The guy who challenged him was so arrogant.

Ouyang Fei was delighted.

He challenged him, and there was such a good thing?

He took the martial arts order, just thinking about whether he could trick others, and there was someone who challenged him so arrogantly.

Song Xiang was very annoyed when his hand was pierced just now. The guy who challenged him seemed to be more arrogant than Song Xiang's opponent.

"Brother Lin, can you help me translate what he said?"

Ouyang Fei stood up and asked.

He knew that the other party was challenging him, but he didn't know what he said in Korean.

Lin Tian translated it in Korean.

This time he didn't translate randomly.

A Korean translator who was ready to come up showed surprise in his eyes. Lin Tian's translation was very accurate.

"Fuck, you want to win in ten moves, and you want me to kowtow?"

After listening to Lin Tian's translation, Ouyang Fei was furious.

"Brother Lin, tell him that it is impossible for me to kowtow, and it is even more impossible to say that Chinese martial arts are not as good as Korean martial arts."

"If he can beat me in ten moves, I will cut off my left hand. If he can't beat me, he will kneel down and say that Korean martial arts are not as good as Chinese martial arts."

Ouyang Fei glared at the other party and said.

Lin Tian glanced at Ouyang Fei. Good guy, he is very cautious. He still follows the ten moves set by the other party for the late stage of dark energy cultivation.

"If I can't beat you in ten moves, I will also cut off one of my hands."

After listening to what the translation said, the young man from Korean challenge sneered.

Being held, he couldn't back down.

He couldn't agree to kneel down and say that Korean martial arts are not as good as Chinese martial arts if he lost, so that he would be scolded even if he won in the end.

"Hiss, no matter who loses, someone's hand will be cut off."

"Isn't it too bloody?"

"This is real martial arts, not a child's play. Real martial arts is a killing skill."

Many people whispered, and more people didn't speak. They stared at Ouyang Fei and his men.

Ouyang Fei entered the duel area.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"China, Ouyang Fei."

"South Korea, Jin Renjun."

The two of them reported their names to each other, which did not need to be translated.


Jin Renjun thought he was stronger, but he still attacked first, and his spear attacked Ouyang Fei at a very fast speed.

Three meters, two meters, one meter!

The distance was shortened quickly, and Ouyang Fei still did not react. Jin Renjun was sure in his heart that he felt it was done.

When the distance was only half a meter, Ouyang Fei's body suddenly turned at a very fast speed to avoid the sharp spear.

At the same time, the sword in his hand slashed at Jin Renjun's left hand at a very fast speed.

"Not good."

Jin Renjun was horrified.

He wanted to dodge, but the moves he had just used were old, and he didn't leave himself any room to dodge.

And Ouyang Fei was too fast.


Blood splattered, and Jin Renjun's left hand was directly cut off by Ouyang Fei. He screamed and grabbed his left wrist with his right hand.


Many people exclaimed.

Song Xiang's hand was pierced by the sword, but at least his hand was not broken. Jin Renjun's hand was broken at the wrist, and blood spurted out.

Ouyang Fei shook the blood on the tip of the sword.

He said in surprise: "With such strength, you are so arrogant? I thought you were already a martial arts master."

Jin Renjun's face was pale.

He grabbed his wrist, but blood still flowed out.

"You are shameless!"

"You are more skilled than me, and you actually let me beat you in ten moves."

Jin Renjun roared angrily.

If he knew that Ouyang Fei was stronger, he would definitely be more cautious, and he would not be defeated so easily by Ouyang Fei.

The gap between the middle and late stages of Dark Power is not that big.

Jin Renjun's translator quickly translated.

Ouyang Fei said in a calm voice: "How could I know that you are so arrogant when you are not strong enough. You pointed a spear at me and asked me to kneel down, and you still wanted me to say that China's martial arts are not as good as your country's."

"Do you admit defeat? If you admit defeat, you will cut off one of your hands."

"Otherwise, we will continue."

After Ouyang Fei finished speaking, many people looked at Lin Tian, ​​and Jin Renjun also looked at him. Lin Tian stumbled and translated.

Many people looked strange. It was good that you didn't translate just now? Now you are translating so slowly.

Jin Renjun's translator quickly translated.

"My hand is broken!"

Jin Renjun roared.

Ouyang Fei frowned and said: "Your left hand was broken in the battle, and our bet is to cut off one of your hands."

Jin Renjun was dumbfounded.

If he loses one more hand, both of his hands will be lost.

Although the current medical level can reattach a broken hand, if his right hand is lost again, his martial arts will basically be ruined.

"If you don't want to lose one of your hands, you can kneel down and kowtow. My Lord has

"I'll let you go if you're generous." Ouyang Fei said coldly. Jin Renjun's forehead was sweating with pain. He couldn't accept the loss of another hand and the ruin of his martial arts career. "Bang!" He knelt down and kowtowed quickly. "I will remember this grudge." Jin Renjun gritted his teeth and said. After he finished speaking, he hurriedly left the duel area. His broken hand had been picked up by other people from the country. "Ouyang Fei!" Fujiwara Ueno looked solemn. Judging from Ouyang Fei's speed, he estimated that Ouyang Fei, like him, had reached the late stage of dark energy. "Ueno, it seems that your main opponent this year has appeared. You must beat him, and it would be best if you can severely injure him." A middle-aged man beside Fujiwara Ueno said in a deep voice. "Yes, father." "Although Ouyang Fei is quite strong, I believe I can definitely win, and I will bring glory to the family. "

Fujiwara Ueno said confidently.


Fujiwara Ueno's father nodded slightly.

"Ouyang, when did you reach the late stage of dark energy? Awesome."

"Brother Fei is awesome."

Ouyang Fei left the duel area, and some people in China said excitedly that Ouyang Fei had solved a powerful opponent.

"You guys be careful."

"My strength has been exposed, and they probably won't challenge me again. If you can't beat them, just admit defeat quickly. "

Ouyang Fei said.

He has a martial arts token, and only others can challenge him, but he cannot challenge others. One person can only get one martial arts token.

The competition continued.

Many people were terrified.

Including Luo Bingning.

Not long after, the bronze treasure chest above Luo Bingning's head changed again, and the bronze treasure chest turned into a silver treasure chest.

Two hours later, the regular competition finally ended.

Some people from the three parties were injured again.

In the end, China got four martial arts tokens, Dongying also got four, and Bang only got two martial arts tokens this year.

"Everyone, the regular competition is over."

"Next is a duel of signing a life and death agreement, which will be more cruel and bloody. Those who can't accept it are better to leave. "

Jiang Yi said while holding the microphone.

A small number of people with weaker endurance silently stood up and left the venue. Such a competition was too cruel.

But for martial artists, this is normal.

Broken hands and feet can be reattached, which is not considered a serious injury.

If you can't even accept these, why practice martial arts?

"It's over?"

"What is the result of the competition?"

Many people gathered outside the gymnasium, and many people asked.


Someone wanted to vomit but kept holding it back. When he got outside, he finally couldn't help it and vomited in the corner.


This person's vomiting immediately led to some other people vomiting as well.

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

Many people outside were stunned.

A boy who didn't vomit said: "Some people's palms were pierced, some people's hands were cut off, and some people had long knife and sword wounds on their bodies. The scene was quite scary."

"The results of the competition have come out. Our Huaguo and Dongyingguo each got four martial arts orders, and Bangguo got two. "

"Next up is an even more brutal duel, a life-or-death duel, and someone might die."

Speaking of this, the boy also covered his mouth and ran to the corner.

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