Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 932

The headquarters of the new hero organization located in the city center of A has basically completed the renovation and decoration at this moment.

This is a multi-purpose building with more than 40 floors, of which the top roof is a large helipad.

There are four multi-purpose helicopters and two jet transport aircraft with vertical take-off and landing functions.

Obviously, these planes were donated by the government and the rich, and then enhanced and refitted by talented youngster Tong Di.

The main function is to carry the heroes to the scene of the incident quickly and minimize the casualties and property losses of civilians caused by the failure to arrive in time.

In fact, this is also a lesson learned from the Heroes Association.

Because they just didn't provide the heroes with special means of transportation, they couldn't respond quickly every time an accident happened, and they often let the heroes find a way to get to the place of the accident by themselves, and the efficiency was so low that People pointed.

apart from this , there are also combat command rooms, weapons and equipment research and development and biochemical laboratories, fitness training rooms, exclusive personal rooms for each hero, entertainment room, bar, restaurant, library inside the building , an infirmary that can perform complex surgeries, and more.

It can be said that Artoria has spent hundreds of billions of dollars just to build this headquarters.

Of course, the effect is immediate.

Looking at the reactions of the heroes who jumped in, they were extremely satisfied with the new organization.

Because compared to the Hero Association, which only knows how to treat people like fools, this place can truly feel like home, and you can trust your back to your companions behind you.

Watching the heroes who have switched jobs, who are adapting to the newly acquired power through training and battles, the Dumb King has a satisfied expression on his face and asks without looking back: "We now have How many people can attack at any time?"

"About forty-five. However, the overall strength of these forty-five people has reached the minimum threshold of S-Rank on the Association's side. Among them, the original S-Rank heroes Metal bats, flashy Flash, and me, all surpassed our past self, not to mention the addition of a ninja expert like Sonic's Sonic. In terms of overall strength, we are already above the Hero Association. . Coupled with the powerful power given by the professional template and devil fruit, it is only a matter of time before the association is fully suppressed. In addition, I will trouble you to go to the infirmary later. Two idiots accidentally injured themselves during training. It's over."

Tong Di licked the lollipop in his hand and reported the situation within the alliance quickly.

It is not difficult to see from the confident smile on his face that he is very satisfied with his original choice.

Not to mention, the knowledge of magic and magic in the library and database is enough to greatly improve the existing equipment and tactics.

In addition to a mage career template with the highest level of 80, he can guarantee that the next time he encounters the Big Three under Boros, he will never be as battled and exhausted as before.

The most important thing is that in this new organization, Emperor Tong sees the cohesion that the Hero Association does not have.

Heroes with different personalities gradually developed a sense of teamwork here, and even formed their own squads.

Build a more reasonable combat configuration through complementary capabilities to ensure that even if you encounter an enemy with stronger individual strength than yourself, you can calmly deal with it or even defeat it.

After experiencing the Boros invasion, they suddenly realized that if the sand is scattered as before, then Earth is likely to be completely destroyed as predicted, so they made changes.

"Injured again? Didn't I say before, let them all pay attention?" Artoria raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

Tong Di's very innocent shrugged arm: "I reminded them, but these guys obviously have absolute confidence in your healing ability, so they start very hard when training and fighting. In addition, you also know, It's almost impossible for a hero with explosive abilities like an undocumented Knight to show mercy in front of an opponent of the same level."

"Okay, I see. What a headache. Guy!" Artoria sighed helplessly.

She knew that the reason why these guys were so fearless and dared to carry out their daily exercise in a completely practical way was because they saw that Paladin could heal all injuries, even the Holy Light Power, which brought the dead back to life. .

Of course, there are quite a few benefits like this, the most obvious being that the heroes' combat abilities are rapidly improving.

There was a ghost-level monster infestation two days ago, and the original B-level hero dispatched by the alliance could easily kill the target with just one blow.

This is not to say that the strength of the two sides is very different, but the latter uses some unusually dangerous but unexpected fighting skills and tactics.

"Actually, this is a good thing for us. After all, we are an organization composed entirely of our own people, so it is more pure, and it is easy for the heroes to have a sense of identity. In contrast, the association's Bian will never know what the heroes really need. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that all the top members of the association who were investigated for corruption and embezzlement last night suddenly went crazy or became An idiot and a vegetative person."

When saying this remark, Tong Di's eyes flashed with a depth and sophistication that was disproportionate to his age.

With his IQ, it is naturally impossible to see the huge doubts in it.

"You mean... the council of the Hero Association is silenced?"

Under Alan's training, Arturia was no longer the fourth time with the Saber from the Fifth Holy Grail War is a little silly, a little stubborn, and a little bit sensible.

Just the opposite!

She has grown a lot unconsciously during her time as monarch of the Kingdom of Rei Estij.

Especially when looking at complex human nature, it's all too clear how crazy those who wield power, wealth, and resources can go when they're cornered.

Things like killing a witness to silence them are so commonplace that they can't be more commonplace.

What really makes the Dumb King care about is not that the people who are under investigation are crazy, but what kind of methods are used by the top of the Hero Association to make these guys crazy.

"Sorry, I can't find any clues yet, I just know that this matter must have something to do with the guys on the council. Be careful, they will probably target us next. If I don't If you guess wrong, the association should put on a gesture of cooperating with each other to protect Earth and Protector, and ask to establish a cooperative relationship with us." Tong Di reminded meaningfully.

"Do you want to stand on the moral high ground and coerce us to cooperate to reverse the attack of public opinion? It's really a despicable and despicable method." Arturia's tone carried a strong irony.

