Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 958

"Director Nick Fury, we already know enough about the performance of this robot, as well as its powerful attack and defensive power. But about these three outsiders who suddenly descended on Earth, you have a little bit of Can you give me an introduction? For example, where do they come from, what abilities do they have, and what is the purpose of coming to Earth.”

After watching the entire video, a Security Council representative immediately asked what you care about most.

The advanced knowledge and technology contained in the GX51 are amazing, but compared with Alan and the other three, it is like a dog's head gold picked up near a huge gold mine. The whole gold mine is nothing in comparison.

If these three people can be directly dealt with, then the equivalent of finding the veins of gold mines, the entire human civilization will achieve a rapid development.

Another representative of the Security Council also seemed to realize something, and immediately echoed: "I completely agree with this point of view! Such a third type of contact, which is enough to affect the progress of human civilization, should The International Security Council is in charge, not a subordinate agency to decide without authorization."

Looking at the greed and desire in each other's eyes, Director Ludan immediately realized what was in the hearts of the two representatives When doing selfish calculations, he immediately warned: "Everyone, please remember that we are not dealing with three ordinary persons, but three super-intelligent creatures whose single energy exceeds the sum of dozens of suns. If anyone thinks that You can force the opponent to submit by being clever and using some means, then I can tell you that the result will inevitably lead to a terrifying disaster."

"The single energy exceeds dozens of suns? Are you sure this is not the case? Just kidding!"

The last representative, who had remained silent the whole time, jerked up from his seat.

As for several other people, expressions of shock and disbelief appeared on their faces.

"No! Of course not! I solemnly warn everyone not to regard this transaction as as it should be by rights, but as a charity of powerhouse to the weak. Very Unfortunately, we are now on the absolutely weak side. Without the existence of Supreme Mage, I can't imagine what these three super creatures would do to Earth and humans." Nick Fury's tone was unprecedentedly serious.

He didn't want to destroy the friendly relationship he finally established because of the greed of some individuals or countries.

Alms? !

Hearing this slightly insulting term, all the representatives of the Security Council present subconsciously frowned.

As the most powerful countries on Earth, they are obviously not used to this absolutely weak position.

Finally, after more than ten minutes of consultations, the International Security Council issued an order to its subordinate agency, the Homeland Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, to send an envoy for an official visit and negotiation.

Nick Fury has to take care of everything.

After all, no one at the top of the big country in this world is a fool.

They will not allow S.H.I.E.L.D. to monopolize so many advanced technologies and technologies, and eventually grow into a Hegemon with a big tail, or even become the leader of human civilization.

"Fake! These greedy bastards! They are crazy! Don't you know the danger?"

Just returned to his own office, Braised Egg The director yelled angrily, and fiercely threw everything on the table against the wall.

There is no way not to be angry!

He originally thought that when he took out the GX51 robot, everyone's attention would be attracted, and he even asked the robot to be handed over for research and reverse engineering.

In this way, he can not only hold the control of the robot firmly in his own hands through "double insurance", but also fish out those Nine Headed Snakes hidden in the dark.

But who would have thought that this group of Security Council representatives directly targeted the three targets with the highest level of danger.

Seeing the hideous look on his director's face, Coulson immediately probed cautiously: "What are we going to do now?"

"What else can we do, of course obedience Order." Nick Fury rolled the eyes angrily. "You go out in person immediately to say hello to the other party and make sure there are no surprises."

In any case, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a subordinate agency of the International Security Council.

If he disobeyed this time, wouldn't that prove even more that he had a ghost in his heart.

"Understood! I'll go talk to Mr. Alan right away to prepare him mentally."

After that, Coulson took a deep breath and turned to leave the place. office.

From the solemn expression on his face, it is not difficult to see that he is under considerable pressure now.

After all, this is related to the survival and future of human beings. If something goes wrong, then I will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

A few hours later, when Coulson presented the news to Alan, Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise: "A representative of the International Security Council is sending a mission to visit me?"

"That's right! After all, you have the knowledge and technology ahead of this world for at least hundreds or even thousands of years. It is inevitable that some people, organizations and countries will spy on you. But I guarantee that all transactions will follow your rules. ." Coulson quickly explained.

"Okay, I see. Exactly, I can also take this opportunity to show my strength." Alan touched the chin with a look of looked thoughtful.

"Thank you very much for your understanding. If nothing else, I'll go back and report the good news to the Director."

After receiving a positive answer, Coulson Clearly sighed in relief.

He really wondered if the Security Council representatives would dismiss Nick Fury as a hoax if the request was denied.

In that case, the Nine Headed Snake investigation would be impossible.

Looking at the back of this "good man" coming and going in a hurry, Artoria suddenly asked, "Alan, don't you want to invite these guys to visit the Sky City?"

"Why not?" Alan faint smile asked. "Since we want to show our strength, let the other party open their eyes and let them understand how weak they are. In this way, we will have a lot less trouble in the future."

"But the Supreme Master Gu Yina What should I do? Wouldn't such a move affect the timeline?" Sakura's tone was filled with strong doubts.

"Don't worry, if this meeting will have a dramatic impact on the timeline, then Supreme Mage Gu has already appeared in front of us early in the morning." Alan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

He has a deep understanding of the power of the Time Stone.

