The secret is still there.

Ouyang De said solemnly: "Lin Tian, ​​you must not expose this secret."

"Even if you have Master Lin behind you, this cannot be exposed, otherwise there will be extremely serious consequences."

"At the very least, it may trigger a world war, and at worst, mushroom bombs will fly all over the sky and the whole world will be reduced to scorched earth."

Ouyang Fei said in disbelief: "Dad, if this news is exposed, it will at least trigger a world war?"

Ouyang De nodded.

"It's not a big problem if you come forward to expose it. Only our whole family will die. After all, they have made various movies and TV shows to cover up, and you can't expose it."

"Lin Tian is different."

Ouyang Fei: "..."

Lin Tian said: "Uncle De, don't worry, I know the severity. The impact of exposure is really too great."

"They have long hands in all walks of life."

Ouyang De said worriedly: "In the past, they didn't dare to extend their hands to our China. Now the strength of the blood clan and lizard people is constantly increasing."

"Except for Master Lin and you, the two anomalies, the strength of our Chinese martial arts world is gradually declining."

"They will gradually become bolder."

"Lin Tian, ​​you must protect yourself. You and Master Lin are very important to the whole of China."

Lin Tian nodded slightly.

Ouyang De exhaled a breath of turbid air and smiled: "You don't have to worry too much. After all, the national strength of our country is completely different from before."

"Our country has the ability to overturn the table."

Lin Tian nodded slightly.

The country's weapons are not there for show.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

"This topic is annoying to talk about."

Ouyang De said.

After dinner, Ouyang Qing lay on the sofa, and Lin Tian inserted silver needles. Soon, Ouyang Qing felt itchy in his knees.

"Lin Tian, ​​is it normal for my knees to itch?"

Ouyang Qing asked.

Lin Tian said: "The acupuncture method I just used is to accelerate the healing of your bones. They are now healing more than ten times faster than normal."

"It's normal for you to feel itchy bones because of the fast healing."

At this point, Lin Tian took out a Rejuvenating Pill.

This thing can preserve youth, it can also provide strong vitality, and it can accelerate Ouyang Qing's recovery.

The medicinal materials he has now can be used to refine four or five hundred Rejuvenating Pills. Taking out a Rejuvenating Pill for Ouyang Qing, Lin Tian will naturally not be stingy.

The Ouyang family took out all the ancestral spiritual jade.

"Brother Qing, eat this."

Lin Tian smiled.

Ouyang Qing nodded, and Ouyang Fei poured water for him. He swallowed the pill without asking any more questions.

"Uncle De, you guys stay here for two days. Brother Qing won't need a wheelchair the day after tomorrow. He still needs to be nursed, but he won't have any problem walking normally."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

Ouyang De and the others were very excited.

"Lin Tian, ​​we won't stay here anymore. We'll go to a nearby hotel. Please check in at the hotel when the time comes."

Ouyang De said.

Lin Tian looked at Ouyang Fei. He wanted Ouyang Fei to persuade his father. Ouyang Fei smiled and said, "Brother Lin, my dad likes to stay in hotels when he is outside."

"You are a local tyrant. Why don't you spend some money to arrange a presidential suite for us? I haven't stayed there yet."

Ouyang De glared, "What are you talking about? He is treating your brother, and you still ask him to take care of food and accommodation."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Uncle De, I don't care about ordinary people, but since you are here, I must care."

"Then I will book a hotel near the house over there for you. It will be convenient for me to go there to treat Brother Qing."

Soon Lin Tian booked a room for Ouyang De and the others.

"Lin Tian, ​​Xiao Fei is talking nonsense. Look at this--"

Ouyang De was a little embarrassed.

Lin Tian said: "Uncle De, I used to be polite to him. If he was polite to me, I would beat him up."

Ouyang De smiled and said: "Then you can beat him up as much as you want. Anyway, you are good at medicine and can heal even if you are disabled."

Ouyang Fei: "..."

Ouyang De said: "Lin Tian, ​​some people in the martial arts circle want to visit Master Lin. Do you think it is convenient?"

"They know that our Ouyang family has a good relationship with you and have come to me several times."

Lin Tian said: "What do they want to do?"

Ouyang De shook his head.

"I don't know."

"Everyone may have different ideas. Some people may want to know how to improve quickly."

"Some people just want to get to know Master Lin."

"Some may want to discuss the issue of alien races. How to deal with vampires and lizardmen in the future is a difficult problem."

Lin Tian said: "I will talk to Master. As for whether Master is willing to see them, it is hard to say."


He now hopes to hide himself better after learning about the vampires, lizardmen, and werewolves.

Ouyang De and the others must also be kept in the dark.


Ouyang De nodded.

In the afternoon, Lin Tian first sent Ouyang De and the others to the hotel, and then he went to Luo Bingning's company to pick her up after get off work.


Seeing Luo Bingning, Lin Tian was stunned for a moment.

Before she went out in the morning, Luo Bingning had no treasure chest above her head, but now she had a silver treasure chest above her head.

What happened?

Nothing seemed to happen today.

"Bingning, you look strange, what happened?"

Lin Tian asked after closing the door of Luo Bingning's office.

Luo Bingning said bitterly: "All the core researchers of the company resigned collectively, and several major shareholders also asked to sell their shares due to this."

"According to the contract, I have to pay to redeem their shares."

Lin Tian said: "Are the other shareholders going to run away?"


Luo Bingning nodded sullenly, "Husband, it seems that I am not cut out for business. I... I messed up."

Lin Tian hugged Luo Bingning.

"It's not your problem. The company should have been affected by me. There are dark hands at work."

"They don't dare to use force now, but they still dare to use economic means. No one can say no if they use normal economic means."

Luo Bingning was stunned.

Lin Tian said: "You are my girlfriend, they must know that if there is no strong external influence, they have no reason to do this collectively."

"This is a warning from some people."

Luo Bingning was puzzled.


Lin Tian nodded: "How much money will it take to get back those people's shares when they withdraw their shares?"

Luo Bingning said: "It doesn't need to be too much. After all, the products have not been officially sold, and the withdrawal of shares is not based on the valuation of this round but the previous round."

"About 150 million."

Lin Tian smiled lightly: "The other party knows that I can take out this amount of money, and the Luo family can also take it out."

"The company has not yet developed, even if the company is gone, the loss is not big, but they still did it."

"If this is not a warning, what is it?"

Luo Bingning said with a bitter face: "Husband, 150 million is not a small amount, and the company is unsustainable."

"The total loss is more than this."

Lin Tian smiled: "Who said it is unsustainable? They returned the shares, and the company just took off."


Luo Bingning was puzzled.

Lin Tian pinched Luo Bingning's face and smiled: "Silly wife, I can refine the anti-aging pill, don't you think I can't handle ordinary cosmetics?"

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