Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 965

In the endless darkness of deep space, several Kree light and heavy cruisers are floating alone in the orbit of a planet red.

Not far away there are some spaceships that have been transformed into a mess.

From the corpses and garbage floating in space, it is not difficult to see that a fierce battle has just broken out here.

Of course, this "tragic" can only be used to describe the Cree.

Because at first glance, almost all of them are blue-skinned Cree corpses, and the number is densely packed as many as tens of thousands.

Not only that, the colonial planet that originally belonged to the Cree people is also suffering an unprecedented catastrophe at this moment.

Almost all valuables and supplies were looted by the swarming robbers.

Except for the engineers who mastered the spaceship and weapon manufacturing and maintenance, the rest of them, men and women, young and old, were all slaughtered.

It is estimated that these Kree people who are accustomed to tyrannize in the universe can't believe in their dreams that a group of notorious interstellar pirates dare to attack this colonial planet with a fleet stationed there.

In fact, not only can they not believe it, but even these temporarily integrated robbers can't believe it.

Although the Robber Alliance can be regarded as the No. 1 force in the universe, it is still far from the Kree Empire, one of the three Great Empires.

After all, although there are a lot of robbers, they are usually a mess of sand.

generally speaking, most robber groups would choose to stay far away when they encountered the regular fleet of the Kree Empire early on.

But today, the emergence of a woman changed all that.

To be precise, with her strength of oneself, she easily defeated an entire main fleet of Cree people.

The terrifying battle strength is even more exaggerated than the legendary Captain Carol Danvers.

Especially the ultra-low temperature frost magic, which can directly freeze the people inside into ice lumps through the armor and shell of the spaceship.

This is why so many battleships can be captured completely.

More than 90% of the Kree battleships were frozen to death before they even had time to fire, turning them into lifeless corpses.

At this moment, an alien who looks like an alien is cautiously watching the purple-haired woman who is sitting in the commander's seat of the heavy cruiser, exuding the breath of strangers, and reminds in a low voice. : "Boss! We have finished plundering this planet, can we call everyone back to retreat? Otherwise, when the Kree people react, they will definitely retaliate against us."

<"Why, are you afraid?" Sakura glanced at the other party with a playful look.

"How is that possible! I'm just a little worried, if we capture another fleet, then our manpower will be a little short."

This alien-looking man The star man hurriedly made a joke, which immediately made the robbers in the bridge laughed heartily.

However, it is not difficult to see from the flickering worry in his eyes that he is still quite worried about the possible retaliation by the Kree.

After all, anyone who knows a little about the rise of the Cree is well aware that this is an aggressive civilization seeking revenge for the slightest grievance.

Only the Cree people have always bullied others, and even traded the intelligent races of other planets as slaves, and no one has ever dared to take the initiative to provoke the Cree people.

Despite its appearance, this attack on the Cree colonized planet was an unprecedented victory.

You can think of the huge Star Domain occupied by the other party, and the space fleet with a total number of up to 100,000. A slightly rational person will not think that these guys seeking revenge for the slightest grievance will give up.

"Leader! Anyway, we have already killed the Kree Empire's sins. It's better to grab another wave before the other party has time to respond."

Another height Over three meters, the extremely robust alien grinned in a brutal, bloodthirsty smile.

He was clearly a victim of the expansion of the Kree Empire, and his tone was full of undisguised hatred and hatred for the Kree people.

"I agree! Kill these Kree chops! Have a big orgy with their blood and corpses! It won't take much, just a few times and there will be more rebellion against the Kree Empire People will join us. At that time, with the strength of your leader, you may be able to build a strong Great Influence that is not inferior to the Kree Empire." In the corner, a little man covered with green skin, waving Fist shouted loudly.

"Well said!"

"Just do it!"

"Fuck the Kree chops!"


For a while, these robber group leaders who were originally just holding a ticket and running away, all seemed to be fighting chicken blood.

Not only did they not intend to leave with spills of war, but they all wanted to join Sakura's command and were willing to become minions.

The reason is very simple!

In this universe full of countless dangers, there is a powerful backstage and leader, but many things can be encountered but not sought after.

The most typical of them are the Obsidian Five and the Dark Legion under Thanos, as well as the Kiritas who volunteered to be their vassals.

Because whether it is the Obsidian General and the Dark Legion, or the Kiritas who are vassals, once they leave the shelter of Thanos, they will be pressed by other powerful forces in the universe in minutes. Beat on the ground.

But if you add Thanos himself, they'll instantly become the daunting "special operations team under the master of the cosmic family planning office".

So in the eyes of these robbers, Sakura is a gradually raised nova, who will definitely make a name in the universe in the future and establish her own power.

The sooner you join, the more benefits you will receive.

It is uncertain when it will be able to occupy a piece of Star Domain and reign supreme.

At that time, I will no longer have to live a life of hiding and hiding all day as I do now.

Looking at these guys with greed and desire in their eyes, Sakura's mouth was slightly upturned, and she took out a large number of improved and optimized monster cells directly from her pocket and threw it on the ground.

"Eat it! I'll allow you to join my Legion and become my subordinates."

"This... what is this?"

The alien-looking alien bent down and picked up a weird cell that was still wriggling slightly, his face full of vigilance.

It is not uncommon for Dao Foundation to be transformed in the universe.

Whether it is the Kree Empire or other powerful forces, they often have at least one or two enhancement technologies.

But the problem is that these enhancement techniques often have many limitations or defects, and even a small life will be lost if one is not careful.