So as long as Gu Yi did not appear at the moment when he made a decision, it means that this will definitely not have much impact on the future.

Just when Sakura wanted to ask something, cat-eared loli Alesia suddenly appeared out of thin air and immediately reported: "Lord Alan, you asked me to protect Tony Shi. Something happened to Tucker. To be precise, he was attacked by terrorists in a place called Afghanistan, and he was seriously injured and in a coma. Do you need Roja to rescue him?"

"Oh? It started so soon." Alan's eyes flashed with surprise.

He originally thought that the birth of Iron Man would be at least a few months away.

But who would have thought that just a few days later, the wonderful curtain of the Marvel Universe would slowly open.

With the appearance of Iron Man, a series of major events, such as the Hulk and the Hateful War, Thor's coming, and the American Captain's awakening, will happen one after another in just one year.

And then came the formation of the Avengers, and the invasion of Loki and the Zetauri army.

Thinking that it won't take long for him to get the space gem and the Spirit Treasure stone, Alan couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled and instructed: "Give me 24 hours to stare at Tony Shih. The movement on Tucker's side. As for the rescue, let him suffer for a while."


Alesia gave a salute gracefully, and then Cast teleportation magic disabled without a trace.


At the same time, in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan, the "Empire Cemetery" on the other side of Earth, the famous billionaire and playboy finally woke up, It felt like a long, painful dream.

When his eyes slowly opened, he suddenly found himself lying on a very simple bed,

Subconsciously, he quickly wanted to get up to confirm. surrounding conditions.

But before he could sit up, Ethan, who was shaving his beard on his chin in front of the mirror, said, "If I were you, I wouldn't move around. If you accidentally remove the magnet the power supply, then the shrapnel in your chest will kill you."

"Who are you? Also, where is this place?"

At his reminder, Tony Only then did Stark discover the abnormality in his chest, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"This is the camp of those terrorists. They attacked your convoy and kidnapped you here. To be honest, when I operated on you, I didn't think you would survive. What."

After saying that, Ethan wiped the stained stubble on his skin with water, then turned to look at the genius who once had a relationship.

"Damn it! I remembered it!"

The future Iron Man rubbed his brows, playing the image of the convoy attacked repeatedly in his mind.

Especially the firelight and deafening loud noise from the first rocket explosion, it is estimated that it is impossible to forget in this life.

"Ah! It seems that there is no problem with your memory, which is a good thing. You must know that some people often forget something after experiencing a violent explosion, and some people have completely lost their memory. If your genius turns into a fool by accident, then we will be miserable." Ethan joked bitterly.

Just as he was about to pass a glass of water over to let the other party rehydrate, a small shadow suddenly jumped down from the top of the cave and landed firmly in front of Tony Stark's bed. , and made a slight cry.


"! I don't remember anyone keeping cats here!"

You must know that the base of this terrorist organization is built in the depths of the desert, and even the water source has to be transported from the outside, and the materials are extremely scarce.

The water supply for an ordinary person is still subject to severe restrictions, not to mention pets.

In contrast, Tony saw the black cat with bright eyes, hugged it in his arms, and asked ecstatically: "Roya, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to stay on the plane?"


The black cat made a slight meow again, as if answering a question from the other party.

In fact, it used teleportation magic to directly cross the distance in space and appear directly in this cave.

"This is your cat?" Ethan's eyes flashed with curious rays of light.

After all, with Tony Stark's behavior until now, he is definitely not the kind of person who can keep pets.

If he is really raised, it will definitely appear on the front pages of major news media.

"No, technically I'm just helping someone else. What a smart little fellow, isn't he? I can't figure out how it got past the terrorists and secretly Sneaked in." Tony Stark exuded a rare joy.

When people suffer, they often look for a spiritual sustenance to ease the pain they suffer in both the spirit and the body.

And now his spiritual sustenance is this cat who has been with him for a while.

Ethan smiled and nodded: "Well, it seems that it shouldn't be too lonely in our future. But I have to say, you better hide this cat, otherwise those horrors Molecules have no mercy for it."

tone barely fell!

The sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

Before the newcomer Tony Stark could figure out what was going on, the black cat swooped into the bed and hid.

The experienced Ethan quickly raised his hands on the back of his head, and lowered his voice to remind: "Quick! Follow me! If you don't want to die."

Tony There was no time to think, and immediately stood up and put his head in his hands like Ethan.

As soon as he finished this posture, the steel door was kicked open by fiercely, and a group of terrorists armed with automatic rifles broke in from outside.

The guy in the lead took a look around first, then walked closer, and spoke a series of words in the local language each minding their own business that Tony couldn't understand.

At this time, Ethan immediately acted as a translator.

In fact, he has survived to this day because of his innate talent for language and his achievements in science.

If it is replaced by an ordinary person, all of them will be brutally executed after losing their usefulness.

Obviously, the reason why these terrorists chose to save Tony was not because of their kindness, but because they wanted the genius to make Stark Industries for himself, the most advanced technology in the world. missile.

In this regard, the future Iron Man refused to even think about it.

Because he felt that if he agreed to the other party's request, then the day when the missile was built would be his death.

Since creating is also death, and not creating is also death, why not choose the latter.

At least die with dignity.

But soon, the terrorists used their own methods to make Tony Stark change his mind...

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