The car was in a mess, but the pain was gone.

Lu Guanjian rushed to a larger hospital.

"Hurry, hurry!"

"Don't be afraid of speeding, hurry up!"

Lu Guanjian said while enduring the pain. Their car rushed to the hospital at lightning speed, and his finger miraculously stopped hurting again.

"What happened?"

Lu Guanjian looked at his hand carefully. His hand was intact. He pinched it with his left hand, and his right index finger didn't hurt at all.

But the pain in the past half an hour was definitely not fake.

"Doctor, this is the situation--"

Lu Guanjian told the doctor about his situation, and then he took another X-ray examination, and the result was naturally normal.

"Doctor, I shook hands with someone today and my hand hurt. Could it be that the other person scratched my hand?"

Lu Guanjian asked.

The doctor asked, "When exactly did it happen?"

"Around noon."

"Did it hurt in the afternoon?"

Lu Guanjian shook his head, "Everything was normal in the afternoon, and I was fine when I went to bed. This happened when I fell asleep."

The doctor said, "In this case, it is unlikely to be caused by a handshake. The film also shows that your hand is normal."

Lu Guanjian had no choice but to leave.

This time he did not return to the original hotel, and the woman was also sent away by him. He simply lived near the hospital.

"Nine out of ten times, Xiao Fan pinched my hand."

Lu Guanjian gritted his teeth.

At five in the morning, he finally fell asleep again in a daze.


Accompanied by a scream, Lu Guanjian woke up again in pain. He covered his left hand with his right hand, and covered his thumb.

"How could it be?"

Lu Guanjian was dumbfounded.

This time, it was his left hand that hurt.

He had originally concluded that Lin Tian must have pinched him, but he was using his right hand at the time, so even if his right hand was injured, his left hand would not hurt.

In this case, even if he called the police or hired a lawyer, Lin Tian would be fine, and the police would definitely want evidence.

The hospital's film showed that he had no problems.


Lu Guanjian quickly arrived at the hospital again.

He was seen by the same doctor.

He came quickly this time, and it was still painful when he saw the doctor.

But the results of the left hand film were still fine.

"Mr. Lu, you may have a mental illness. Why don't you go to another hospital for this?"

The doctor suggested.

Hearing this, Lu Guanjian's face darkened.

"I'm not mentally ill, I don't have such a disease!"

"Please prescribe me some more painkillers."

The doctor prescribed another painkiller for Lu Guanjian. He had prescribed painkillers last time, but Lu Guanjian had no effect after taking them.

It was already dawn when Lu Guanjian came out of the hospital.

He was very depressed and haggard.

He woke up three times in pain and went to the hospital three times. He was exhausted. He quickly bought a plane ticket to the imperial capital, where he might be able to be cured.

"The number of fans is growing a little slowly."

Lin Tian muttered. His fans have reached 36 million, but the growth rate has obviously slowed down.

The reason is very simple. Even if he is a double master, the audience of erhu and guqin combined is only so many.

——This is because martial arts also attracted many fans, otherwise it would be difficult for him to break through 20 million fans.

"Should we add suona?"

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

It is rumored that when suona sounds, it is either ascending to heaven or worshiping in the hall. Some suona songs are suitable for live broadcasts.

As for uploading videos, sad songs should also work. Sad songs can also be used in funerals.

"If I add suona, I guess many people will use the songs I post when they get married or hold funerals in the future."

"It can attract many fans."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

Now that he is a martial arts grandmaster, Lin Tian wants more fans, not mainly for his own safety.

Having acquired the skills of three traditional musical instruments, guqin, erhu, and suona, he sincerely wants to revitalize traditional culture.

The more fans he has, the more people will be exposed to traditional culture through him, and many people will definitely like it.

"Upload some videos to test the water first."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

Not long after, Lin Tian bought a suona. This thing is not expensive. His suona is at the grandmaster level, so he doesn't need to buy too expensive one.

At the grandmaster level, he already has the ability to turn decay into legend, and the influence of the instrument has been greatly reduced.

"Let's start with a cheerful song, don't just send the fans away."

Lin Tian muttered.

He thought about it and recorded a

He recorded a song called "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix". Then he recorded another song called "A Pot of Old Wine".

For the third song, Lin Tian chose "Anhe Bridge".

Lin Tian did not choose the song "The Big Funeral" for the time being, so that fans can get used to it first. It would be bad to have too much stimulation all at once.

What should old fans like Mr. Shen do if they are sent off by a song called "The Big Funeral"?

After recording the three songs, Lin Tian listened to them all quietly, and he himself was a little intoxicated by them.

"Good songs."

"If more people like national instruments like suona, there will be more classic songs."

Lin Tian thought to himself.

He opened Huayin and quickly uploaded the three videos. In a short time, many of his fans saw the videos.

"Hey, Master Lin actually used suona!"

"Oh my god, Master Lin is a master of both erhu and guqin. Is he also very good at suona?"

"I guess he is at least a master!"

Many people commented first, and many people clicked in to listen first.

"Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix is ​​so beautiful."

"A Pot of Old Wine made me cry uncontrollably."

"I just finished listening to Anhe Bridge, please cover me with a cloth."

Soon there were many comments under the three videos. In recording these three songs, Lin Tiandu showed his top master's strength.

He is now a grandmaster in suona, higher than erhu and guqin, but he doesn't need to show that strong.

In the imperial capital courtyard.

After being reminded by Shen Wanchen, Mr. Shen quickly opened the video. The first song he listened to was A Pot of Old Wine.

He was filled with emotion after listening to the song.

The older people are, the deeper they feel about such songs.

"Dad, I read the comments of netizens. Listen to Anhe Bridge first and then Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix. This way I will feel better."

Shen Wanchen said.


Mr. Shen nodded slightly. He listened to Anhe Bridge. Wow, after listening to the song, Mr. Shen had the urge to lie in a coffin.

Fortunately, after listening to "A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix", he returned to the world of the living.

"Master Lin's three pieces are all amazing."

Old Shen looked at Shen Wanchen.

Shen Wanchen said with a bitter face: "Dad, you don't need to tell me, I will give you a reward right away. How about giving a thousand gold coins for each video?"

Old Shen said indifferently: "Our reward is voluntary. Master Lin actually doesn't owe us a favor, but he still treated you."

"Master Lin is very particular, are you so un particular?"

Shen Wangchen said with a bitter face: "Dad, three thousand gold coins for one video is okay? Or five thousand per video per day."

"Or you can let me use the clicker."

"I will give 10,000 gold coins for each video."

Old Shen said unhappily: "You are not allowed to use the clicker, you can give 10,000 gold coins for one video every day for three consecutive days."

Shen Wanchen: "..."

"Hurry up, when I die in the future, maybe you can ask Master Lin to come and play a song to send me off."

Old Shen said indifferently.

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