Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 1081: New and old

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Hungerly ingesting the knowledge in the notebook, Qin Yu forgot the time and everything.

Until the harsh bell interrupted his thoughts, the sky outside the window was already dark.

"Hey, Sister Mi!" Answering the phone, Qin Yu closed the notebook.

All the ideas inside have been in his mind, and Qin Yu will hand over the arranged notes and broken pages to Zhang Wei later.

Or, he was afraid that Zhang Wei would go crazy on the spot...

"With the newcomer and forget the old, you are a bitch." Rice's voice was like someone else's strangling his throat.

With a single mouth, Brother Yu knew that she was talking about endorsements.

When the speed car endorsement was given, Brother Yu knew that someone had to call and ask.

I didn't expect that the efficiency would be so fast!

"It's all in your ears, where are you filming?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

"Also, Xiao Di has been waiting!" Rice said coquettishly: "Why did you give it to someone else? It's in Lishui."

"Good place."

Seeing that she didn't answer the conversation, Brother Yu didn't rush and said slowly: "Don't worry, it will be several years before the speeding car is on the market. That's all for the future."

"I'm not the endorsement of household robots, I keep it for you!" Brother Yu doesn't favor one or the other.

Although the topic of Speed ​​is very high, it is too far away from ordinary people.

Besides, it will take one or two years to go public.

Unlike household robots, they have already reached the market and can be realized immediately.

"Really, that's the smart home robot that has been on the Internet, Xiao J." Rice said in surprise.

"Little J?" Brother Yu looked dumbfounded, who gave this name to him.

"Yes, netizens call it that way, it's small and cute, and it's made by a miracle... J stands for miracle."

"That should be Xiao Q." Brother Yu vomited.

"Call Xiao Q, be careful of subpoenas!" Rice joked, "Do you want to go to Nanshan to file a lawsuit?"

"Ah, I almost forgot." Brother Yu patted his forehead before remembering that there was a penguin.

In other words, he has been busy during this period of time, and he almost forgot about it.

I don't know how the competition between the company and Penguin is going.

In the last weekly report, I heard some news, and the other party tried to discredit the company on the Internet.

All kinds of gossip rumors are raging.

The miracle side has been standing still, as if the other side said that the center was empty.

In fact, Xu Hao has been asking Qilin to collect evidence.

It is not only the evidence that the other party instructed to slander the company, but also its internal confidential data.

Random titles, hegemony, and monopoly suppress the market, playing with customers in applause.

There is also the fact that the most classic masterpiece, Ctrl+C+V.

Including audio, analysis +V data recording.

In short, as long as you use everything...

Seeing Xu Hao's meaning is to press the other party directly to death without giving it any chance to fight back.

However, the current evidence can only hurt the bones.

After all, Penguin's hooliganism is not a day or two, it's just an open secret.

It just suffers from the fact that there is nothing to ban, the forces behind it are intricate, and it is needed to prevent the invasion of foreign communication companies.

After all, no matter how much you toss, the penguin is also a grasshopper pinched in the palm of your hand.

It all depends on the two months before the announcement of the terminal, when the time comes.

Can the miracle ban the penguin and become the new communication overlord?

Or the terminal will be restricted due to various factors, and we will see each other when the time comes.

Xu Hao is also trying his best to win over mobile phone giants, such as the behind-the-scenes capital of domestic mobile phones such as Aixia and Mi.

However, who should be the endorsement of the terminal.

Brother Yu is still considering, the only thing that can be determined is that there must be more than one spokesperson.

He plans to hire multiple endorsements, and then implant his thumb image as an optional intelligent assistant.

Users can choose their favorite assistants and open the usage permissions on a monthly basis.

Of course, you can also use the free voice assistant that comes with it.

Although there is no impact, it is completely free, and there will be no lack of functionality.

This is like a skin, whether to buy or not does not affect the experience at all.

It's nothing more than good-looking or not, and your own wishes!

"I want, I want, I want to be an assistant." Anadi's jumping voice came from the microphone.

"Bad girl, who made you shout so loudly." Rice.

"Ah, it hurts!" Anadi's voice was full of grievances.

"I want too." Guna ran away after she said it, leaving only a brisk laugh further and further away.

"You heard it, they said it themselves." Rice weakly pressed the microphone to her ear.

"I don't know about others, but I will definitely not forget Sister Mi."

Qin Yu said something with a frivolous smile, which caused rice to scream in embarrassment: "Hate, who is going to die with you..."

Looking at the hung-up cell phone, Qin Yu randomly threw it on the table.

With thighs folded on the table, his body leaned back, his hands hooked on the back of his head, and he whistling leisurely.

After filming this time, I have to let Da Michele rest.

Let alone, I haven't seen her for half a year. Brother Yu really missed her.

As for the smart assistant image of the terminal, since everyone wants it so much, let's come together.

Fertilizer does not flow into outsiders' fields, one more, one less.

For Brother Yu, it didn't make a difference.

Besides, the candidates on Yu Ge's heart list are all goddesses with considerable influence in their respective countries.

Not a goddess, and no chance to get close to him.

Not to mention directly on the list...

The number of people who subsequently opened thumb assistants for the goddess must be considerable.

This is a considerable long-term stable income, and Yu Ge considers it entirely from the standpoint of the company.

