At the same time as the tragedy happened, the dark creeping valley of living creatures attracted more creatures to step into the black and twisted flesh and blood.

It is like a pool of evil flesh, hatching terrible monsters.

Among them, it also includes human beings who break in unintentionally.



Barrow Far East is a vast land with abundant resources and sparsely populated areas.

Oil companies are investigating new oil wells, and the bears who have been working hard all day gather together.

Take out food and spirits and gather together to discuss life in the city.

Woman is one of the eternal theme.

Some meaty jokes even arouse boiling laughter and make the atmosphere of the party more lively.

Until a strange howl sounded from the darkness: "What is it, bear?"

"Whoever has a weapon, I just need a new pair of boots." The stocky man with a big beard and flushed face stood up.

His height is less than 165cm, but his whole body is full of powerful muscles.

A pair of sturdy short legs reminds me of a rhino.

"Dear Gomarel, the black bear will smash your pumpkin head."

"Haha, Gomarel is about to show his clumsy power again."

"Do you want to help? Gomarel, we will hold it for you."

"Or hold him, Gomarel, I will be very gentle."

"Ho **** ho ho..."

"Go away, you idiots."

Gomarie smiled and cursed and walked to the side. He lifted the sledge hammer that stood in front of the toolbox.

The hammer, which was about to be as high as him, was slightly funny in Gomarel's hand.

Don't underestimate his power!

No one is worried about Gomarel’s comfort, because the bear may not really come out.

Even if he rushed out, there was nothing to worry about.

Everyone here has hunted bears before, and in their eyes the terrible bears are just prey.

"Eeee..." a low growl from his throat interrupted the atmosphere of the party.

This sound is not a bear.

"Hey, be careful, there have been quite a few weird things recently." The reckless man with thunderous laughter stood up.

The lush beard makes it difficult to see his appearance, and he only wore a short-sleeved overall.

Exposed his arms full of muscles like steel bars, letting the biting cold wind blow unconsciously.

As long as you see him, you feel safe.

The big red pipe wrench in your hand provides extra guarantee for this safety!

Even an adult black bear can't hold the force of his pliers on his head.

"Jimpsey, there are only us and the brainless beasts, you are too nervous."

"After all, this is the first time Gimpxi has been the team leader, man, you should have a few more glasses."

"Yes, let us sing!"

Jin Pushi didn't care about the ridicule of his peers.

He just stood with Gomarel and looked sideways, only to find that the other's face was full of tension.

"Gomalie, what do you see?" Gimpsey held the pipe wrench with his right hand tightly.

But Gomarel didn't answer him, looking straight ahead, the pupils dilated and dilated.

"Gomarel, Gomarel?"

Jin Pushi touched him with an elbow, trying to wake up the absent companion.

But his body leaned back instantly under the slight collision, and fell to the ground with a thump.

"Damn it, Gomarel?" Gimpsi knelt on one knee, dropped the pipe wrench and grabbed his neckline.

Shouting vigorously and shaking, trying to wake him up.

The rest of the people also gave up their enjoyment one after another, rushing forward and asking what happened?

"There is something in the darkness, it takes Gomarel."

After discovering that he had lost his breath, Kim Pushy stood up holding the pipe wrench with a painful expression.

"What did it do, what is that?" someone pressed.

"I don't know, but something must happen." Jin Pushi put aside his pain and looked towards the dark night.

"Everyone, burn the bonfire, find the right weapon, and prepare for battle."

With the uncooled corpse of Gomarel lying in front of him, no one would question Kim Push's order.

But how did it kill Gomariel?



Run, run...

Jin Pushi numbly stepped his legs forward, his breath full of tears.

Every time he gasped, he was like sucking in countless tiny blades instead of the air on which he lived.

The sharp ‘blade’ pierced the throat, poured into the lungs, and shattered it.

Pain, every second is like torture.

But always reminds Kim Push that he is still alive...

At this moment, he was the only one to move forward alone in the wilderness.

On the way to escape, the companions died one by one.

Someone fell to the ground silently like Gomarel and never got up again.

Someone suddenly screamed ‘monster’ like crazy, waving the weapon in his hand and smashing his companion’s brain.

Riding on him, smashed the whole head into a pool of jam.

There were seven or eight people who died in the hands of their mad companions alone.

In the end, the only three people left decided to run separately.

"I don't know how they are now?" There was a faint hope in Gimpxi's heart.

Someone can escape back to the company and bring the news to everyone.

…Bring people back and collect their bodies for them.

At least, don't let their corpses remain in the icy wilderness and become food for wild animals.


The burning sensation in the lungs became stronger and stronger, and Kim Push knew that this was the limit.

The fragile organs are on strike!

Under intense exercise and long-term cold current, I can no longer continue to work normally.

