Start at the pet store

Chapter 7 The boat will straighten itself out when it reaches the bridge

Tomorrow's interview, Lu Jingxing thought about it and was looking forward to it.

He looked at Yang Pei's resume and felt it was pretty good.

The young man looked very sunny. You could tell at a glance that he had just graduated. There was still a clear stupidity in his eyes.

When he saw him the next day, it was true.

He answered whatever I asked, and smiled with his white teeth when he was not talking.

Lu Jingxing pondered for a moment and said hesitantly: "Because we are just starting out, the salary is not very high..."

Give Ji Ling 3,200 yuan, and Yang Pei is not much higher, 4,000 yuan.

"Oh, it's okay." Yang Pei scratched his bald head and smiled: "I just want to accumulate some experience first..."

No matter how much you learn in school, it is not as effective as really getting started.

A lot of knowledge is only superficial, and he can't wait to get in touch with more examples!

Lu Jingxing nodded and asked him to operate the machine again.

After confirming that he knew everything and was quite skilled, he thought it was OK: "Okay, then let's do it this way. When can you start work?"

"I can do it anytime!" Yang Pei straightened her back and said excitedly.

Lu Jingxing looked at the date and smiled: "Today is Sunday, why don't you start working tomorrow!"

It just so happened that he had to make some time to find a school.

The two kids will go to elementary school next semester.

The school can't be too far away, it must be convenient for pick-up and drop-off, and it's best to eat lunch at school.

The school can't be too bad...

If all the conditions are added together, it's quite difficult to find a school, and even if you find a suitable one, you may not be able to get in.

Lu Jingxing thought about it and took down the camera he had installed before.

He edited the video well, trying to avoid people appearing in front of the camera, and Huanhuan was the protagonist throughout the whole process.

How miserable the poor puppy was when he first came, and how cute he was when he was cleaned up and sent back to his owner's arms.

He was already chubby, and he looked silly wearing the Elizabethan collar.

As soon as it was posted, it received a lot of likes and coins.

Even Lu Jingxing's account gained a lot of fans. This video only had a few dozen or a few hundred views at the beginning, but it was directly sent to the homepage later, and the views skyrocketed instantly.

There were also a lot of barrages and comments, and Lu Jingxing couldn't reply to them all, so he could only pick out some questions and give brief replies.

——UP is so good, so kind

——Alas, even pets are like this, those stray cats and dogs are even worse

——There are such perverts, they really can do it

Some people were indignant, and more people expressed admiration for Lu Jingxing and his rescue.

Especially Lu Jingxing's handling method, many people praised him for being quite professional.

Looking at these comments, Lu Jingxing was quite happy.

When Yang Pei came to operate the machine today, he also stood by and watched. Indeed, the operation was basically the same.

There was even an instrument that Yang Pei didn't know how to use, but he already knew it.

Lu Jingxing clicked into the APP and learned more vigorously.

Although he only glanced at these comments, he still took them all in.

Especially when he saw the soaring data, Lu Jingxing was very happy: he estimated that he could earn more than 700 yuan from this video!

Lu Jingxing was very happy: if he often shot some videos like this, they would become popular, and the business in the store would increase...

Oh, wouldn't life be easier?

With Yang Pei, Lu Jingxing didn't need to stay in the store all the time.

He was going out to do something, and the camera in the store was not turned off: "I'm collecting materials, you just do your own things, don't worry, I won't let you show your faces in the post-editing."

Ji Ling and Yang Pei had no objections, and they also paid attention to it secretly.

"Actually, I really want to be in the camera." Yang Pei flipped through the comments and envied: "Brother Lu is really amazing."

"Yeah!" Ji Ling nodded, quite impressed: "He is really amazing."

They also discussed the pictures and plots together. Ji Ling added some content that was not in the video, and Yang Pei listened very seriously.

Lu Jingxing didn't know what they were talking about. He went to several schools in the next few days.

Although it's still a long way to go before September, some schools said they have passed the stage of investigating the source of students.

"Just passed?" Lu Jingxing couldn't believe it.

He thought Aunt Lan's words were a bit bluffing. She asked him to prepare so early, but it was really too late?

"Yes." The school also gave him advice: "You can find other schools, or wait a while. Some students may live here, but they may not come to our school to study."

If there are vacancies, or if he is not admitted in the first three batches, he still has a chance.

Lu Jingxing felt that his luck was always average, so he didn't dare to gamble on this opportunity.

But other schools are either too far away, or you have to go home for dinner, or the teaching quality is not very good.

This is the only slightly better one around here...

After returning, Aunt Lan was not surprised: "I was thinking that if it doesn't work, I'd better think of another way."

It's not troublesome, but it costs money.


The uncle was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Then let's do it, there's no other way, for the sake of the children."

It can't be delayed for Jingxing's work or the two children's studies.

Lu Jingxing lowered his eyes, unable to say a word.

It has always been like this, the three siblings have always been a burden to Aunt Lan and the others.

After he became a regular employee after three months of internship, his salary was not high, and he didn't save much money in two years.

After I came back, I opened this pet shop and hired people. Everything I saw later cost money...

"It's okay." Aunt Lan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "The boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. Don't worry, I'll go have a meal with him tomorrow and ask him about the situation."

Aunt Lan's mother-in-law had been sitting aside, her face a little unsightly.

Especially when I heard that it would cost a lot of money, I pursed my lips. After enduring it for a long time, I finally couldn't help it anymore: "No, it's just a study. Any school can produce talents, why do you have to go to this school? You still have to spend money. , Aren’t you just wasting your money?”

That money was saved by the couple to prepare for having a child!

The old lady was not a troublemaker. She sighed: "If you have to settle it, it's two or three thousand, so I won't say anything. If you want to go up, I won't agree."

She looked at Lu Jingxing with a compassionate expression: "Jing Xing, I know it's difficult for you, but you also have to know that it's not easy for your uncle either..."

She is not in good health. She was able to help take care of the area before, but later she might not have the energy to greet her grandson.

Forget about contributing, anyway, Lu Jingxing would send some money back every month to subsidize his family, which could be regarded as earning more money.

But now, they were actually asked to pay in return, and she really couldn't sit still.

"Mom!" My uncle frowned and tugged at her: "What are you talking about?"

He looked at Lu Jingxing and said honestly: "Don't worry, we will pay for it. Your store has just opened and you have to spend money on everything. Don't worry, we still have money."

Lu Jingxing wiped his face and said with a smile: "Actually, I came today because I wanted to announce the good news... Aunt Lan, uncle, really, you can't afford this money. I'm here. I have money. In the past two years, I also saved some money.”

Seeing Aunt Lan frowning, he took out his cell phone before she could say anything: "Really, the video I posted became popular, and just in time, I made a lot of money. Look! Haha, it just comes in handy!"

Sorry, the update is a little late today QAQ because I went to have a tooth extracted. Oh my god, one tooth was disobedient and grew sideways. It hurt me so much. I had to change the doctor twice. He used pliers to pull it out QAQ

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