the heart, and at the same time inevitably produced a sense of powerlessness, but the remaining self-esteem did not allow her to show any weakness .

"Otherwise? Believe me, the bureaucratic management method of the Hero Association has been unable to adapt to more and more frequent disasters with more and more destructive power. We must adopt a more reactive approach. A quick and more efficient way to ensure the survival of Earth and humanity. Of course, although I build a team composed entirely of heroes, I will also raise enough funds through certain channels. Most importantly, I can Offer something that the Association of Heroes can't offer, a chance to make everyone stronger again."

When he said this remark, Alan's tone was full of naked and unabashed temptation.

He knew very well that after this battle, S-Rank heroes would definitely be desperate for stronger powers, just like him back then.

Because this is such is human nature!

Anyone with a Heart of Powerhouse will never continue to pretend nothing happened after seeing the enemies of Poros at this level.

"A chance to make everyone stronger again? Don't you mean..."

Talented youngster Tong Di obviously thought of something, and the two eyes immediately began to be out of control of light.

After all, he has served as the think tank within the Hero Association for many years, and knows many inside information that other S-Rank heroes do not know.

Alan nodded lightly: "That's right! You guessed it, it's the devil fruit. Not just the devil fruit, to be exact, there are many other good things that you unheard-of, unprecedented. As long as Join, and this valuable knowledge, experience and power will be open to all members."

"Sure enough! You must have started preparing for this a long time ago?" Tong Di cautiously probed.

"If you're referring to building a new hero group, it's not that long, probably most recently. If you're talking about these power-enhancing things, it goes back a long way. It's been a long time. To be precise, these things were not originally prepared for this new organization. How about you, do you want to join?"

Alan directed at the "Little Zhengtai" who was slightly shorter than himself. "Extended right hand.

Although he knows that even if the other party joins, it is very likely that they will just gather intelligence, or use the resources he has prepared for the new hero organization to strengthen himself, but he doesn't care at all.

Because at the end of the day, he's just a stranger and a traveler who will leave one day.

And this world, after all, must be guarded by the people of this world themselves.

Compared to Saitama, who is not very reliable, Alan is obviously more willing to trust a youngster like Tongdi who is responsible, brainy, powerful, and has infinite possibilities in the future.

Although Baldy has the most unmatched power in this world, for some reason, Alan doesn't have any high expectations for him. .

"Is there a chance to become stronger..." Tong Di's face showed maturity disproportionate to his age, and he quickly extended his right hand. "I'll join!"

"Welcome! Trust me, you won't regret your choice."

Alan squeezed the other's smaller one, but But very strong hands.

There is no doubt that Emperor Tong is not the kind of hero who relies entirely on technology to support his battle strength.

Just the opposite!

His body has been strengthened in various ways to a level that can be considered mid-to-upper even among S-Rank heroes.

Obviously, this is a genius with no shortcomings and dead ends.

With a little training, you can get amazing improvements in no time.

"I'll ask you to take care of me in the future."

Tong Di took out a lollipop from somewhere on his body and licked it, showing a childlike innocent smile again. .

"This sentence shouldn't be said to me, but to her." Alan smiled and pointed to the dumb hair king who had just jumped up from the deep pit behind him.

“en? What does it mean?” Tong Di blinked in confusion.

Alan replied without thinking: "It's very simple! I will not be too involved in the establishment and management of this new organization, but will leave it to Arturia to do it. With her as the team leader, Whether it is in terms of public support or support from the government, it will definitely not be much worse than the current Hero Association. In addition, our new organization will not be like the Hero Association, which is formed by a group of bureaucrats who only know talk big Instead, we make important decisions by voting for ourselves. That is, we don't look at seniority, only ability. Everyone has the opportunity to participate and decide the future direction of the organization."

"Vote... vote?" Metal Baseball's mouth opened wide in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that the other party had worked so hard to establish a new organization that he would be willing to hand over the leadership.

You must know that the voting system itself is destined for anyone to hold the highest authority of the organization for a long time.

If the founder's actions meet everyone's expectations, then it's easy to say.

Even for the sake of making the heroes stronger again, they will not easily drive people down from the top position.

But against the wishes of the majority, a single vote can change the leader of the organization.

It can be said that this structure greatly strengthens the voice of each member, and there will never be a situation where the Hero Association suppresses newcomers and is called by the bureaucracy.

"That's right! The purpose of the new organization is to build a platform where everyone can express their opinions and opinions, a strong shield to help each other and jointly resist threats to Earth and human life. Here , I can solemnly promise you that after the six-month crisis, I will step down as the leader of the organization and hand over power to others."

With Artoliana full of With serious and serious voices, many S-Rank heroes are either excited or lost in thought.

After all, in these days of her debut, King Duma has proven with practical actions how a person with a sense of justice and responsibility, and the number of people she has treated has reached an astonishing six figures. .

The prestige among the commoners is even higher than that of Alan.

Countless disabled, injured, dying and terminally ill patients regard her as the only savior.

And those who felt the warmth of holy light personally worshiped her as an envoy.

Even the arrogant S-Rank heroes have maintained a considerable degree of respect for this "Saintess".

Therefore, when Artoria gave the guarantee in public, no one doubted that she could keep her word.

"Ah—don't care! I'll join too!"

After a series of wild thoughts, Metal Bat also decided to quit the Hero Association.

As a matter of fact, he has long been annoyed by those high-level executives, which can be seen from the bad attitude in the previous meeting.

"Interesting! Count me in."

The flashy Flash became the third S-Rank hero to join.

As the saying goes, the beginning of everything is difficult!

If you want to dig a wall, as long as you dig one of them, then it will become easier.

Looking at the flickering movement in those eyes, Alan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and asked the two people at the front of S-Rank with a smile: "Mister Gu, Tornado, what do you think about it? How is it. You know that according to that prediction, there will be more than one enemy like Boros in the second half of the year."

"I'll let it go. I'm too old, maybe it won't be long before I retire." Bang-gu touched his beard and refused.

"I won't leave the Hero Association, so you should just die." Tornado also gave a negative answer.

Obviously, she's still waiting for Blast's return.

"Yeah, that's a shame. But like I said, the door to a new organization is always open for you. If anyone changes their mind, feel free to contact Artoria. Or Tong Di. Let’s stop here today, I still have a lot of important things to deal with, and if fated will meet again in the future.”

After that, Alan waved to everyone present. waved, and then teleported directly back to Azeroth.

The King of Dumb Mao took a few heroes who had left the association and went straight to the pre-prepared stronghold, intending to put up the new organization as quickly as possible, and then absorb more A-level and B-level hero.

As for the reaction of the top leaders of the association, no one cares at all.

Without strong heroes to back them up, they're just a bureaucracy at best,

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