The company is a place that is not suitable for the future.

"Lin Tian, ​​what do you think the company is? Is it your home? Look at what time it is now, and you just came here leisurely!"

"You are fired!"

Lin Tian went into the company, and the boss Huang Ren roared.


"Then pay me this month's salary, and give me N+1 compensation, a total of three months' salary, thank you."

Lin Tian said calmly.

He joined this company after graduation and worked for a full year.

"You are dreaming."

"You are lazy and want compensation after being fired, bah!"

Huang Shun cursed.

Lin Tian sneered: "The company's rules require us to go to work at nine o'clock. Except for today, which day have I not arrived before 8:30?"

"Each of us has to work overtime for at least one hour in the evening."

"Do you need me to apply for labor arbitration? Anyway, I'm fired now, and I have plenty of time to play with you slowly."

Huang Ren's face changed. As a boss, he knew very well that given Lin Tian's situation, he would definitely win if he applied for labor arbitration.

"If you go to work well, you won't be late today."

Huang Ren took a deep breath and said.

He planned to find an opportunity to fire Lin Tian again in the future.

Or force Lin Tian to resign himself.

Lin Tian sneered: "You said to fire me, and you said to keep me? I'll give you ten minutes to pay me three months' salary."

"If it exceeds the time, we will go through the arbitration procedure. At that time, you may have to pay me for the overtime in the morning and the overtime in the evening."

Huang Ren stared at Lin Tian viciously.

He couldn't understand why Lin Tian suddenly became bolder?

"Pay him the money!"

"Get the money, Lin Tian, ​​and get out of here!"

Five minutes later, Huang Ren said angrily with a dark face.

The finance department quickly settled Lin Tian's salary, which added up to more than 13,000 yuan for three months, enough for him to survive for a while.

"Huang Ren, to tell you the truth, I came here today just to resign, but you fired me and gave me an extra 9,000 yuan."

"You are a good person."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Huang Ren's eyes widened, and he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. 9,000 yuan was not a small amount. His company was not big, with only 20 to 30 people.

"Everyone, when Huang Ren says he wants to fire you in the future, if you have the idea of ​​resigning, you might as well go with the flow."

"Remember to get your compensation, goodbye."

Lin Tian waved his hand and left in style.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and work!"

Huang Ren suppressed his anger and said, he was offended by Lin Tian.


Half an hour later, Lin Tian arrived at an unfinished building.

The weeds around the unfinished building were half a meter deep.

It was said that the developer of this building had a tight capital chain, so he went to a gambling boat on the high seas to take a chance, but ended up losing everything.

This unfinished building has been suspended for more than a year. At the beginning, some people came to take a look, but now there are only some wild cats and dogs nearby.

"Try the speed first."

Lin Tian rushed out like a tiger.

The commercial area under the unfinished building is large enough for him to test.

"Huh!" "Huh!"

Lin Tian's high-speed forward movement brought a series of wind-breaking sounds. With a light tap of his toes, the whole person could fly out more than ten meters.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Lin Tian continued to test.

After about ten minutes, Lin Tian stopped.

His breathing was still very smooth.

"Eighty kilometers per hour, about the same as a tiger, this speed is much slower than a cheetah, but my endurance is much stronger."

Lin Tian showed a faint smile on his face.

The cheetah can reach a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour, but it can only maintain this speed for more than ten seconds. He can maintain this speed for two or three hours.

——As a martial arts master, Lin Tian's internal energy is endless.

"Try the internal energy again!"

Lin Tian took a deep breath, and his powerful true energy was released, and the bricks around him floated up strangely.

"Woo woo!"

Lin Tian controlled a dozen bricks to rotate around him at high speed, and finally a dozen bricks hit the hard concrete wall.

The concrete wall was smashed into small holes.

You should know that the concrete grade under the building will not be low. Even with a big hammer, it is difficult to smash a hole on it.

"Is this the strength of a martial arts master?"

"My strength is much stronger than Qiao Feng in the TV series."

Lin Tian thought to himself. He estimated that his strength should be about the same as Zhang Sanfeng, who is also a martial arts master.

He just controlled an ordinary brick. What if he controlled a flying knife made of super alloy? The lethality is absolutely

Against the surge.

Bending down, Lin Tian picked up a straw.


He waved his hand, and the straw containing his powerful energy flew out instantly, and the straw was stuck in the concrete wall ten meters away.

Lin Tian walked closer to check.

The straw was about two centimeters deep.

This is already very amazing.

It is not easy to nail a steel nail two centimeters into a high-standard concrete wall.

If this straw hits a person, it will definitely shoot through the head easily.

"My attack power at close range should be stronger than a pistol. If I defend myself well, I can probably withstand pistol bullets."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

This is already very good.

He is in China, let alone rifles and sniper rifles, pistols are difficult for ordinary people to touch, and the chance of touching danger is very low.

"Try Qinggong."

Lin Tian's figure quickly leaped between different floors.

Flying upwards, he can jump three feet, that is, ten meters high, and it should be no problem to fly on grass or treetops.

As for crossing the river with a reed like Bodhidharma, that may not be possible.


Half an hour later, Lin Tian finished all kinds of tests. He exhaled a breath of turbid air, his face full of excitement.

Compared with the increase in his own strength, making money is just a small matter.

After all, as long as you have strong strength, it is not difficult to get money.

"It's great, marrying Luo Bingning is a big profit."

Lin Tian smiled from ear to ear. If the skills of the erhu master are worth 100 million, the skills of the martial arts master must be worth 10 billion.


Lin Tian was stunned.

He suddenly thought of a problem.

The value gap between the two skills is quite large. In all likelihood, there is a level one treasure chest between the black iron treasure chest and the silver treasure chest.

If so, it will be much more difficult to open the silver treasure chest again.

"Is it because there is an invisible benefit for the first time, so I gave the silver treasure chest?"

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

"Forget it. Even if I only get the Black Iron Treasure Box in the future, it's still very good. The Black Iron Treasure Box is also very valuable."

Lin Tian quickly left the unfinished building.

"Xiao Lin, congratulations, three million fans."

"Why don't you post two videos to celebrate?"

Lin Tian received a voice message from Mr. Wu.

"Three million fans?"

Lin Tian opened the Huayin APP, and sure enough, his fans really reached three million, and it was less than a day before he posted a video.

"Mr. Wu, thanks to your recommendation."

"I am very grateful."

Lin Tian replied quickly.

"Don't thank me verbally, just post two videos quickly. Also, change to a better recording device as soon as possible. Your level is very high, but your equipment is really average."

Lin Tian looked at his mobile phone.

This phone cost about two thousand yuan and has been used for five years.

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