Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 935

Just when there was a lot of commotion on Earth because of Fubuki and Tornado sisters, Alan had already carried more than 14,000 immigrants and landed on a planet that was almost the same as Earth.

With the abundant supplies, in just one week, people built the first slightly rudimentary city next to a big river, and a Hydroelectric Power to supply electricity to the city. Plant.

Meanwhile, various crops from Earth have been planted, along with captive livestock, poultry, and more.

It is estimated that after the first few years, they will soon have enough food to eat.

As for knowledge, technology and industry, it will slowly recover as the population increases.

After all, the knowledge and technology accumulated by human development so far have been stored in the hard disk, and you can just call it out when you need it.

Looking at this colonial city that was beginning to take shape, Alan couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Humans are really a very adaptable race, aren't they? You just need to save a little fire, don't you use two How long will a splendid civilization be born."

"Maybe. But are you sure that these colonists will not break out into civil strife? As far as I know, the struggle for power and infighting is also a traditional reservation of human society. The show." Sakura's voice was full of uncertainty.

You must know that with an immigration scale of 10,000 to 4,000 people, as long as two or three serious civil strife breaks out, I am afraid that the colony's population will plummet, and eventually it will be completely destroyed.

"Oh, it depends on the quality and structure of the immigrants.

If it is a group of ordinary persons, there is indeed a considerable chance that riots will occur.

Because they don't know anything and are easily instigated to do something that they regret.

But these are experts and elites in various industries who understand the need for population reproduction Before reaching a certain level, the danger of civil strife will break out, so I will be careful not to let the conflict break out.

Even if we want to fight for power, it will be at least two or three generations later.

Get to that At that time, the population of the colony had already reached the level of more than ten or two hundred thousand, so there was no need to worry about it dying easily.

In addition, interstellar immigration is a very complicated matter, and even I have no experience.

So these immigrants from now on can only get more for themselves."

Alan expressed his opinion with a smile.

As for the rich and politicians headed by Razer, they were thrown on the other side of this planet by the whole family.

Because of the lack of modern means of transportation, they can't expect to cross a straight-line distance of tens of thousands of kilometers and join the large number of colonists here until their own demise.

Be aware that there are no roads on this primordial planet, and the wild is full of terrifying predators of all kinds.

Based on the scale of the trifling two or three hundred people, it is estimated that after walking a few hundred kilometers, all of them will die.

"so that's how it is!" Sakura looked thoughtful nodded: "In this case, shouldn't we also leave?"

"en! It's time to leave. Go Well, let's continue to collect energy and look for neutron stars with suitable size and density."

After that, Alan and Sakura turned around and boarded the spaceship, and left with the waving and cheering of tens of thousands of people. This tiny star system.

In this way, according to the star map left by Poros, the two drained the life energy of tens of thousands of planets and extinguished thousands of stars undergoing violent nuclear fusion. It can be described as barren.

Of course, the most direct manifestation is that every cell in Alan's body is filled with terrifying energy.

Now he can easily destroy a planet or a star system with just one finger.

Because the energy is too abundant, the surface of the skin presents a luminous pattern similar to that of Poros.


Because of the clothes, these things will not be seen by outsiders, otherwise someone will definitely regard him as the resurrection of Boros.

As Alan began to think about the maximum energy his body cells could withstand, a crew member in charge of observing and manipulating the probe suddenly lifted the head and shouted: "Master Alan! Master Sakura! I found that A neutron star that meets your requirements!"

"Really? Where?" Alan suddenly stood up from his chair.

"It's about twelve light-years away. But with the power system of our spaceship, once it's too close, it's hard to get rid of that terrifying gravity." The crew quickly explained.

"It's okay! Get close to within two light-years first, and leave the rest to me." Alan blunt gave the order.

It should be known that even in the vast universe, neutron stars are relatively rare.

After all, a star must reach eight to thirty times the mass of the sun, and it is possible to explode through a supernova after the lifespan is exhausted, thereby collapsing inward to form a neutron star.

If the mass is not enough, then only an ordinary white dwarf will form.

If the mass is too high, it is possible to form the black hole of Devouring All Living Things.

So although there are several neutron stars marked on Poros's star map, they all fall short of what Alan expected.

Now I found another one, of course I have to rush over to take a look.


"Space coordinate positioning completed!"

"Target galaxy ten light-years away!"

"The engine is ready!"


"The jump begins!"


accompanied by a series of Program, this gigantic spaceship suddenly disappeared without a trace from the endless depths of space.

The next second...

It directly crossed a distance of ten light-years and successfully reached the periphery of a neutron star.

Although it is still a full two light-years away from the body, the device can already detect that the gravity of the incomparable gigantic is pulling the spaceship toward the center.

Through the bridge, Alan could even clearly see a deep blue light group in the distance, floating alone in the dark universe, with neither planets nor any meteorite fragments around. .

You don't need to ask to know that when a supernova explodes, all the matter in this galaxy is either thrown out by the terrifying energy fiercely, and those that are not thrown out collapse inward, eventually forming this A neutron star for second only to black hole masses.

As for the weird dark tone, it is because the surface temperature of the neutron star is too high, so that the spectrum is beyond the range that naked eye can observe, so it gives a very dim and cold feeling .

"Are you sure this thing can be used to make weapons?" Sakura raised her eyebrows and asked in an uncertain tone.

Neutron stars, this thing, are not very suitable for weapons by any means.

But Alan smiled and nodded: "Of course! I came prepared. You wait here now and leave the rest to me."

