The money came from a very ordinary account, but the reward was not found.

Lin Tian quickly checked.

He found out that the funds came from a very ordinary account, and he couldn't find out what specific force provided the reward.

- Find an ordinary person and use his account to transfer money to the dark web. Even if you find that ordinary person, it's useless.

If you offer a reward for killing someone on the dark web, the smart ones will isolate it and prevent it from being tracked through the network.

"Dongying Country!"

Lin Tian's eyes flashed.

Although the specific strength was not found, the account belonged to Dongying Country, and it was likely that someone from Dongying Country offered a reward to kill him.

The Yamaguchi-gumi sent spies to get evidence. Misa Aizaki was caught, and the probability of the Yamaguchi-gumi offering a reward to kill him was not high.

Lin Tian estimated that it was related to the Youth Martial Arts Conference.

At the Youth Martial Arts Conference, he killed three people from Dongying Country, and there were strong forces behind them.

It would not be difficult for the forces behind them to come up with one million US dollars.

Master Lin is likely to be his master, and they dare not retaliate openly, so they take out money and let the killers avenge them.

One million US dollars is not a small amount. Some killers have no ties, and they may really accept the order.


Lin Tian narrowed his eyes, and a killer accepted the order.

A four-star killer accepted the bounty for him.

The levels of killers in the Nether Realm are one star, two stars, three stars, four stars, five stars, and the king of killers.

A four-star killer is already very powerful.

There are requirements for the number of kills, task difficulty, task completion rate, etc.

"Who wants money over life?"

"That's right. Although Lin Tian is young, he is very likely a martial arts master. That's fine, but his master is very likely a martial arts master in China."

"Masters of martial arts are not easy to mess with."

You can leave a message under the bounty just now, and dozens of killers left messages in a short time.

There are many killers who pay attention to the million-dollar order, but many killers don't dare to eat this fat meat.

Not to mention the master, it's not easy to kill a martial arts master.

If the first shot doesn't succeed, there may not be a second chance.

And the martial arts master is very fast, and it is very likely that after the first shot, the martial arts master will counterattack.


Lin Tian snorted coldly.

The bounty for killing him is only one million US dollars. How can you tolerate this?

He quickly found out who the killer who took the order was. The Netherworld is maintained by top hackers, but their strength is not as good as his.

"Rupert, a four-star killer."

"43 missions accepted, 41 completed, 54 assassinations."

"A total of 12.36 million US dollars in bounties."

"The first target——"

Lin Tian found out all the information about the killer who took the order.

Soon, he posted the information he found in the message area.


"What's going on?"

The other killers who were watching were dumbfounded. It was confidential who took the order, but it was directly exposed.

It was top secret information about who Rupert killed. If these were exposed, would the relatives of the assassinated people forgive him?

Many of them were big shots.


Rupert was also looking at the message. When he saw the news released by Lin Tian, ​​his face became extremely ugly.


Just then, his mobile phone rang with a text message alert.

"Ding, Ding!"

Soon two other voices rang.

Rupert picked it up and took a look.


His face became even uglier after seeing three text messages. All the money in his three bank cards had been transferred away.

He had three cards in total, with a total of nine million dollars in them.

People like him traveled around the world and didn't buy a house. His money was transferred away, and he became penniless.

Soon, Rupert's three text messages were also sent by Lin Tian.

"The money in Rupert's bank card was transferred away."

"It's terrible. It's only been a short time."

A lot of messages soon appeared on the message board. After hearing the news, more killers logged on to the website to watch.

"Rupert, do you want your money back? Do you want to live?"

"Use a hammer to smash your left and right thumbs, and half of your money will be returned. If you don't do this, the nine million dollars will be used to offer a reward for your death."

"It's up to you to choose."

Lin Tian posted a message on the message board.

Rupert's face was extremely ugly. Using his own money to offer a reward for his death was a heartbreaking operation.

"You have half a minute to think about it. After half a minute, the task will be issued and your address will be announced."


Te was extremely entangled in his heart.

The reward of nine million dollars would definitely be fought for by five-star killers. Could he escape the pursuit of five-star killers?

Besides, there were mysterious hackers monitoring his whereabouts.

"Are you sure you will return half of the money?"

Rupert replied.

"Of course, my reputation is not worth this little money?"

Rupert took a deep breath: "I will smash it now."

He quickly found a hammer.


Rupert smashed it hard, and his right thumb was smashed to pieces instantly. Rupert almost fainted from the pain.


Rupert cursed, he grabbed the hammer with his trembling right hand, and then smashed it on his left thumb.


After finishing, Rupert took a pale photo and sent it up.


Rupert soon received a bank text message, and half of his money was returned to his card without a cent less.

This bank text message reminder Lin Tian was also sent up.

There were already hundreds of assassins watching, watching silently, and no one responded.

They were all scared.

"If it happens again, the Netherworld will no longer exist."

Lin Tian did not post this in the message area, but displayed it on the computer of the most powerful hacker in the Netherworld, Mingyan.


Mingyan took a breath.

He was just checking Lin Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that not only did he not find him, but Lin Tian also found him silently.

"Mingyan, you have a lot of money."

"And a beautiful wife, a son, and two beautiful daughters. You are really a winner in life."

A few more lines of words appeared on the desktop.

Mingyan's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, sir, we in the Netherworld will never have a reward for Lin Tian and all his relatives again."

Lin Tian sent the information of the three Yamaguchi-gumi to Mingyan.

"Don't let these three people see the sun tomorrow."

"Sir, as you wish."

Mingyan replied quickly.

Although the Yamaguchi-gumi is powerful, with the power of the Netherworld, it is absolutely easy to kill the three hackers of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

There are many assassins registered in the Netherworld in Dongying Country.

Even if there is no monetary reward, the points given by the Netherworld can make the assassins take action, and the assassins can upgrade their levels.

Only higher levels can receive higher-level tasks.

Soon the Nether Eye arranged it.

"Solving three people from the Yamaguchi-gumi, I can get such high points with this point. With this point, I can be promoted to level five."

A four-star assassin from Dongying Country quickly took action.

The three targets all have addresses. And they are in the same city as him, so it is not difficult for him to solve them.


Soon the first target's neck was broken in his sleep.


The second target was a night owl who lived alone. He heard a little noise, but before he could take more action, a flying knife instantly sank into his head.

The third target was in the bar.

A dagger pierced his heart.

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