Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 963

Unfinished delicacies...

A living environment like a fairy tale...

The city in the sky standing above the magnificent vortex...

All kinds of intelligent races such as giant dragon, dwarf, elves, and giants that only appear in games and fantasy stories...

And the advanced technology that is ahead of Earth for many years...

All of this makes Ethan seem to be in a wonderful dream.

The most important thing is that he obtained a bottle of magic potion that can increase his lifespan by 30 years. After drinking it, the whole person became younger.

After all, Azeroth has a tenfold time difference with the world outside.

If Ethan's lifespan is not extended, at his current age, two or three years have passed outside, and twenty or thirty years have passed inside. It is estimated that almost all of them can be buried directly after going out.

And after a period of getting used to it, Ethan took the initiative to apply to join the scientific research institution of Sky City, and began to study while doing his own business.

Because there was no external pressure, he felt an unprecedented relaxation and tranquility, and gradually forgot everything about the real world.

Just when the man who created Iron Man rekindled his enthusiasm for life, Tony Stark had completed all the processes of Mark III steel battle clothes in his home studio, and Painted it red and golden.

From this moment, he finally changed from that irresponsible playboy to the real Iron Man.

Of course, it will take a while to get this title.

But no matter what, I finally got rid of the previous decadent life of alcoholism and indulgence.

Looking at the new Battle Armor placed in the showcase, Tony asked without looking back, "Jarvis, did the things I asked you to investigate a while ago come to fruition?"

"Sorry, sir. I have searched the entire Internet, except for the few photos taken by satellite, I can't find any trace of this girl and the black cat Roya. And in all countries of the world There is no relationship between her family, parents and relatives in the database of legal citizens of her." Steward, an artificial intelligence, hurriedly gave his own findings.

"What? No trace of existence at all? Are you kidding me?" Tony's tone was full of incredible surprise. "In the information age where the Internet is highly developed, unless it is completely isolated from modern society, there will be some clues and traces left."

"According to your description, maybe she has some kind of The technology and power we don't understand can completely evade the tracking of the camera. Apart from this, I really can't think of any other probability." Jarvis deduced following his own logic.

"Okay, keep paying attention. If you find any suspicious signs, notify me immediately."

After that, Tony Stark quickly closed the Alesia from the projection Photo.

Because he had seen his personal assistant come in from outside.

Obviously, he didn't want this to be known to too many people.

"Are you still looking for Roya?"

Pepper Poze noticed the black cat projection that had not been turned off in time, with sympathy and helplessness on his face expression.

In the eyes of Little Hot Pepper, this pet that had been missing with her boss for many days must have died.

At the moment, Tony's reaction, 80%, is the same as the diagnosis of those doctors, it should be suffering from some kind of mental illness called "war trauma syndrome".

Tony Stark obviously doesn't know that in the eyes of others, he has become a patient with psychological problems, each minding their own business replied: "Of course! I promised it, wait for escape. After coming out, I will treat it to the best steak and golden spear fish in the world. A man must keep his promise, and if he promises, he must do it."

"Okay, then I wish you an early Find it."

Pepper Potts doesn't argue, just agrees with a smile.

To be precise, since the man in front of her escaped and returned from Afghanistan, she has never quarreled with him again.

The reason is very simple!

There are always some perks and privileges available to patients.

Especially when Tony came home and acted so weird.

Mysterious and secretive hiding at home all day long, and I don't know what I'm doing.

It is really far from the previous playboy image who likes to appear in high profile in various public occasions and headlines in news media.

Because of this, the outside world will speculate that he has a very serious "war trauma syndrome".

Not only that, but this guy also announced at the previous press conference that Stark Industries would close the weapons department.

As soon as the news came out, the stock of the entire group plummeted by 40%, and it is still falling continuously, and it seems that there is a trend of halving.

Many shareholders even shouted angrily to remove Tony Stark's CEO position and kick him out of the board.

At this time, the ugly face of American capitalism was vividly and thoroughly displayed.

No one remembers that Stark father and son were the founders of this business.

It is their genius invention and creation, which has created the brilliance of Stark Industries Group today, and brought dozens or even hundreds of times of returns to all investors.

Every investor who holds shares in the Stark Group only remembers that Tony Stark's words about closing down the weapons department have greatly reduced their assets.

Of course, Tony himself had already anticipated this for a long time, and he was always very calm to the quarrels of the outside world and the clamor of the shareholders in the company.

After all, he has successfully miniaturized the Ark reactor.

With this technology alone, the future Stark Industries can easily monopolize the energy market and become a truly multinational Hegemon enterprise.

It's a pity that Pepper Potts didn't know this, and was still worried about the situation of his own boss, and quickly took out a word from the folder in his hand and handed it over: "Here, This is an invitation letter. I was just given it by an Agent Coulson from the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency who said he wanted to make an appointment with you."

"Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency? What kind of government or Intelligence Section is this?" Tony took it and glanced at it, and several question marks appeared on his head.

"I don't know. All I know is that Agent Coulson looks quite nice and should be a nice guy. Also, the invitation says it's about a future technology seminar, and I think you should be impressed. Interested." Pepper Potts replied earnestly.

"hmph! There must be another bunch of politicians who don't know anything sitting there and say some useless nonsense. If they have a little science in their heads, they won't when Congress discusses funding for R&D. So stingy. Turn it down for me!"

When talking about this remark, Tony once again brought his proud, arrogant and supercilious character to the extreme, and his tone was full of nakedness Disguised contempt.

