Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 211: Brain Budding Genius

The next day, Qin Yu stepped into Lixin's office 5 minutes before 8 o'clock.

"Hello, sir, who are you looking for?" The two front desks stood up, their eyes shining slightly.

Isn't this guy too handsome?

Taking a closer look, Zhang Qiqi widened her eyes in surprise, pointed at him and said, "Shao Qin."

The colleague next door asked blankly: "What Qin Shao?"

Zhang Qiqi pressed her finger on her mouth and said, ‘It’s broken and it’s broken, how come I forget that I’m still at work? ’

Qin Yu also recognized Zhang Qiqi, and his 90-point figure was quite impressive.

Although I would meet her here by accident, Qin Yu didn't care too much, "Well, is Hong Zhong here?"

Zhang Qiqi and He Na were dumbfounded when Qin Yu called out the name of "General Manager Hong"!

Who is this person?

When he came up, he just called Mr. Hong's name without a word. Is it so arrogant?

"Shao Qin."

Hong Zhongcai, who was preparing to convene a meeting, happened to see Qin Yu at the front desk.

Three steps and two steps to his side, Hong Zhongcai looked at the two front desks seriously: "Ah, let me introduce you. This is the boss of our company, Qin Shao, remember it clearly."

Zhang Qiqi's inner surprise was that a wave of unresolved waves rose again, and her eyes dullly followed He Na and called out "Qin Shao," and she was in a daze.

After Qin Yu and Hong Zhong walked far away, people still stood in the same place stupidly.

"Hey, Kiki, are you okay?"

There is a fierce gossip fire in He Na's eyes, and she especially wants to know what is the relationship between Zhang Qiqi and the boss.

The appearance of the two before, obviously not the first time they met.

But Zhang Qiqi was embarrassed again, as if she didn't want to meet him here.

So... the first time the two met was embarrassing?

Or do people who shouldn't show up appear in places that shouldn't show up?

Then the person who shouldn't show up is naturally only Zhang Qiqi.

Where it shouldn't appear... Lixin Investment.

So, what did she do before? ? ?

Seeing the gossip and excitement in her eyes, Zhang Qiqi gradually realized, "I met Qin Shao in a bar before, but I didn't expect him to be Lixin's boss."

He Na clapped her hands and jumped up, "I knew you were in the hotel...wait, bar?"

He Na is stupid, why is it different from what she imagined?

Look at Zhang Qiqi's cold and sarcasm smile again.

He Na smiled awkwardly, pulling a chair to sit down and said: "Oh~ Mr. Hong explained that I haven't finished what I did. Really, I will be scolded in a while."


Walking to the meeting room side by side, Qin Yu asked casually: "Who hired the front desk?"

Hong Zhongcai responded: "It's me, Qin Shao, do you think there is a problem?"

Qin Yu asked back: "Is it a normal application?"

Hong Zhongcai understood his subtext and said sternly: "Yes, the resume is still in the company mailbox, you can read it at any time."

Since it is a normal recruitment, there is no problem!

Doing part-time jobs at night does not hinder normal work during the day.

As long as Zhang Qiqi does her receptionist work during working hours.

Qin Yu would not discriminate against her because she occasionally worked as a part-time ‘accompanying wine’.

Living in this highly competitive, efficient and cruel era, no one has the word ‘easy’ in his life.

She didn't do anything wrong, how could Qin Yu trouble her?

Looking at the worried Hong Zhongcai, Qin Yu smiled and said: "It's okay, I think the little girl is pretty good."

Only then did Hong Zhongcai's heart land again, "Qin Shao is satisfied."

As we approached the meeting room, everyone was trotting inside.

Seeing Qin Yu and Hong Zhongcai, they rushed into the conference room while bowing their heads in greeting.

When Qin Yu walked into the meeting room, everyone was already there.

"We are meeting now to discuss the company's first investment...Silver futures."

Without any useless or long-winded greetings, Qin Yu knew straightforwardly: "From now on, with your family, relatives, girlfriends and all those who keep in touch frequently."

"Call them and tell them that you will lose contact with the outside world in the next 15 days."

"Don't worry, if there is an emergency, the company phone can be connected at any time..."

Qin Yu's requirements are not harsh or rare requirements for financial traders.

