Start As Hunter From Hunter World Chapter 974

Karma Taj, a secret base in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, the Buddhist Place of Origin.

It was established by the Supreme Master Gu Yi, and gradually developed into the Holy Land where all the mages on Earth are in mind.

For the ordinary person, Kama Taj is a legendary place that does not exist in any corner of the world.

Only those chosen are eligible to enter and learn the unfathomable magical powers.

In fact, there is no so-called magical energy in Earth of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Karma Taj's mages all draw energy from other dimensions as the source of their own power.

The so-called "white magic" comes from the Trinity Weisandi, while the "black magic" comes from Hisoka, and the dark book is his creation on Earth.

apart from this, and others will draw power from a dark dimension Sovereign like Dormammu.

It is precisely because of this that Kama Taj's mages have attainments that are far beyond the reach of other world mages in terms of alien plane exploration, astral projection, and time-space teleportation.

Especially the Supreme Master Gu Yi, whose powerful astral projection can even completely separate the spirit and the body, and immortalize in another form.

If this ability is used on others, it is to force the soul of the other person out of the body directly.

The "green fat" in the final battle of the Avengers lost the powerful power he was proud of in such an instant.

Watching the monks dressed as monks gather in the square to practice "circling", Alan asked curiously: "Is it really okay to stir the space frequently like this? Wouldn't it attract other people? Dimensional Demon God's attention?"

You must know that although Earth is protected by three Great Saint Halls, if the other-dimensional Demon God wants to invade Earth, it is basically like facing an egg without seams, which cannot be laid at all. mouth.

You can frequently draw power from other dimensions to open the Transmission Gate, but it will still cause a series of fluctuations.

It's like a pebble falling into a lake. Although the impact is insignificant, the ripples may still be observed.

And once this kind of ripple is discovered, the Demon God of different dimensions can lure Earth people through infiltration, open the entrance for themselves from the inside, and finally achieve the purpose of establishing a stable coordinate point.

"It doesn't matter! Because everything that should be noticed has been noticed. Earth's position is no longer a secret in the eyes of those powerful existences." Gu Yi replied indifferently.

"Is this a broken jar?" Alan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"In a way, sort of. You know there are many Demon God spying on Earth, but luckily they each see each other as rivals and enemies. So just take advantage of this. This relationship, Earth is safe for the time being." Gu Yi explained in a rather helpless tone.

Don't look at her name as a Master Mage is very loud, but in fact, if there is no time gem, it is impossible to be the opponent of those strong demon gods.

Many times, when a Demon God begins to invade, she will take the initiative to attract another one to contain it.

This makes it easy to repel invaders without using the power of the Time Stone.

Alan looked thoughtful nodded: "so that's how it is! Very clever approach. I think that's what you want to find a new source of energy for Earth mages, right?"


"You guessed it right. I found that as long as the connection with other dimensions is not completely cut off, those Demon Gods can never be truly expelled. Especially the title of Supreme Master must be recognized and approved by Weishandi. Support, or you will lose all your strength."

When saying this remark, Gu Yi's tone was slightly helpless.

As a big boss, as long as there is room for choice, who would be willing to pin all their hopes on others.

So until now, she's looking for a replacement for Weishandi.

The appearance of Alan made the current Supreme Master see another kind of probability.

"So...I'm a backup now?" Alan teased himself with a chuckle.

"That's right! But you are also the most promising human beings to become a Demon God. To be precise, now you have almost the same power as those Demon Gods, but in life form It's still a little bit short. Come on, let's go inside and discuss how to obtain the Infinity Stones safely."

After saying that, Gu Yi turned and walked towards his own room.

Alan followed silently.

After passing through several corridors and palaces in one breath, the two finally came to a place like a tea room and sat on the floor.

Gu Yi short-term teapot, poured two cups of steaming green tea, and then asked in a casual tone: "Have you thought about how to secretly collect data without causing violent turbulence in the timeline. Have you got all six Infinity Stones?"

"en! Almost thinking about it." Alan nodded without thinking. "The first one to start with should be the space gem, which is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube now kept by S.H.I.E.L.D. When Loki invades Earth with his psychic scepter, I can find a chance to grab it."

"The space gem has the least impact on the timeline, and it shouldn't be the first to start any turmoil." Gu affirmed this idea.

Actually, according to the timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, except in the plot of Avengers 1, where the Space Gem plays an important role, it is in a kind of uninterested state for the rest of the time. condition.

"The second starting stone is the Spirit Treasure stone..."

"Wait!" Before Alan could finish speaking, Gu Yi raised his hand and interrupted. . "Don't you want to take the Spirit Treasure Stone with you when you get the space gem?"

"Is there a problem?" Alan asked in confusion.

Gu Yi explained patiently: "Of course there is a problem! Don't forget that the Spirit Treasure stone involves two important characters in the timeline, Scarlet Witch Wanda and Vision."


"You mean...I have to wait for Scarlet Witch and Vision to be created before I can take the Spirit Treasure Stone?" Alan subconsciously frowned.

Wanda the Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver are better to say, but Vision and the Spirit Treasure Stone are completely fused together.

If you want to forcibly seize it, it will inevitably lead to a series of troubles.

"Wanda the Scarlet Witch is an important node in the timeline, so there must be no mistakes in her life experience. But Vision is different! You can use other means to awaken or create it." Gu Yi meaningfully hinted.

"Okay, I think I see what you mean. In other words, the Spirit Treasure Stone should be recycled after the Power Stone." Alan suddenly felt a headache.