"This is a special cell that can stimulate all the potentials in the body of the user. Of course, the premise is that there must be enough potential to be stimulated, otherwise the genes will collapse. In my Legion Only powerhouse is needed, no waste."

Sakura made no disguise, she spoke out the danger of the existence of weird cells, and clearly expressed her attitude.

You don't need to ask to know that after she's completely freed from Alan's constraints, she's going to let go of her hands and feet to make a big deal.

And the Kree Empire unfortunately became the first target to be targeted.

Since the civilization established by the Cree people is to be completely destroyed, a Legion of sufficient size is naturally needed.

"I eat! As long as I can get the power to kill the Kree! It doesn't matter if I die!"

The alien with a height of more than three meters grabbed a monster cell directly He raised his head and swallowed it.

The next second...

The muscles all over his body suddenly inflated like a balloon, and the skeleton also grew rapidly under the action of a certain force, and finally became Become a giant more than five meters high.

Especially the skin, showing a gray-brown septum like a stratum corneum, which has considerable defensive power at a glance.

Not only that!

In blood vessels beneath the skin, traces of energy flow can be seen faintly.

Before the other robbers around came back to his senses from this amazing change, the giant raised his hand and punched the alloy door of the isolation warehouse next to it.

bang! ! ! !

Beep, beep, beep...

With the deafening bang and the piercing alarm that the battleship was under attack, the giant immediately burst into a burst of laughter: "Hahahaha! That's awesome! With such power! Cree people are a piece of shit! I'm going to tear them apart one by one!"

tone barely fell!

He gave a salute one-knee kneels directly to Sakura sitting on the chair, lifts the head and said in a fanatical and adoring tone: "My queen! From now on, I will be your best friend. Faithful servant."

"Very good! I accept your allegiance." Sakura smiled nodded.

With the first role model, the rest of the robbers also swallowed the monster cells.

After a while, the entire bridge was filled with a large number of mutant aliens.

Some of them have gained physical enhancement, while others have gained a series of superpowers such as mind, energy control, and gravity control.

Although there were also a few unlucky people who couldn't withstand the pressure of the monster's cells, they burst into a rain of blood and minced meat on the spot, but no one cared too much.

After all, robber itself is a profession that licks blood, and no one knows if he will die in the next battle.

Compared to this risk, it was the actual power gained that really made them ecstatic.

None of the robbers noticed that after eating the monster cells, their attitude towards Sakura had unconsciously changed.

Especially the kind of fanaticism and worship that comes from the heart, which is not normal at all.

Soon, at Sakura's order, these robbers brought more monster cells to feed their small group.

In the end, this makeshift alliance was all integrated into a terrifying Legion that could shake the balance of the entire universe.

Looking at the group of aliens who had been completely toyed with by herself, Sakura dragged her chin with her hands and muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "The first step plans Perfection. Done, let's have a blast. Kree, I hope you don't disappoint too much."


Meanwhile, in the Milky Way Far away on Earth, Nick Fury is making a strong protest to Alan over the phone.

"Damn! You will drag Earth into a terrifying war by doing this! Humans are simply not ready to face the impact of those advanced cosmic civilizations from outer space." Director Ludan said excitedly and loudly roar.

"Relax, Mr. Chief. The Kerry Empire isn't as terrifying as you think. In fact, it won't take long for them to take care of themselves, and there's no time to come to Earth for revenge." Alan explained casually.

With what he knows about Sakura, once the Little Demoness has chosen an enemy, he will definitely create an opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the Kree's home planet, Hara.

Once the most populous and technologically advanced homeworld is destroyed, the races that were once oppressed by the Kree will take the opportunity to revolt.

In addition to the original enemy of the Kree Empire, I am afraid that there will be a danger of extinction in an instant.

"Overwhelmed?" Nick Fury keenly captured a key word.

Alan replied without thinking: "That's right! I assure you, the Great Empire built by the Kree will soon collapse. When the time comes they will be like those Skrulls. , become cosmic refugees fleeing everywhere. In this war, they have no chance of winning."

"So, you have already started a war against the Cree?" Chief Ludan's voice suddenly changed. Gotta get nervous.

"War?" Alan sneered and called the head. "No, no, no, I think you've misunderstood something. The Kree don't deserve to be our enemies. Have you ever seen a cat play with a mouse after catching it before killing it? Now the Kree The human situation is almost like the mouse. Oh, by the way, since the number of captured battleships is a bit large this time, I decided to provide a battleship as a gift for you.”

Heard This sentence, Nick Fury was very excited in an instant: "Really? Are you sure?"

"Of course! But I want to warn you. Although this is only a light cruiser, but The weapons it is equipped with are also enough to easily destroy a country. If it falls into the hands of some harboring malicious intentions, the consequences will at least lead to the death of tens of millions of people." Alan gave a meaningful warning.

"I know! About this battleship, and the war between you and the Cree, I'd like to make an appointment to talk face-to-face." Nick Fury offered an invitation.

"Come on! I think the Future Technology Symposium is a good opportunity." Alan responded after a moment of thought.

"That's it!"

Just when Director Ludan was about to say something, he suddenly heard a deafening explosion from the other side of the phone. Hastily asked sharply: "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Ah! It's nothing, it's Tony Stark. He's wearing steel battle clothes and is driving with Obadiah Stanley I'm going to fight the Iron Overlord. I'm sorry, I'm going to hang up first. You know I've been sitting here for so long just waiting to see this good show."

After saying that, Alan rudely said Press the hang up button, completely ignoring the reaction of the surrounding ordinary person lose one's head out of fear, as well as the deafening explosions outside.

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