Said After all, he opened the hatch directly, and without any protective measures, directly used Spatial Teleportation at a very long distance, and came to a very close place, feeling the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees Celsius emanating from the surface of the neutron star, and A huge gravitational force similar to that of a black hole.

"Then, the first thing is to change the characteristics of this planet, or the rules..."

Alan quickly took out the Five Elements and the will of the world, without the slightest hesitation activated this. Ability for two world props.

In the blink of an eye, the original amazing gravity and terrifying high temperature of the neutron star were instantly disappeared without a trace.

To be precise, these two distinct things have been firmly under his control.

Unless he himself needs it, even if an ordinary person touches the neutron star with his hand, he will be evaporated by the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees Celsius, and will not be crushed by the terrifying gravity.

"The second is to change its shape. Half of it is used to make bows, and generally used to forge swords..."

I saw Alan extend the hand, and the amazing energy stored in the cells was blown into the brain. Released, forcibly the entire neutron star was divided into two from the middle like plasticine.

Since there is no iron felt or hammer capable of forging such high-quality matter, he can only beat repeatedly through magic and energy, little by little to shape the quark matter into the shape he desires.

Almost every thump will trigger violent gravitational fluctuations within a few light-years of the surrounding area, and at the same time release a dazzling bright light.

Sakura, who was sitting in the spaceship, saw this scene, and immediately opened her mouth in disbelief and muttered to herself: " are really a lunatic! You can actually come up with such a way to use it. Neutron stars are used as raw materials to forge new weapons that are unique to them."

There is no doubt!

Without the magic items of Five Elements and the will of the world, the super-high temperature and gravitational interference alone are enough to make this crazy idea come to nothing.

Similarly, if there is no life energy and stellar energy collected these days, Alan also impossible to use this kind of "wood sawing rope to break the water drop through the stone" to slowly forge the neutron star into a weapon. shape.

Especially the bow arm and bow string being forged, it simply subverted Sakura's cognition of matter and energy.

What's even more outrageous is that the exquisite and complex magic patterns on those Divine Items have been perfectly transplanted to the new weapons.

The magic part is perfectly integrated with the high-density quark matter.

And in terms of bearing capacity and bearing upper limit, it is not known how many times.

However, for Alan, who has devoted himself to it, he has completely forgotten the concept of time, and he has forgotten that there is a spaceship of his own docked not far away.

I don't know how long it took, it could be a few days, it could be a few months, it could be a few years...

In short, when Alan completely completed the two weapons , the whole person feels exhausted.

Not only was the energy stored up and down the entire body exhausted, but even his consciousness became blurred.

As soon as she walked into the cabin door, Sakura held him up and asked with great concern, "What's wrong with you? Your face is so ugly that you look like a dead person."

"Don't worry, I'm just pushing a little too hard, it'll be much better with some energy." Alan replied weakly.

He is so tired and exhausted now that he has almost run out of strength to speak,

"Energy? Damn it! I understand! Immediately turn the direction and travel to the distance immediately. The nearest star system." Sakura loudly instructed the crew without looking back.

The crew did not dare to neglect at all, adjusted the direction at the fastest speed, and instantly jumped to the side of a huge red star.

As for the next thing, it is natural to close the door and put the ten-tailed Divine Tree.

With another star extinguished, Alan, who seemed to be dying, finally came to life again, sitting on his own chair, gently fiddling with the bow and sword in his hands.

The bow has a crystal clear and near-transparent color like sapphire.

Whenever you pull the bowstring, magic, energy, and Soul Power are instantly intertwined, condensing into a spiral-shaped arrow.

As soon as it hits the enemy, a terrifying explosion that cannot be described in words will erupt immediately.

The maximum attack radius can extend to a radius of hundreds of light-years, destroying all the matter along the way, and even forming a terrifying matchless large black hole.

As for the sword, it is a one-handed long sword. It doesn't seem to have much decoration. The surface is wrapped with amazing magic and elemental power, and even the ability to kill Zanpakutō can be attached to it. top.

"These are the two weapons you forged?"

Sakura leaned over, her eyes flashing with intense curiosity.

She is now eager to know how powerful terrifying these two super weapons are made of neutron stars.

"no! Three weapons to be exact. In addition to the bow and sword, I also used the remaining materials to build this revolver."

Said, Alan took out the gun hanging from his waist and gently placed it on the table.

"Gun?" A surprised expression appeared on Sakura's face. "Why a gun instead of a melee weapon like a dagger?"

"Because I already have a sword, there is no need to prepare a dagger for self-protection. Even more how, don't Look down on this revolver, it can easily fire bullets with the same formidable power as the Boros Collapse Cannon." Alan explained casually.

With these three weapons, even if you enter the most dangerous Dragon Ball world, it is estimated that you will be able to wrestle your wrists with those Super Saiyans whose battle strength explodes.

"Can you give me a try?" asked Sakura blunt.

From the excited expression on her face, it is not difficult to see that she has a strong interest in these weapons.

But Alan smiled and shook the head and refused: "Give it up. These weapons are not something you can handle. Although I have changed their external characteristics through magic, that is also true. It's just for me. If you pick it up, it will show its real heat and weight."

"Real heat and weight?"

Sakura heard This remark's face changed drastically, and he immediately retracted the hand that was stroking the long sword.

Because the density of neutron stars is so high that even a tiny bit the size of a spoon can instantly destroy a planet about the size of Earth.

If something like this happens on spaceship, all but the people with space survivability will die without a burial site.

"That's right! In other words, only I can use and play the most huge might of these three weapons. As for the others, it's very likely that they won't even be able to pick them up..."

"Yes! p>

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