Because if he wants to take away the Spirit Treasure Stone, he must design a similar replacement to ensure that the vision can be born smoothly and maintain the original character and ability not too different. many.

Although it is not completely impossible with the strength and technology he currently possesses, it is by no means an easy task.

"The third retrieved is the Reality Gem. I'll find a chance to say hello to Odin in the Divine Domain of Asgard about this, I believe he It shouldn't be embarrassing you. ”

Gu Yi had clearly seen the crisis that might happen in the future through the time gem, and blunt gave Alan a reassurance.

As an ally protecting Earth, she doesn't want any conflict between Asgardians and Alan.

"hmph! If he dares to embarrass me, I would never mind having the Ragnarok staged ahead of time. You know, killing the gods is a healthy activity for me, and I'm quite enthusiastic and interested ." Alan let out a chilling sneer.

Maybe Odin at the peak period would be a pretty dangerous opponent, but now that he's old enough to be in a coffin, it's impossible to pose any threat to Alan.

"Don't do that! Otherwise, the timeline will be violently turbulent." Gu Yi warned with a serious expression.

"Understood! As long as he doesn't take the initiative to find fault, I won't find trouble with him." Alan shrugged casually.

"Space, power, reality, mind, plus my time, you're only one soul gem away from six Infinity Stones. Tell me how you want to get it Soul gem?" Gu Yi suddenly changed the topic again.

"Don't worry about the Soul Stone. It won't be long before someone gets it back for me. Also, are you sure I don't need an Infinity Glove?" Alan asked in a uncertain tone .

In his impression, it seems that the power to drive six Infinity Stones at the same time can only be achieved with the help of Infinity Gloves.

Otherwise, conflicts and inconsistencies can easily arise.

Gu Yi replied with a smile: "Maybe others need it, but you don't need it. Because your body has surpassed a certain limit, you don't have to worry about the backlash problem at all. And only without the help of infinite gloves. , you can truly integrate yourself with a dimension."

"Without using the Infinity Glove? Or, I'm going to turn myself into an Infinity Glove..." Alan touched the chin meditation.

"Don't worry! You still have plenty of time. Remember, you must return the Infinity Stones when you're done. At least until Infinity War is over, the gems must not be all gone for the unfathomable mystery. As for the end of Infinity War, it's up to you."

After saying this, Gu Yi stood up and silently opened a Transmission Gate disappeared without a trace.

Alan is sitting in this tea room, silently thinking about how to use the power of Infinity Stones to make the game world completely become the world.


At the same time, far away in a corner of the endless universe, Sakura is leading the increasingly large Legion under his command to face a distance from the Kree home planet—ha. Raid is very close to important planets to launch raids.

Because the whole process was too sudden, hundreds of huge fleets stationed here didn't have time to respond, and they were all frozen by terrifying frost magic and became spills of war.

After completely controlling air supremacy, countless battleships aimed their guns at the cities and fortresses on the planet below, and began to bomb and slaughter without mercy.

In just ten minutes, a large number of cities full of advanced technology were razed to the ground, and tens of millions of Cree people died on the spot.

No mercy!

No mercy!

Some just kill and die!

Kree people who claim to be advanced civilization and are full of **** thoughts in their minds, didn't expect things like this to fall on their heads in their dreams.

Because generally, this kind of carnage is what they do to other races.

Through the three-dimensional projection, Sakura sitting on the bridge can even clearly see countless dead souls floating above this planet, waiting to be harvested.

After waiting for the bits and pieces of the ground defense facilities to be bombed, she then gave an order: "Let our people start preparing for airborne landing. If we bomb again, it is estimated that there will be nothing good left. "

"As you wish, My Queen Your Majesty." A strange-looking alien bowed deeply with one hand on his chest.

It is not difficult to see from the six frenzied eyes that it definitely became what it is now after eating the monster cells.

Soon, with an order from the flagship.

Hundreds of space battleships released their transport ships one after another and began to plunge into the atmosphere like raindrops.

With the full-scale war with the Kree, Sakura's Legion has expanded from the initial dozen battleships, tens of thousands of people, to more than 200 battleships, with more than 3 million people. .

Such a huge military force, even if it is singled out and placed in the universe, is considered a top ranking.

even more how, the sphere of influence of the Kree people is too large, and it is impossible to gather all the fleets together to fight a war of annihilation in a short time.

So under Sakura's constant harassment, they lost more and more and more and more.

Especially at this time, it was basically equivalent to Fiercely getting a loud slap in the face in front of the major civilizations in the entire universe.

It's a pity that although the Kree's technological strength is very good, they can't pose any threat to Sakura, who has the ability to teleport.

Although every time they fight, they can sink many battleships controlled by robbers with discipline and tactics.

But in the end, they will all be frozen by frost magic without exception, and they can't even run.

So there is a strange phenomenon, that is, Sakura's fleet and Legion are fighting more and more, while the Cree's fleet and Legion are fighting less and less.

The Kree people who inhabit the planet finally ushered in their doom as the massive transport fleet lands on the ground.

Those crazy robbers who swallowed monster cells and mutated didn't even say a word of nonsense, they just killed people when they saw them.

There are also women who will drag female Cree people who match their aesthetics into corners and perform some inconvenient sports.

After venting, kill a witness to silence them, destroy the corpse and evidence.

In less than three hours, the planet was completely transformed into a death star.

Whether it is the raw materials stored in the warehouse, or those advanced weapons, equipment and materials, all of them have been transported thoroughly, and even the souls of the dead Kree have been harvested.

When the Kree on its Hara star formed a fleet to take revenge, Sakura had long since disappeared into the endless deep space with her Legion.

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