The two of them were very busy, and the two were busy.

"Princess Kailina, please come in."

Lin Tian opened the door and Kailina came to the living room.

"Mr. Lin Tian, ​​I got the news that Earl Karen of the Tudor family of the Blood Clan and Earl Eamon of the Bruch family have boarded the plane to China."

Kalina looked at Lin Tian, ​​she looked a little worried.

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes: "Which family took the initiative?"

Kaylena understood what Lin Tian meant, and she said: "It should be the Bruch family who took the initiative to find the Tudor family."

"Mr. Lin Tian, ​​they came together, perhaps to use the family's influence to put pressure on you."

Lin Tian smiled: "Are you afraid that I can't bear the pressure here, and they will just send you back if they put pressure on me?"

Princess Kailina looked nervous.

She pinched the corner of her clothes: "Mr. Lin Tian, ​​there is something I haven't told you. The Bruch family still wants to marry our royal family."

"Marry you?"

"Have you ever married the Bruch family before?"

Kaylena nodded and shook her head.

"We are determined not to marry them, because our royal family has had many conflicts with them."

"After each conflict, they will encroach on some of our interests."

Lin Tian: "They may do this on purpose, just to find a reason to encroach on more of your interests."

Kaylena nodded: "It was like this before, and now they continue, maybe they want to swallow up our entire royal family."

"Maybe they think we will compromise. Maybe they think our Wandao Kingdom royal family has no influence."

Kaylena's eyes showed anger.

Kailena bowed deeply at this: "Mr. Lin Tian, ​​I hope you can help our Wandao Kingdom."

"Even... even if I become your lover, I am willing."

Lin Tian shook his head.

Kaylena's face turned red and white, she mustered up the courage to say this, after all, she is a princess of a country.

"I am abrupt."

Kaylena said bitterly.

Lin Tian frowned: "Princess Kailina, we can cooperate, but don't talk about becoming my lover again."

Kaylena was stunned.

"Mr. Lin Tian... wouldn't our mutual interests be more deeply bound in that way?"

Many powerful forces are like this, and Kailina has known about this since she was a child.

Even if they can't be together openly, being lovers and having a child is much more stable than a simple interest relationship.

"Princess Kailina, Bingning and I have a good relationship."

Lin Tian said in a deep voice.

Kailina was puzzled: "Mr. Lin Tian, ​​this doesn't affect your relationship. I will definitely not compete with her."

"Let's just have a child."

Lin Tian rubbed his forehead.

Foreigners may have different brain circuits than them.

"Kaylena, our two countries have different cultures. In our country, such behavior is disloyal to the partner."

Kaylena said: "Mr. Lin Tian, ​​I know this. But is it important to have family inheritance?"

"If a family wants to be passed down for a long time, it needs to be bound by various interests. Isn't this the case in your country?"

Lin Tian waved his hand: "Let's not discuss this."

The Wandao Kingdom and other forces have a long inheritance. There are many things to consider for a large family. Family interests are the most important.

The Lin family is just his parents and him and Luo Bingning.

He doesn't need to think so much.

As for the future... have more children with Luo Bingning, and let his sons and grandsons marry with other forces.

"Princess Kailina, you should know about them. How much assets do they have and how many strong people do they have?"

Lin Tian changed the subject.

Kalina said, "I didn't know much originally, but my father told me a lot about them before I came."

"The assets of the Bruch family should be more than 200 billion euros, and they secretly control many forces in various countries."

"Including the assets controlled indirectly, there may be 400 billion to 500 billion euros."

Lin Tian nodded slightly, which was similar to his estimate.

"The Tudor family is not as greedy as the Bruch family. They have fewer direct assets, but the assets they control indirectly should be more than the Bruch family."

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said, "The Bruch family is too greedy. There are fewer forces that want to rely on them?"


Kalina nodded, "The Bruch family swallowed up our royal family miserably, and the rest of the forces were also swallowed up."

"Many forces naturally don't want to choose to rely on the Bruch family."

"The Tudor family indirectly controls more forces. In fact, there is another reason. The old patriarch of the Tudor family is more powerful."

Lin Tian: "What are their strengths?"

Kaylena: "According to your Chinese strength classification, the old patriarch of the Tudor family should be in the middle stage of the Grandmaster."

"The old patriarch of the Bruch family is in the early stage of the Grandmaster."

Lin Tian asked: "Do the other six major families of the Blood Clan have Grandmasters?"

Kaylena nodded.

"Without a duke, it is impossible to become a top family. Every family now has a duke in public."

"There may be a second duke in the secret family."

Xiao Fan sighed secretly.

Before "Grandmaster Lin" appeared, there was no Grandmaster in the open in China, and the Blood Clan actually had at least eight Grandmasters.

This is a bit heartbreaking.

Even if there were Grandmasters in secret in China, there would definitely not be so many.

China was greatly affected by the war that year, and the Blood Clan gained huge benefits from the invasion war that year.

"Are the eight major families of the Blood Clan not very united?"

Lin Tian asked.

Kalina nodded: "Yes, the eight major blood clans are all in Europe, and there will definitely be conflicts of interest between them."

"They are behind all the wars in Europe."

"But if they face external threats, they may unite."

Kalina stayed for half an hour and said goodbye.

Lin Tian knew more about the blood clan.

The royal family of Wandao Kingdom has been oppressed for a long time, and they know the blood clan very well.

Twenty-first floor.

Su Anna and a female bodyguard came into the room.

She has two female bodyguards in this community.

One downstairs and one upstairs.

"How is it?"

Su Anna asked.

"Miss, Princess Kalina entered Lin Tian's room for half an hour."

Su Anna muttered: "Half an hour can do a lot of things, but isn't Lin Tian a martial arts master?"

"This is not a long time."

"Not even twenty minutes after deducting foreplay."


Lin Tian: "..."

Through his god-level sense of smell, he knew that Zhao Anna's bodyguard was guarding in the corridor, and her bodyguard happened to be returning to the room at this time.

He listened attentively.

Unexpectedly, he heard Su Anna say this.

"Miss, maybe Lin Tian is in a hurry. He may be afraid that Princess Kylena will have a bad influence if she stays in his room for too long."

Su Anna's bodyguard helped to analyze.

Su Anna nodded: "It is possible. What do you think about me going downstairs to meet Lin Tian now?"

Su Anna's bodyguard said: "Miss, I don't think it's a good idea. The last period of time for a man is the sage time."

"What sage time?"

Su Anna asked.

She is still a virgin and doesn't know much about this.

"Miss, sage time is--"

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