The target was a stranger, but the target was a stranger.


Lin Tian quickly hacked into the target's mobile phone, and all kinds of information about the target were quickly obtained by Lin Tian.


Lin Tian found a video from the target's mobile phone.

"Father, I'm in China. I got the blood of Lin Tian's parents. I'll drink it now to see if I can become stronger."

"If I'm sure their blood is effective, I'll find a way to bring them to Europe for you and grandpa."

Gerald said to the camera.

He opened a blood bag and poured most of the blood into a goblet, and then he tasted it leisurely.

"There's nothing special about this cup of blood, it's just a little better than the blood of an ordinary middle-aged person."

"I still prefer the blood of an 18-year-old girl, it's smooth and refreshing."

Gerald shook his head unsatisfied.

He finished the first cup quickly.

"Father, I don't think their blood has any special effects. I'm afraid this trip to China is in vain."

Gerald frowned and said, "Lin Tian has a strong talent for martial arts, and it's a pity that his parents' blood is of such quality."

Lin Tian's eyes flashed coldly.

Gerald quickly opened the second blood bag.

He poured out most of it and tasted the blood, and while tasting it, he gave various comments.

"Father, I don't feel any breakthrough. Their blood is not much better than that of an ordinary middle-aged person."

"I'll take the rest of the blood back for you to taste."

Gerald said and turned off the video.

Lin Tian frowned secretly. If the blood race is real, then there is a high possibility that werewolves and lizardmen are real.

"The Earth has existed for billions of years, and Homo sapiens has only appeared on Earth for 200,000 years. It is not particularly surprising that there are other intelligent creatures on Earth."

"There is no problem for everyone to coexist peacefully, but you should never, ever, count my parents on your head."

Lin Tian's heart was filled with murderous intent.

If the effect of drinking is good, Gerald still wants to take his parents to Europe. This guy is so bold.

Lin Tian thought.

Gerald is still in Star City.

Let Shen Dong and others take action to catch Gerald? But he doesn't know what kind of ability the blood clan has now.

Shen Dong and others have guns, but if Gerald is very powerful, Shen Dong and others may not be able to beat him with guns.

After repeated consideration, Lin Tian did not let Shen Dong and others take action.

He knew too little about the blood clan.

"My parents are just ordinary people. Even if they take the anti-aging pill, their blood has no special effect."

"Bing Ning's blood is likely to have special effects."

Lin Tian thought to himself.

"Knock, knock."

Lin Tian knocked on Luo Bingning's door.

Luo Bingning opened the door. She had just finished a shower and was wearing pajamas. Her hair was still a little wet, and she looked very tempting.

"What's wrong with my husband?"

Luo Bingning asked.

Lin Tian said, "Bingning, you have never donated blood, right?"


Luo Bingning shook her head, "I often feel pain. I have known for a long time that there are some problems with my body. Donating blood may harm others."

Lin Tian nodded slightly, "That's good. Don't donate blood in the future. Your current physical condition is not suitable."


Luo Bingning nodded.

"Okay, blow dry your hair and practice quickly. If you work hard, you can reach the late stage of dark energy earlier."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

He didn't tell Luo Bingning about the discovery of the blood clan. If Luo Bingning knew, her practice might be affected.

It's not too late to wait until Luo Bingning becomes a martial arts master.

As long as he has the strength of a martial arts master, Lin Tian estimates that ordinary vampires will definitely not be Luo Bingning's opponents.

"Hubby, I will work hard to practice."

Luo Bingning laughed.

Lin Tian chuckled and said, "If you work hard to practice, you should be able to reach the perfect level of dark energy in about a week."

"After you absorb the second piece of spiritual jade, you may be able to reach the early stage of martial arts master within half a month."

Luo Bingning's eyes showed excitement.

She is still very interested in martial arts, otherwise she would not have studied with Tang Yan seriously before.

"Hubby, when I become a martial arts master, will we get engaged?"

Luo Bingning said shyly.

Lin Tian nodded with a smile: "It's about time. My parents should be able to prepare the jewelry after so long."

Their engagement is not just a meal for both parents.

His parents have already found top masters in this field to make the jewelry. His parents will also prepare other ceremonies.

What they need to do is to determine which guests to invite


An engagement party is not like a wedding, and you don't need to invite so many guests, but the rich still have to invite those who should be invited for an engagement.

——The Luo family is a rich family, and the Lin family is also a rich family now.

Although the Lin family rose suddenly, Lin Tian has Master Lin "behind him", who dares to say that the Lin family is not a rich family?

"Husband, I'm going to practice."

"I want to become a martial arts master as soon as possible."

Luo Bingning said and closed the door.

Lin Tian went back to the room and continued to dig deeper through Gerald.

Gerald's father is Earl Karen.

They are from the Tudor family.

The old patriarch of the Tudor family is a duke. The Tudor family is not well-known, but Lin Tian found out that they secretly control assets of no less than 100 billion euros.

"This is what I found out in a short time. There must be many assets that cannot be found on the Internet."

"This Tudor family is quite powerful."

Lin Tian said in his heart.

Knowing the strength of the Tudor family, he instantly felt that the more than 30 billion RMB in the card was much less.

Not to mention other families of the blood clan, if the Tudor family launched an economic attack, the impact would be great.

He didn't have much to attack economically, but the Luo family did, and China's assets at home and abroad were also huge.

Many things cannot be solved by pure force.

"Conservatively estimated, the Tudor family's assets exceed 150 billion euros, which is close to 1.2 trillion RMB."

Lin Tian secretly smacked his lips.

It's unknown how long vampires can live, but they have been passed down for a long time, and each family is really rich.

"The Chinese martial arts community may know the existence of vampires."

Lin Tian thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to Ouyang Fei: "Ouyang, you and your father bring your brother over."

"My medical skills have improved, and I can help your brother recover faster."

Ouyang Fei saw the message quickly.

His eyes lit up: "We'll come tomorrow."

The next day, Luo Bingning went to work, and Lin Tian arrived at the villa that Zhao Xianglin had given him.

He refined more than ten anti-aging pills in the morning.

Luo Bingning and her father Luo Hongchuan had not eaten them yet.

"Ding Dong--"

The doorbell rang, and it was Ouyang Fei and the others who came.

"Brother Qing, your mental state looks good."

Ouyang Fei and the others came in, and Lin Tian said with a smile.

Ouyang Qing was still sitting in a wheelchair, but his complexion and mental state were different from before.

"Lin Tian, ​​thank you."

"I feel very good now."

Ouyang Qing said gratefully.

He can now practice hard every day, his internal strength is recovering, and his knees are recovering very quickly.

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