Obviously, he, who has a background in science and technology, does not like politicians who only talk about rhetoric.

"OK! I see." Pepper Potts sighed helplessly.

The Iron Man didn't understand what an important meeting he had missed.


Ten minutes later, when Coulson reported Tony Stark's refusal to S.H.I.E.L.D. The director couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed in the office on the spot.

"Idiot! Stupid! I can't believe this bastard is Howard's own son."

"Calm down, Chief. Tony Stark doesn't know this time The truth of the seminar. Maybe...we should give him a hint," Maria Hill offered.

"Hint? You tell me how to imply? If the inside story of this seminar is leaked, the entire world will be in turmoil and unrest. Even more how, the representatives of the major powers in the International Security Council, Such advanced technology will never be allowed to flow into those small countries." Nick Fury slapped the table furiously.

According to his original plan, he directly brought in the son of the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., and with the help of the advanced technology of Stark Industries, he was able to be successfully shortlisted.

When the time comes as long as Tony Stark is included in the "Avengers" he is about to create, SHIELD will be able to get a lot of results for free in the future.

But now it's good, the main host is not even interested in participating, and the follow-up arrangements are naturally all in vain.

Obviously, this so-called "Future Technology Symposium" is actually a part of the advanced technology that Alan promised to provide to human society.

Just to hide from the public, these technologies will not be provided directly to governments, but to those companies with certain R&D capabilities and technical strength.

They then turn technology into products, and finally realize the grand vision of bringing Earth civilization to the next stage.

So several major powers have begun to find suitable targets in their own countries to ensure that they will not be at a disadvantage in this competition.

Otherwise, once you are left behind, I am afraid you will never catch up again in this life.

"What about the US government? Didn't they invite Stark Industries?" Maria Hill asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Maybe because Tony announced the closure of the weapons research and development department not long ago, the military is more inclined to let Hammer Industries replace Stark Industries. Of course, it is still under debate for the time being, and it is estimated that short-term There will be no results in time." Nick Fury said, touching Black Shine's forehead.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has deep ties with the U.S. government and intelligence agencies, it is actually closer to a relationship that is both competitive and cooperative.

This is why, when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, whether it was the FBI, the CIA, or the U.S. military, they all jumped out impatiently and wanted to put it to death.

On the one hand, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents often use the identities of the FBI and CIA to trick people, which is indeed a bit hateful.

On the other hand, they are not completely under the command of the US government, so they will naturally be hostile to their country's Intelligence Section.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has only one real superior, and that is the International Security Council.

In other words, its essence is an international collaborative organization.

"Hammer Industries also joined the fray?" Maria Hill apparently startled. "This is really a big hassle! Isn't there any way we can directly make Stark Industries shortlisted?"

"There is a way, but I'm not sure what the consequences will be." Halo Chief Egg's one eye shone with deep rays of light.

"You directly influence the person who has the power to decide?"

Able to become a high-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Maria Hill undoubtedly has a very sharp His intuition, he suddenly realized what his director wanted to do.

Nick Fury nodded with a solemn expression: "That's right! After all, this is the key to the future development of human society, and we have the responsibility and obligation to join it. Immediately notify Coulson and let him Take a trip to New York. Make sure Stark Industries is shortlisted, no matter what the other side offers."

"I must remind you that this is equivalent to a violation of an order issued by the Security Council. And Agent Coulson has not rested for almost two months, and he is in poor mental and physical condition now." Maria Hill's tone carried a strong warning.

"It's okay! If something goes wrong, I will take all the responsibilities." Director Ludan showed his consciousness as the supreme leader at a critical moment.

After all, Justin Hammer is a typical traditional arms dealer who is afraid of chaos.

As long as you give money, there is basically nothing you dare not sell.

So he would rather let Tony Stark, who has shown some kind of heroic qualities, get the ticket than Justin Hammer.

Otherwise, once Nine Headed Snake acquires some of these advanced technologies, it will inevitably cause foul wind and bloody rain in the world.

"Got it! I'll give Agent Coulson an order right away."

With that, Maria Hill turned and walked out of the office.

Watching the female agent with a slender back completely walk away, Nick Fury took out a top-secret file from the drawer, with Alan, Sakura and Al on the first page. Tolia's photo.

I saw him touching the chin, and whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "Super strength, super speed, super physique, with a huge energy of at least dozens of stars combined, and each All kinds of incredible supernatural abilities. After the Security Council has such an ally, I am afraid that my proposal to form the Avengers will be shelved indefinitely. It can't go on like this! Earth must have its own defense force."

tone barely fell!

Director Ludan stood up abruptly, walked out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building with another top-secret file, and boarded a plane.

Shortly after he left the front foot, the news of the back foot was sent to Alexander Pierce's desk.

"Interesting! I bet this guy must be plotting something."

"Need our people to track his movements?" Heatwell asked cautiously .

"No, no need." Alexander Pierce laughed and called the head. "It's different today! Compared to Nick Fury's little moves, this future technology seminar is the focus we should pay attention to. As long as we can master some advanced technologies first, the world will soon be in our pockets. things."

"But the Security Council has signed an alliance agreement with those superhuman beings from other dimensions, will they just watch us take control of the world and remain indifferent?" There was strong doubt in Tver's tone.

Alexander Pierce explained meaningfully: "I have tested privately that they will not intervene in infighting between humans in principle. That is to say, only from other dimensions and aliens When people invade, these people will fulfill their obligations. So don't worry, they are not our enemies..."

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