The other eye of Earl Karen widened.

He couldn't believe it. He was a core member of the Tudor family, and Lin Tian actually tried to kill him.

"You, you——"

Earl Karen fell to the ground.

His raised hand fell down weakly.

Earl Karen died!

Earl Eamon next to him was terrified. Lin Tian actually killed Earl Karen. Would he die?

Lin Tian muttered: "He died now? It is said on the Internet that the fatal point of the blood race is only the heart, but it seems that this is not the case."

Earl Eamon: "..."

He was speechless.

Lin Tian's flying knife pierced deeply into Earl Karen's head. It would be strange if Earl Karen was still alive.

Can the heart still think?

"Earl Eamon, please contact your family and pass the news of Earl Karen's death to the Tudor family."

"Send another message to the Tudor family. The blood debt needs to be paid with blood. My master will go to the Tudor family soon."

Lin Tian said indifferently.

Earl Eamon glanced at Earl Karen's body, picked up his phone and called his grandfather.

His grandfather is Augustus, the old patriarch of the Bruch family.

"Grandpa, Lin Tian is not satisfied with the list the Tudor family brought out. Lin Tian just killed Karen."

"In addition, Lin Tian said that Master Lin will go to the Tudor family soon. He asked us to pass the news to the Tudor family."

Earl Eamon took a deep breath and said.

Augustus's face changed on the other end of the phone.

Lin Tian actually dared to kill people from the Tudor family, so Lin Tian must also dare to kill people from their Bruch family.

Lin Tian's courage comes from Master Lin. In this case, Master Lin's strength may be higher than they expected.

"Could it be that Grandmaster Lin is already a martial arts grandmaster?"

Such a thought flashed through Augustus' mind.

If this is the case, it is not good news for their blood clan. It is very difficult to kill a martial arts grandmaster.

It is difficult to kill a martial arts grandmaster with light weapons. Although heavy weapons can be used, heavy weapons make a lot of noise.

They are unlikely to use heavy weapons in China.

"I will tell the old patriarch of the Tudor family immediately."

August said in a deep voice.

After hanging up the phone, he quickly called Conrad.

"Lin Tian killed Karen."

August quickly told Conrad about the situation.

Five minutes passed.


Lin Tian's phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number, and it was an unfamiliar number called from abroad.

"This is Conrad."

Conrad said in English on the other end of the phone.

"I don't understand."

Lin Tian said indifferently.

He didn't believe that Conrad, who had lived for 160 years, would not understand Chinese. The spiritual power of the blood clan strongmen is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and their learning ability is also much stronger.

"Lin Tian, ​​I am Conrad, the old patriarch of the Tudor family."

Conrad changed to Chinese and said in a deep voice.

Lin Tian said in a calm voice: "Patriarch Conrad, if you want to threaten to kill my parents or something, you don't need to threaten, you can just send assassins, and they can't resist."

"If they are killed, I will ask my master to kill all the forces that have grudges against me."

"Your Tudor family will definitely not get away."

Conrad: "..."

"Lin Tian, ​​young people should not be so angry. I called you to give you another list."

"In this matter, our Tudor family admits defeat."

Conrad said, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows: "It won't be the same thing that fooled people just now, right? If it's you, don't bring it out."

"My master has never been to Europe, and he really wants to go and see it. You are also a master, you can learn from each other."

Conrad's face twitched. Lin Tian dared to do this. He estimated that Master Lin was at least a perfect master.

He may have become a martial arts master!

If they learn from each other, he might die!

"Don't worry, this list is definitely a heavyweight list. How about ending this matter?"

Conrad said in a deep voice.

"If there is no problem with the list, of course there is no problem. You know, we Chinese love peace the most."

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Conrad cursed in his heart. Many people in China do love peace, but they definitely don't include Lin Tian, ​​nor Lin Tian's master.

Lin Tian has killed several people.

Master Lin went to Dongying Country, and thousands of people died in Dongying Country.


It didn't take long for Lin Tian to receive the list.

He opened the file and took a look. Compared with the previous one, this list was much more important.

This list

Involving many industries and many bigwigs.

The Tudor family uses blood slaves, but they can't control many people, especially in China.

But they have huge funds.

The power of capital is very strong.

They can use money to control and enslave many people.


After waiting for a while, Conrad called again.

"Lin Tian, ​​are you satisfied with this list? If you are still not satisfied, then we may have to fight."

Conrad's cold voice came over.

Lin Tian smiled slightly: "It looks okay, I will verify the information you gave me. If there is a problem in it, you have to give me ten more."

"Lin Tian, ​​let Eamon take Karen's body away."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Tian looked at Earl Eamon: "Earl Eamon, you can take his body away."

"Be careful not to let the blood flow out and stain my carpet."

Earl Eamon picked up Earl Karen's body.

He left quickly.

He didn't want to stay in Lin Tian's place for a second longer.


Luo Bingning came downstairs.

She woke up a long time ago. Lin Tian had something to do downstairs. Luo Bingning waited for Earl Eamon to leave before she came downstairs.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Lin Tian smiled.

Luo Bingning said, "I heard you get up and you talked, so I couldn't sleep."

"Husband, the person who just died was--"

Lin Tian said, "He was from a powerful family in Europe. They offended me some time ago and were quite arrogant."

"Bingning, you have to hurry up and reach the martial arts master level."

Luo Bingning nodded, "Husband, I will. Husband, will my parents and your parents be okay?"

Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Don't worry, if they are in trouble, the enemy will bear thousands of times the revenge."

"Killing them is meaningless except to anger me."

Luo Bingning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can I become a martial arts master in the future? If I become a martial arts master, your husband will have less pressure."

Lin Tian nodded: "Bingpo Xuanyin physique is the top physique for cultivating immortals. As long as you have Lingyu, your strength can be rapidly improved."

"You can't cultivate immortals in this era, but there is no problem in becoming a martial arts master."

Luo Bingning's eyes showed joy.

After breakfast, Luo Bingning went to work, and Lin Tian received a call from Xu Lao: "Xiao Lin, the second elder and I got off the plane."

"We have something to talk to you about."

Lin Tian was not too surprised, it should be about the sixth-generation fighter.

It happened that this list could be given to the second elder.

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