The staff of Zhenhai Tower opened his eyes wide, and he said excitedly: " are Master Lin, the masked hero?"

"It's me."

Lin Tian smiled slightly.

He looked to be in his forties, with a bit of elegance and bookish air, and a bit of the domineering aura of a martial arts master.

"Master Lin, there is a big leader coming up, please wait a moment, I will report to you immediately."

The staff hurriedly said.

He wanted to ask Lin Tian to go up directly, but what if he made a mistake? If the leader blamed him, he would lose his job.

"It doesn't matter."

"I'll wait a moment."

Lin Tian smiled lightly.

The staff ran up quickly.

He came in panting and said anxiously: "Dear leaders, Master Lin is here."

"What did you say, Xiao Li?"

One of them frowned.

"Director, Master Lin is here. Master Lin, the masked hero, is a master of the four instruments of Erhu, Guqin, Suona, and Martial Arts."

The staff member said excitedly.

There were leaders from the province and the city, Feng Shui masters, and top experts in typhoons, but the arrival of Master Lin made this staff member the most excited.

He has seen the leaders more than once while working here, and he has also seen the Feng Shui master, but he has never seen the four-instrument master.

"Are you sure it is Master Lin who is here?"

A leader from the province said in surprise.

"It should be right."

The staff member said hurriedly.

The leader from the province is Secretary Cheng Qingyuan, and he said hurriedly: "Since it is Master Lin, let's go and greet him."

The Erhu master, Guqin master, and Suona master are not worthy of his personal greeting, but the martial arts master is different.

As a secretary, he knew the power of the martial arts master.

"Secretary Cheng, please wait a moment, we will go to greet him."

"Yes, Secretary Cheng."

The other people said.

Cheng Qingyuan waved his hand: "The four-level master will definitely go down in history. Compared with Master Lin, we are nothing."

"Let's go together."

The group arrived outside the hall.

"Secretary Cheng, it's not necessary."

Lin Tian's voice came from below, and he flew up in just a few seconds and arrived in front of Cheng Qingyuan and others.

Cheng Qingyuan and others were stunned.

Some of them had seen the live broadcast recording, Master Lin could fly on the treetops, but seeing it with their own eyes brought much greater shock.

"Everyone, come back to your senses."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Cheng Qingyuan came back to his senses and said in amazement: "Master Lin, people can actually fly, you are really amazing."

"Greetings to Master Lin, I am Zhang Chongxu, I know a little about Feng Shui, and I also have a little knowledge of martial arts."

An old man in his sixties or seventies said next to him.

"Master Lin, I am Xu Tianzhi, I also know a little about Feng Shui."

Another person said that this person looked only in his fifties.

Lin Tian smiled and nodded: "Hello, two fellow Taoists, I also know a little about Feng Shui, and I came here specially to see it."

Cheng Qingyuan's eyes lit up.

"Master Lin, let's talk inside."

A dozen people arrived inside Zhenhai Tower.

Cheng Qingyuan said solemnly: "Master Lin, according to the analysis of our experts, the possibility of Typhoon Hague landing directly from our side is more than 50%."

"Even if it is off, it won't be too far off."

"The safety of life and property of the people is facing a huge test."

Lin Tian smiled and said: "Secretary Cheng, I am a little surprised to see you here."

Cheng Qingyuan coughed lightly.

"Some Feng Shui is superstition, but some is scientifically based. The great man said that no matter whether it is a white cat or a black cat, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat."

"Master Lin, your Feng Shui--"

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said: "My Feng Shui is similar to martial arts."

He is a master of martial arts and Feng Shui. There is nothing wrong with saying that martial arts and Feng Shui are similar.

Zhang Chongxu and Xu Tianzhi were shocked.

Zhang Chongxu hurriedly asked: "Master Lin, have you reached the master level in Feng Shui?"

"Maybe, no one has ever competed with me. But my level is slightly higher than the person who built this Zhenhai Tower."

Lin Tian smiled.

Xu Tianzhi took a deep breath and said: "As far as I know, the person who secretly presided over the construction of this Zhenhai Tower is a Feng Shui master."

Cheng Qingyuan and the others were pleasantly surprised.

Zhang Chongxu and Xu Tianzhi had already made it clear that the typhoon was too strong this time and they had no confidence.