"How are you going to deal with it? You must know that it is not acceptable to refuse directly. It will make us look stingy and selfish." Tong Di asked with great interest.

Through getting along these days, he discovered that the founder of this organization, in addition to being a little greedy, is simply a perfect and without blemish leader.

Because all the virtues that are praised by people, such as justice, self-discipline, courage, integrity, integrity, etc., are reflected in Artoria.

And no matter who it is, as long as it shows the corresponding talent, it will be entrusted with the responsibility immediately.

Tong Di himself is currently the director of the weapon equipment research and development and biochemical laboratory, and also the chief staff officer of the combat command room.

You can even deploy funds in your bank account to some extent.

The Hero Association never gave him such a right.

Forget about him, not even a Metal Knight has ever been treated like this.

So no one would be dissatisfied with a leader like Artoria.

After all, heroes are not bureaucrats, nor do they pursue power, resources and money.

Otherwise, with their strength, even being a bodyguard for the rich will earn more than being a hero.

"Wouldn't it be better to kill them all?"

Just as Duma King lowered his head to think about countermeasures, Sonic suddenly jumped from the ceiling above his head Down, there was a faint murderous aura all over the body.

Since he accepted the set of things that Alan made up, he has always followed the concept of "evil is cut", using speed and ninjutsu to kill many notorious wanted criminals and weirdos and monster.

Especially the subordinates of Boros who fled in all directions, almost 1/4/2022 died at the hands of this guy.

"Don't be ridiculous! The Hero Association is not an ordinary organization. Once all the top leaders of the council die, it might lead to a civil war between the two hero organizations."

Flashing Flash jumped from the ceiling on the other side.

"I ninja-born guys, do you like eavesdropping so much?" Tong Di complained angrily rolled the eyes.

But unfortunately, Sonic ignored his complaints, but sneered at Flash, who was shining, and said, "So what? Let them come! I only need one person, You can kill them all."

"hmph! Do you think you can be invincible in the whole world by learning those weird ninjutsu? Naive! The real Peak's S-Rank hero is far superior Your imagination. Especially the trembling tornado, her superpower can even easily destroy a city." The flashing Flash rudely replied.

Although these two people come from the same ninja village, their personalities are incompatible as fire and water.

As long as they get together, they can't help but quarrel, and even put in their martial power.

If it is replaced by the former, Sonic is definitely not the opponent of Flash Flash.

But now...

One of them got chakra and ninjutsu, and the other got the rogue's professional panel. Who.

After just a few minutes of "passionate exchange", blade light and sword shadows reappeared in the corridor.

Whether it is Flash, the flash, or Sonic, the speed of sound, they are all typical speed players.

In just the blink of an eye, the two fought more than a dozen times, and the sound of blade and sword collide was heard at the same time.

When Emperor Tong saw this scene, he immediately held his forehead and complained: "Oh my God—it's started again! Are they finished? Do you have to demolish the headquarters to be reconciled?"


"Maybe this is how they communicate with each other?"

Alan slowly walked out of the Transmission Gate with a familiar voice, with a mocking tone in his tone.

Because the reason why Sonic Sonic joined this new hero organization was entirely at his behest.

To be precise, it was also out of some kind of bad taste that the two fellows whose fates were intertwined were brought together.

"Alan? Aren't you do you have time to come here?"

Thanks to Arturia's quick response, or she almost told about the spaceship in the universe .

After all, at the moment they know that the spaceship of Boros is in their hands, only the small group headed by Razer wants to escape from Earth, and the rest of the people think that the spaceship is hidden by aliens up.

Alan replied with a smile: "Today is the first plenary meeting of the New Hero Organization, and of course I, the advocate, have to show up. Otherwise, the media should speculate wildly whether something happened internally. What. How are you, are you ready to open a new chapter?"

"Of course! I will declare to the whole world with practical actions what a real hero is."

As she said this remark, Arturia's eyes were full of seriousness and seriousness.

As a former heroic spirit, there is no who is more qualified to define this word than her.

"Fantastic! Then I'll be waiting to see your performance. Also, it's best to inform everyone in the organization to get ready, as it won't be long before an unprecedented battle will break out. ' Alan reminded softly.

According to his knowledge of the plot, not long after Boros invaded, whether it was the organization that developed the Machine King G4 and G5 behind the scenes, or the eccentric association located underground in the no-man's land of Z City They came out to do things.

It is also mixed with a monster that eventually evolved into a dragon-level monster - hungry wolf.

In short, with the appearance of that prophecy, this world is entering a state of crazy rampage, and all kinds of outrageous things are happening everyday all.

Even if the volcanoes all over the world erupt together tomorrow, it will not make people feel strange.

"Don't worry, I'm fully prepared, you can rest assured to do what you want to do."

Alturia subconsciously touched her waist. The holy sword in between, his eyes are full of firmness and confidence.

She believes that with her own strength, no matter what kind of enemy it is, don't try to destroy Earth and destroy humanity.

"Hehe, after so many years, you still haven't changed at all. But I'm glad you found something you like to do on this potentially endless journey."


After saying that, Alan extended the hand lightly patted the shoulder of King Mao, then turned and walked towards the direction where the Conference Hall was sitting.

Not far from his forefoot, Tong Di probed curiously: "Saintess, are you familiar with the animal trainer?"

"en! Very familiar. It was he who changed me and made me successfully walk out of the shadows of the past." The corners of Artoria's mouth were slightly upturned, and a smile appeared.

Travel through different worlds, taste a variety of different foods, learn new powers, and help those in need.

Although this kind of life is slightly different from what she expected, she doesn't hate it, and even enjoys it a little bit.

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