Kim Push’s lungs are like a water tank in a car.

Too high temperature will cause the entire vehicle to break down and be scrapped!


Jin Pushi, in a trance, failed to notice the crater under his feet, and his right foot was just stepping on it.

The body, which was already unable to maintain, lost its final balance.

Lying on his side on the ground, Kim Push no longer had the strength to stand up.

There was a tragic smile on his face. I didn't expect this to happen the first time I led the team.

Should it be God's favor or torture! !


The grotesque growl came to his ears again, and he knew the **** monsters were still there.

However, he no longer has the ability to resist, even if he escapes for his life.

The voice was getting closer and Jin Pushi used his last strength and opened his eyes wide.

He wants to see clearly what the **** are those **** monsters?

Bang bang~

The crisp sound of gunshot suddenly came, and the low roar instantly disappeared until it disappeared completely.

Jin Pushi tilted his head laboriously and looked up. The silhouette of a speeding car in the sound of the engine made him close his eyes with confidence.

Four hours later, Kim Push, who had escaped by chance, woke up on the operating table.

The strange face with yellow skin beside him made him feel uneasy.

There are also tied hands and feet, which is not the treatment that normal patients should have.

"Who are you? Let go of me, where is my man?"

"Hey, what do you want to do to me, don't poke me with a needle, **** bastard, I will crush your cute little face."

"MD, let go... let go..."

Gimpxi, who kept cursing, only felt that his eyelids became more and more sleepy, until he fell asleep again.

"His physique is amazing." Qin Yu, who saw this scene with his own eyes, smiled brightly in the observation room.

The amount of medicine enough to sleep two people for four hours only allowed him to sleep for half an hour.

Fortunately, he has been sent to the operating table, otherwise a conflict will be inevitable.

Those fragile researchers will not be opponents of Jin Pushi who is stronger than the bear.

Hearing his compliment, standing beside him, the slightly older old Joe laughed loudly: "He is the best guy under me."

"Are you really willing to hand people over to me?" Qin Yu looked at him.

I haven't seen him for many years. Old Qiao is still so hearty and funny, but the business is getting bigger and bigger.

Nowadays, it is not only engaged in financial, arms and other transactions.

Even energy is also plugged in. He is the first one to obtain an energy survey license in the Far East.

This is not something that can be done with money, it seems that he has not been idle for these years.

"Of course, as long as he can survive." Old Joe nodded seriously.

Although somewhat regretful, Old Joe knew that this was the only chance for Kim Push to survive.

Only here can he regain his life after organ failure.

Besides, compared to getting a corpse.

Old Qiao thinks that being alive is more important, and...

He needs to know what happened?

This time the loss was more than just casualties for Old Joe.

Before figuring out what happened, the Far East project was completely shut down indefinitely.

The money spent by Lao Qiao does not stop, machinery, labor, and materials are lost to millions of dollars every day.

This is more serious than what has already happened!

"Don't worry, he will survive." In Qin Yu's answer, the operation officially began.

Running, running, and tormenting with endless fear makes Jin Pushi unable to stop.

In the darkness, evil eyes followed in his footsteps.

No matter where you go, you can't get rid of it!

But Jin Pushi was unwilling and unwilling to give up, as long as there was a trace of strength in his body, he would never compromise.

The strange thing is that no matter how painful he is, there seems to be an inexhaustible power in his body.

Until Jin Pushi stopped and sat cross-legged and waited silently.

The gaze that followed him, but disappeared in an instant.

The pain became more real, and Kim Push opened his eyes at this time.

"Yeah~" Kim Pushi let out a muffled groan from the tearing pain.

Looking down, the twisted flesh and blood squirming in his chest made Jin Pushi panic and want to retreat.

Cang Dang!

The operating table shook violently, and the restraint band restrained his movements.

Jin Pushi opened her mouth to shout, but there was something blocked in her throat, and she could only make a meaningless ‘ahhh’.

Then, the white wall opened inward.

A doctor in a white coat walked into the operating room, still muttering, "This guy is as strong as a cow. It should be a few hours before he wakes up. It seems that he has to increase the dose again."

The needle pushed the white liquid into the body, and Kim Pushy, who had just awakened, fell into a coma again.

When he was awake for the third time, the restraints that controlled his limbs finally disappeared.

Sitting up again, Jin Pushi saw the mysterious white coat again.

The body suddenly rushed forward, and Kim Pushy stretched out his hand to lock the opponent's throat, and said threateningly: "What did you do to me?"

Tilting his head and looking at the bear in front of him, Shi Cui smiled and said, "Can you let me down first? Thank you!"

The polite and gentle tone made Jin Pushi unable to refute, and he let go of the palm that was holding his throat.

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