Rice, Anadi, Guna, Jiang Xiaoshan, Song Tie, Jin Xi, Zhang Zi.

Mildew, Savannah, Imogen, Frida.

Jiaren, Pei Zhuxian, Secretary Jin, Li Yili, Li Shaoxi, Rune...

Caiying, Jenny, Jisoo, and Lisa are four children.

Ji Yun and Hyo Rim, plus Park Shin Hye!

This combination should be a choice that can satisfy the public.

However, is the proportion of Hancheng District a bit too large?

Brother Yu is considering whether to pick some suitable roles in Neon.

It should be changed occasionally.

As for the male image, Yu asked Qilin to prepare several virtual characters.

Handsome, cold, arrogant, cute, shy, sunny...

Various types, there are options.

Fully satisfy women's illusions about their spouse and ensure that they will pay the bill readily.

"Kirin." There is no need to wait, Qin Yu wants to see the avatar it prepares now.

Projected figures appearing in a circle, each with a different expression on their faces.

The outfit, hairstyle, looks, and even the details are flawless.

However, how did Brother Yu perceive these characters and what makes him familiar with them.

"All characters are made with reference to the host." Qilin.

"What did he use?" Qin Yu asked, pointing to the grim character.

"Eyes and eyebrows." Qilin.

"What about him?" Qin Yu pointed to the Sunshine Type.

"Mouth shape and jawbone." Qilin.

Okay, Brother Yu understands.

From a role alone, I don't think of myself at all.

But the combination of the outstanding characteristics of all the characters is what Yu Ge himself looks like.


Who makes him look too handsome, it's really a headache!

"Your shameless behavior is becoming more and more sophisticated." Qilin.

"Cough, kneel down!" Qin Yu coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment and let Qilin leave.

"I and you are one, are you sure you want to do this?" Qilin.

Gui'an, this operation is difficult!

Ignoring the naughty Kirin, Qin Yu checked all the information and organized.

Afterwards, let Xu Meixin bind it up.

He personally sent it to Vulcan, and handed it to Zhang Wei.

"Boss, what's all this?" Zhang Wei was stupefied after receiving a large pile of documents.

The small black-covered notebook in this file is not a diary, is it?

"This is the focus of your future work."

Qin Yu patted the black diary and said, "Read these diaries carefully, you will thank me."

"Okay, I'll take the time to watch it." Zhang Wei said perfunctorily.

Serious people who write diaries, what can be worth paying attention to?

"It's not taking time, you have to finish watching tonight, this is a task." Qin Yu said blankly.

He didn't want to misunderstand because he didn't hand over clearly.

Let Zhang Wei throw things in an unknown corner, leaving dust in dust.

He also wanted to see it early, the day the orbital defense belt was built.

"Can you postpone it for two days, I..." Zhang Wei looked embarrassed and wanted to shirk. He really didn't want to read any diary.

"No, I will come to you tomorrow morning."

"If you haven't finished it, you can go back on vacation!"

If this is to change the company, Zhang Wei will have to laugh on the spot: "There is still such a good thing."

But here, what he fears most is vacation.

The entire company is running at full capacity, immigration projects, and spacecraft manufacturing.

He didn't want to let go of either, let alone the ongoing ‘second-generation spacecraft transformation and upgrade’ project.

It's going to a critical moment, and the results are about to come out.

Let him take a vacation at this time, it is better to kill him directly.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for Qin Yu to find others in the company in the middle of the night.

He has been living in the company for more than half a month.

"Okay, I must finish Zhang Wei solemnly handed over the things to his assistant, and stayed up late to read it after he planned to go back.

At the same time, Zhang Wei was also a little curious.

He wants to take a good look, what is written in this diary?

I hope that there will not be any boring daily life, wasting his precious time.

Seeing Zhang Wei's attention, Qin Yu drove home.

Mom and Dad and Little Pumpkin were already asleep, Qin Yu didn't wake up anyone, and quietly returned to the room.

Early in the morning, when Brother Yu came back from exercise.

The family who was preparing breakfast thought he had just walked in, "Why don't you say anything in advance when you come back, have you eaten?"

"...I came back yesterday."

Brother Yu pointed to the sportswear on his body, "I just went out to exercise."

"Who made you look like a night owl?" Liang Chuyu said irritably.

Turned around and walked into the kitchen and asked the aunt to prepare an extra breakfast for him.

"Is the company okay?" Old Qin put on a serious father's posture.

Occasionally, I still have to put on airs, or else these two guys, both big and small, don't put him in the eyes.

"It's all fine, I'll take a shower first." After going upstairs to wash, Qin Yu changed his clothes and went downstairs.

Liang Chuyu and Lao Qin are ready to set off.

"Since I'm back, the little pumpkin is handed over to you, and Auntie will prepare the things to bring."


Qin Yu rubbed the head of Little Pumpkin and joked: "You followed me today."

"Big Brother, Big Brother, Happy Holidays." Little Pumpkin embraced her arms and knelt on the chair to bow to him.

Seeing this scene, Liang Chuyu rolled his eyes and left home quickly.

She didn't look at it anymore. She thought she could practice the trumpet better with experience.

Unexpectedly, it's not as good as a large size, it's a complete bastard.

This stinky boy, wait to be cleaned up by his brother!

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