Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1023: Do not disturb

   "Open the mall."

   Found the column of ‘Material Conveyor’ and looked at the price of 10,000/units behind, Yu Ge was heartbroken.

   At least four in order to meet the needs of the settlement center.

   This is just the beginning. As the transaction volume increases, investment will continue.

   And his plan to'play the big one' at one time was obviously lost.

   The number 61351 in the upper right corner represents Yu Ge's last stubbornness.

   Among them, 40,000 purchased the "Material Conveyor," and the remaining 20,000 can be used to purchase "Kwangto Basic Architecture 1.0".

   This is the knowledge that Yu brother has been struggling with all the time. In the system, knowledge classification is the most precious.

   But with the current technology tree, can this technology be illuminated?

  Yu is deeply suspicious of this!


   Seeing 61351 flashing to 1386, Yu Ge's heart began to bleed again.

   Fortunately, the devout believers of the church are continuously providing him with faith values.

   As the light of miracle envelopes more colonial stars, it brings new hope to the desperate races.

   The belief value will increase faster and faster, and he will be further away from his new goal.

   "The item has been distributed, the coordinates..."

   Looking at the "Basic Architecture of Light Gate 1.1" replaced in the mall, Brother Yu had an unknown premonition.




   Let the Kirin send the creator to get things and store them in the warehouse first.

   Qin Yu's work that day was successfully completed, and now he is going to receive delegations and supervisors from Shangdu.

  Ms. Ye Jinlan!

   In front of the airport.

  The white sweetheart neckline with lace on the front and buttons in the middle, a pair of pencil trousers on the lower body, and Ye Jinlan with simple white shoes, are still so beautiful.

   "Jin Lan." Qin Yu looked at the men and women behind her and hugged her.

   Ye Jinlan restrained his inner thoughts and said with a chuckle: "I'll introduce you, this is Huang He, this is Guyi, and the two of them are responsible for the specific work.

   "Gu Yi?" Qin Yu's tone rose.

   This name is domineering!

   Guy with long hair shawl, tall body, oval face and delicate features smiled lightly: "Hello, Qin Dong, it's Yiren in Shuiyiren."

   "Just kidding, welcome." Qin Yu held the other's hand.

   is soft and tender, without calluses, it seems to be a full-time clerk.

   shook hands with Huang He again. His hands were callused and his mouth was rough. At first glance, he was a master of gun play.

   "Let's go to the hotel first, take a break and then discuss business matters."

   Qin Yu invited the two to get in the car, and he took Ye Jinlan to Rafa.

   "What's the situation with these two people?" Qin Yu asked casually when he got into the car.

   "What is the situation, don't you understand?" Ye Jinlan teased.

   "People from the ancient family?" Qin Yu asked rhetorically.

   Ye Jinlan nodded, and said bitterly and helplessly: "You are a very hot sweet pastry now."

   The car started, and in the canopy that followed, Guy was also talking about him: "What do you think of him?"

"can not read!"

   Huang He groaned: "It looks mild and lazy, with a bit of bohemianness, especially the look in your eyes...similar to his style of behavior!"

   Guyi smiled and asked, "Didn’t you say you don’t understand?"

   Huang He thought for a while, and said, "It's too obvious, besides, the things he did secretly are not very gentle."

   "You said, if I **** him from Ye Jinlan, will she hate me to death?"

   Guyi put his hand on his cheek and looked out the window, and said in a mischievous tone.

   Huang He thought for a while, but decided to tell the truth: "I'm afraid there is no such possibility."

   "You mean I can't beat Ye Jinlan?" Gu Yi looked back at him.

   Huang He shook his head and said: "It's not who, but he can't give up the entire forest for a tree."

   "...It's still men who know men better." Guy said sarcastically.

   Huang He smiled bitterly, and said to his heart, "What's up to me, you have to ask yourself."

   However, he also understands Guy's helplessness and distress!

   "A good daughter of a wealthy family in Shangdu, she was suddenly given to the door as a gift by the family. Can she feel good in her heart?"

  Lafa, Ye Jinlan said mockingly, "Hearing this, is my heart broken?"

   "How is it possible, am I that kind of person?" Yu Ge denied it.

   He couldn't understand a word of delivery to the door!

   "Hmph." Tsundere snorted, Ye Jinlan turned her head and looked out the window, her eyes full of helplessness.

   He is now like a tiger breaking into the mountain. After demonstrating his strength, he attracts the flattery of the animals entrenched on the mountain.

   What about yourself... Fox fake vixen?

   "What are you thinking about?" Qin Yu asked when she was silent, holding her hand.

   "I wonder how many foxes you have." Ye Jinlan's cheeks flushed, dispelling the conjecture in his mind.

   What kind of vixen, I am not.

   If it had to be Guy in the car behind, that would be a serious vixen, a canary.

  "Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, singing, dancing and musical instruments are omnipotent, you can ride horses up and dive down.

   It is said that he has also studied **** surgery. "

   "Am I such a superficial person?" Yu Ge said righteously and secretly called ‘scan. ’

  Scan data:


   Age: 20.

   Height: 175cm.

   Weight: 62kg.

   Specialty: Eighteen musical instruments, singing and dancing, ingenuity, specialization in ink and wash painting, specialization in traditional Chinese painting, specialization in riding skills, water spirit, thirty-six styles of imperial house.