Before fighting a battle, the confidentiality of information is the top priority.

It must also be guarded carefully.

Because of a momentary negligence, leaking information caused huge losses, or even direct bankruptcy.

It is not a rare exception in the financial industry. This kind of thing is repeated almost every once in a while.

Therefore, everyone present can understand Qin Yu's request.

In 15 minutes, everyone has informed their family, relatives and friends or those who have been in contact for a long time.

I will be short-lived in the next fifteen days, so I call the company landline if there is an emergency.

Seeing everyone put down their phones, Qin Yu opened the office door and shouted at the end of the corridor: "Zhang Qiqi."

‘What’s the name of the other girl here, forget it, let’s say hello later. ’

"Here... Ah yes." Zhang Qiqi hurriedly walked out of the front desk.

"Get a basket here."

When Zhang Qiqi came to the conference room with the basket, all the phones had been turned off and put on the table.

"Take all these away and send it over when I get back to the office."

Perceiving the tense atmosphere in the conference room, Zhang Qiqi was only shocked.

Holding a basket in one hand, every time he walks to a person and takes away the other person's mobile phone.

She would first nod and smile at the other person, as if saying, ‘It’s none of my business, the boss asked me to do it. ’

After turning around and returning to Qin Yu, Zhang Qiqi clutched the basket with both hands and said: "Qin...Boss, put it away."


Qin Yu put his mobile phone inside, "Get out!"

The door of the meeting room was closed, and the tense atmosphere was eliminated by the refreshing air.

Zhang Qiqi slapped her hand in front of her, and murmured, "What are you going to do? It scares me to death."

Thinking of what the boss had just ordered, her expression was a little weird.

Why do you have to wait for him to return to the office before sending it over? Is he suggesting something to himself?

Have you been subjected to the unspoken rules of the workplace?

If this is the case, should I accept it or resist...accept it!

"It seems that there is no choice, so please accept it happily."

Zhang Qiqi murmured to herself as she walked forward, and her joyful smile did not seem to be forced.


In the conference room, Zhang Qili looked at Qin Yu with a tangled face.

This shouldn't be the case, why suddenly we have to start with silver futures.

Listen to the boss, this time I will invest a 10-figure amount of money to do it.

For the futures market, this money cannot even be splashed with water, and it is completely transparent.

But for Zhang Qili, it was an unimaginable amount of money.

What if something goes wrong?

Will the boss find his own trouble and be responsible for himself?

What he said was really true, that report was only used to show him the analysis data...

Hearing that the boss had already started assigning tasks, Zhang Qili couldn't wait any longer.

He was about to stand up while pinching the chair with both hands, but was held down by someone.

Looking at Hong Zhongcai with wide-eyed eyes, the other party just shook his head firmly and then turned his gaze to Qin Yu again.

"That's the situation. I will personally direct this operation, and everyone will follow the command line."

"No matter what order I give, just do it!"

"I don't want anyone to be clever or disobey my orders, understand?"

Hearing what Qin Yu said, Zhang Qili's tight body suddenly relaxed.

It seems that this time he was not borrowed to carry the scapegoat, ‘this is good, this is good...’


The door of the meeting room did not reopen until noon, and Zhang Qiqi, who was in a daze, leaned forward and looked inside.

Qin Yu, who was the first to walk out of the meeting room, waved to her, "Bring things here."

Zhang Qiqi grabbed the trot and followed.

At the corner at the end of the corridor, Qin Yu's office has the best light.

After closing the door, Zhang Qiqi put the basket on the table, twitching the broken hair in her ear with a weird expression.

"Wait for you and who, except the front desk and my office landline, and recently, no one is allowed to enter or exit the trader's room... Is there any delicious takeaway nearby?"

Qin Yu leaned on the chair, his eyes closed silently, saying, "Activate the silver futures prediction card." ’

Lines of self immediately appeared in front of him.

After reading all the information, before hearing Zhang Qiqi's response, Qin Yu opened his eyes in surprise.

Zhang Qiqi was sitting on the corner of the desk with her back bridge, her right hand propped on the desk, her body leaning forward, her neckline drooping to reveal a touch of scenery.

Eyes facing each other, fluttering long hair with amorous feelings, a pair of electric eyes blinking and blinking to release a signal of temptation!

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