Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 912: Prodigal son Qin Yu

It is 4.7 meters high and 5.5 meters wide, and the surface is painted in red.

The sturdy leg machinery and the fat swollen figure look like a crab.

Two robotic arms hold a rotating machine gun, and the thick and long barrel exudes a threat of death.

There are heavy but reassuring heavy armor on the shoulders, and spare magazines on both sides of the back.

Directly behind is the power source, a small portable nuclear fission reactor.

The square of the helmet makes people think of Dad's crude handmade products.

Qin Yu stepped forward and knocked on the power armor, circled around it again, and then began to study how to wear this thing.

The assembly type requires manual disassembly and assembly to complete.

This makes Qin Yu who is accustomed to automation very uncomfortable, but still wears the power armor with the assistance of [creator].

Compared with the dexterous [Creator], the fission-class power armor is like a clumsy big fat man.


Stepping forward, Qin Yu noticed a tremor on the ground, and quickly stopped his actions.

This guy's self-respect is terrible, so it's better to move outside and test again.

Although clumsy, I have to admit that compared to [Xing Tian] 60% of the naked armor.

The 100% heavy armor coverage of the power armor is really safe.

That kind of security is something [Xing Tian] doesn't possess.

Like the assassin and the heavy tank, the two pursue different directions, and their emphasis is naturally different.

Qin Yu finished the assembly again, holding the cannon in his hand.

Then he controlled the power armor to start and ran forward.


Every time you trample, the ground will vibrate, and cracked pits will be stepped on on the cement road.

The machine gun in his hand suddenly turned around and roared at the target that was a hundred miles away!


Boom boom boom!

The picture of the large-caliber bullet tearing the iron target is extremely shocking.

This is a killing machine born for war!

The big movement that could not be concealed attracted countless people onlookers, and Zhang Wei was among them.

"Boss, where did you get this big guy?" Zhang Wei's eyes were beaming when Qin Yu came out of the power armor.

Such a big killer is simply the ultimate dream of any man.

Look at this thick heavy armor, look at this strong power arm, mechanical legs.

Look at the two-meter cannon in its hand...

Isn't it romantic, what is it?

"Don't think about it, you can't wear it," said Qin Yu, who had just walked out of the power armor.

"Why can't I wear it, boss, would you let me try?" Zhang Wei eagerly geared his hands.

"The driver's physique is very demanding, you go in... you will have a fracture." Qin Yu said seriously.

Previously, Qin Yu felt a great burden in the power armor.

It's not a small burden for him, it's just a simple action that makes him feel tired.

Such a big guy can really be controlled by humans?

Qin Yu expressed doubts about this, but the adjustable card slot of the inner cabin was clearly designed with the human body as the standard.

In short, this power is impossible for ordinary people to control.

Wearing it and taking a step, it is possible to break the waist.

Hearing what Qin Yu said so severely, Zhang Wei was half-believing and giving up his thoughts unwillingly.

"Boss, we don't seem to have a mecha or machinery department, do you think Vulcan will lead the establishment..."

If there is no way to enjoy romance for the time being, take it home and hide it first, and study it slowly.

Unfortunately, Qin Yu has other ideas about this power armor.

Such a battlefield killer should be sent to the battlefield for verification.

What's more, the research and cognition of mecha by scientists is a hundred times stronger than reality.

"This is useful for me. Vulcan has established the Machinery Department." Qin Yu thought for a while, then said, "Start with Xingtian."

Xing Tian has complete design theory and manufacturing experience, so he can get started directly.

Although it is difficult, it is much easier than crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Going directly to the heavy armor, just to understand its principle does not know how long it will take.

The most important task of Vulcan is to develop the fleet, complete space migration and future interstellar exploration.

Instead of focusing on big toys like mecha.

It's not a good idea to go after the last!

Zhang Wei nodded. Although it is regrettable, the establishment of the Machinery Department is already great news.

The lack of access to heavy armor now does not mean that it will not work in the future.

I have to take a bite of the meal. Zhang Wei has this patience.

"By the way, boss, Secretary Xu said you're looking for me." Zhang Wei thought of the reason for coming here.

"Well, go upstairs and say." Qin Yu took him upstairs when he glanced at the heavy armor that was being disassembled and shipped back to the company.

After arriving in the office, Qin Yu asked about the production details of the King Kong-class cruiser.

Judging from the briefing, Vulcan's current focus is on motivation.

This is true, but also pay attention to the development and upgrade of armor and the use of energy.

You can't feel that you can lie flat and enjoy it because of the titanium rhodium alloy and liquid crystals.

Yes, now two materials are sufficient to deal with known risks and problems.

What about the future? Who can guarantee that it will always be possible.

Pride and complacency, stagnation is a taboo, even if the progress is slow.

Qin Yu spends so much money on research every year, but it is not for them to lie on the merit book and enjoy the blessing.

Especially for the use of energy, Qin Yu sent it out since he had the life account.

Look for the same "diamond planet" in the galaxy to ensure the stability and continuity of resource supply.

But with the passage of time, the situation has become less optimistic.

So far, apart from the known "Diamond Star" mined by Xihe, no similar minerals have been found.

In other words, there is only one place where liquid crystals are produced.

If the excavation is over, there is no way to reuse it.

This caused Qin Yu to question for a while whether the appearance of the diamond star was related to the moon.

Perhaps it is a reserve energy star carried by the moon.

After all, it was the liquid crystal that was found in the power cabin.

When the opposing race gave up the moon, they also forgot to recycle energy, or did not care.

For them, is this energy dispensable?

All kinds of speculations, there is no way to know the true and false, no one can answer his question!

In short this is not good news for Qin Yu.

At the same time, it also gave him more expectations for the'No. 1 Budokai in the World'.

Perhaps in the'Star Gate', there are not only materials capable of isolating chaotic energy, but also liquid crystals.

If this is the case, the value of Stargate will far exceed his estimate.

Today, Qin Yu is more and more aware of the true value of liquid crystals.

It is almost a universal energy source, stable, safe, efficient and highly compatible.

And never picky eaters, any energy can be absorbed and transformed, but the ratio is different.

What's more valuable is its simplicity, which can be used directly after cutting into the required size.

There is no need for complicated methods to activate, extract, etc.

How can I find a substitute for such a simple, safe and stable energy?

After Zhang Wei realized the error and promised to maintain timely data and technical communication with the research department.

Qin Yu asked a few more questions and let him leave.

Next, he wants to look at the advanced energy crystal, what exactly is it?

The column box was opened, and Qin Yu saw the diamond-shaped crystal columns stuck in the slots vertically.

"Liquid crystal?" Qin Yu's expression was full of astonishment.

Isn't this the energy column seen in the power capsule unearthed on the moon?

It is an advanced energy crystal.

Therefore, before Yu Ge thought he recognized the important value of liquid crystals.

In fact, his judgment is still not rigorous enough!

Its true value is more precious than estimated.

It can be regarded by the system as a reward at the same level as the fission-level power A, plus the word ‘advanced’.

Thinking of using it as the energy core of the [creator] energy, Qin Yu couldn't even laugh or cry for a while.

It turns out that I am the most prodigal one!

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