"Master Lin, do you think this typhoon can turn?"

Cheng Qingyuan hurriedly asked.

Lin Tian chuckled and said: "Before coming here, I didn't have 100% confidence. After coming here,

There is one."

"It was not used enough in the past. The dragon vein here has accumulated powerful energy. There is no problem in turning the typhoon."

Cheng Qingyuan said with great surprise: "Master Lin, really?"

Lin Tian nodded.

"It's not a big deal."

"It may be a bit arrogant to say 100%, 99%. But we have to change this tonight."

Cheng Qingyuan said quickly: "Master Lin, you decide how to change it. Including me, we are all at your disposal!"

Lin Tian smiled and said: "Secretary Cheng, it's much easier with you here."

Soon Lin Tian made one request after another, and Cheng Qingyuan and others quickly got busy according to Lin Tian's requirements.

Zhang Chongxu and Xu Tianzhi were a little skeptical about Lin Tian's level of Feng Shui at first, but soon they were sure that Lin Tian was much better than them.

Lin Tian is definitely at the master level in Feng Shui.

"Quick, change this plaque."

"Where's the excavator? Dig up these trees quickly! ”

“Hurry up and transport the ten-meter stone tablet!”

With Secretary Cheng Qingyuan here, many things become very simple. As long as Lin Tian says something, someone will do it.

Where it is necessary to dig, the excavator will immediately start working. Where it is necessary to build, the construction team will work overnight.

From midnight to early morning, Zhenhai Tower has changed a lot.

“Secretary, the latest news from the Meteorological Bureau is that Typhoon Hague will land 100%.”

“The meteorological bureaus of countries such as Dongying and the Philippines have the same judgment.”

An expert from the Meteorological Bureau said.

The closer the typhoon is, the more accurate the prediction can be.

It is possible for the typhoon to turn. Typhoon Hague is too strong, and the meteorological bureaus of neighboring countries are paying close attention.

They also gave their own predictions for the typhoon path.


Cheng Qingyuan nodded.

He looked at Lin Tian with bloodshot eyes.

Lin Tian smiled: “Secretary Cheng, don’t panic. There will always be some miracles in this world. "

"The time has come. I will erect this stone tablet first."

Next to Lin Tian was a stone tablet that was ten meters long and more than one meter wide. This huge stone tablet weighed seven or eight tons.

"Get up!"

Lin Tian lifted his hands, and the powerful internal force burst out with all his strength. He actually lifted the heavy stone tablet and made it stand upright.


Then, Lin Tian rose from the ground and slapped the top of the stone tablet.

The stone tablet withstood the powerful force and was inserted into the soil for more than one meter.

Lin Tian's figure flew up again.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

After three slaps, the stone tablet was nailed into the soil for four meters.

The people around were extremely shocked.

Is this something that human power can do?

The stone tablet weighing seven or eight tons was erected, and three slaps pushed such a large stone tablet into the soil four meters deep.

"Is Master Lin only a martial arts master? "

Someone whispered.

Beside him, Zhang Chongxu was shocked.

He has the level of dark power in martial arts, and he has some understanding of martial arts. Is the martial arts master really that strong?

Master Lin might be a martial arts grandmaster!

"The Sea-Suppressing Monument!"

Lin Tian fell from above the stone tablet, and he raised his palm to form a pen, and the stone was engraved with words by his palm like tofu.

This scene deeply shocked everyone present.

Zhang Chongxu and Xu Tianzhi looked at each other.

They thought it was possible that Master Lin was a martial arts grandmaster.

Otherwise, the gap between martial arts masters and martial arts grandmasters is too big?

They know some martial arts masters, and they are not so perverted.

"Master Lin, did it work?"

Cheng Qingyuan stepped forward and asked.

He was very polite before, and now he is a little respectful.

Lin Tian is a god.

"Of course. "

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Where do you think the typhoon should go?"

Everyone present thought of Dongying Country at the same time.

Such a good thing, of course it would be better to go to Dongying Country.

"Do you really want to?"

"Don't think about it, this is a typhoon, it is the power of heaven, how can human power control the specific direction of the typhoon?"

"No matter where it goes, it is God's will."

Lin Tian smiled and said.

As he spoke, he silently controlled the entire Feng Shui formation.

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