   Face value: 96↑ [face value 90] [temperament 95] [wealth 7]

   Body: 86↑【Development potential***】

   Mood value: 71↑↓ [beauties have been sad since ancient times]

   Favorability: 70↓【This is not scientific】

  Freshness: 95↑ [Health starts from the doll]

   Brother Yu rubbed his chin, wondering what Yufang 36-style is.

   sounds so advanced, palace secret skills?

   Waiting for the car to drive to the hotel, and then looking at Guy, Yu's eyes are a little more curious.

   This made Gu Yi secretly guess whether Ye Jinlan said something.

   "Let’s eat first, and the restaurant box can just see the location of the settlement center in the future."

   took a few people to the pre-determined restaurant. While waiting for the waiter to serve the food, Qin Yu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and introduced the project details.

   The lake in front is shimmering, and tourists shuttle between the pavilions and arch bridges, and the scenery is beautiful.

  "The overall building is a square tower with a total height of 59 meters and a usable area of ​​29,000 square meters.

   has a business hall, a private reception room, a transmission room, a testing room..."

   "Where is the vault?" Guy asked.

   Qin Yu thought for a while, turned around and went to the dining table, tapping a few fingers on his wrist.

   There was a blue projection immediately before his eyes, and a magnificent 3D image of an antique building came into view.

   includes a panoramic view of the lake below it, and a cylindrical passage connecting the center of the building to the disc building at the bottom of the lake.

   "The central elevator goes directly to the transfer room and the vault at the bottom. A total of eight elevators operate at the same time and are fully automated."

   "Is this what the outside world says about non-media projection?" Guy's attention was focused on the technology in front of him.

   "Yes, Miss Guy is interested, I'll send you a terminal before leaving." Qin Yu said.

   "Then I would like to thank Dong Qin in advance." Gu Yiying smiled.

   "Dong Qin, the treasury and the transfer room all use your company's robots?" Huang He interjected.

   "Yes, there are robots standing in front of the elevator up and down, responsible for handover and transportation."

   "I heard that your company will provide an AI system management center operation." Huang He said.

   "Yes, I'm still waiting for the name on it!" Qin Yu said.

   "We already have it." Guyi smiled and said, "Pangu."

   "Pangu?" Brother Yu was shocked, is she serious?

   What kind of existence is Pangu in mythology? Would it be too exaggerated to be named after him?

   Finally, the subsystem of the settlement center confirmed the name: Pangu.

   implies a brand-new future world, full of vitality and expectation.

   Satiated with wine and food, Qin Yu asked Guyi and Huang He to rest. After the two had left, he pulled Ye Jinlan upstairs.


   The door was slammed and closed, and the electronic lock lit up with four words: Do not disturb!

  I haven't seen it for a long time, Ye Jinlan seemed to vent all his thoughts and grievances.

   From night to morning, toss for a night!

   Until the driver called to ask when to leave, she blew the drums to retreat.

   "I won't go today, I will go to sleep..." Ye Jinlan fell into a dream and turned over while yawning.

  Leaving Yu brother with a wry smile, is he taken advantage of?

   If you put two stacks of red tickets on the bed, wouldn't Brother Yu change careers successfully?

   Shaking his head to dispel the distracting thoughts in his mind, Brother Yu walked to the bathroom: "Although we are handsome, we have to rely on our ability to eat."

   After washing, he kissed Ye Jinlan, who was sleeping, and Qin Yu took the door to leave the room.

   When he arrived at the restaurant, Guy and Huang He had already had breakfast.

   "The two have eaten, let's set off now." Qin Yu stepped forward and said.

   "Dong Qin might as well have breakfast first, the visit is not in a hurry!" Gu Yi responded with a smile.

   "No, time is tight, no delay!"

   Brother Yu has arranged all day long, so there is no time to waste.

   After taking them on the field tour, they have to rush to pick up the pumpkin.

   I have to take him on a date in the I don't know how long I will be busy.

  Mother Shang-sama and Lao Qin were on a business trip today, and it would take three days at the earliest to come back.

   During this period, he was a part-time dad + nanny + dating partner.

  In other words, who did this kid date with?

   drove around Nanhu in a big circle, and paused at each marked point, like four entrances and exits, parking lot, speed window and so on.

   "I know that miracle has many amazing advanced technologies. Has Qin Dong ever thought that these facilities will be eliminated after the popularization of speed cars?"

   "No, no."

   Qin Yu pointed to the parking lot and said: "By then, you only need to build a box-type pipe network road, and the problem can be solved perfectly!"

   "Air highway?" Gu Yi's eyes were flying.

   "Yes, personal terminals and speed cars will be introduced to the market in the next two years."

   This was planned a long time ago, and the planning of the air highway has been done.

  The data acceptance and debugging of the terminal have also been completed, and it is only waiting for mass production to go on the market.

   Gu Yi's eyes flowed, what she saw and heard for half a day completely subverted her cognition of technology.

   When did super science fiction move from movie to reality?

   Only four or five years, he created all this...

   Guyi suddenly understood why those women knew that he was so romantic and still rushed!

   Miracle Company, at this moment, Guy suddenly believed in the existence of miracles.

  He is a miracle in itself! ! !

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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