The decision was made.

But Miyamoto Weiguang couldn't find a place to move for a while, so he had to ask Miyamoto Chuanqiong for help.

"Boss, don't worry. When I came to China, I had already prepared another secret base just in case."

After this, Miyamoto Weiguang was completely relieved.

"Chuanqiong is still thoughtful. Don't worry, after my secret method is restored, I will first avenge Guanghao, and then after snatching the 0.5nm lithography machine technology, we will go directly back to Japan. At that time, I will promote you to be the first person under me."

Miyamoto Chuanqiong believed in Miyamoto Weiguang's words. After all, he had followed him for so many years and was loyal to him.

As for today's incident, Miyamoto Weiguang could have completely not avenged Miyamoto Guanghao.

You have to know that the other party is the young master of the first family in China. Even after revenge, he will be hunted down endlessly. If you are not careful, the Miyamoto family will have to pay.

But Miyamoto Weiguang still insisted on revenge and taking back Miyamoto Guanghao's body.

This was enough to make his men work for him.

Just leave when you say go.

Miyamoto Weiguang brought only eight good players to China, only he and Miyamoto Guanghao were strong in Huajin, and the rest were all dark forces.

Now that Guanghao was dead, there were only seven left.

The four cars not only carried the seven of them, but also nine women, all of whom would be Miyamoto Weiguang's food.

Miyamoto Weiguang and Miyamoto Chuanqiong sat in the front of the high-end business car to lead the way.

There were also two women in the car, but they didn't realize that these women were just trying to hook up with rich men, but they didn't expect to fall to this point.

The car drove all the way until it stopped in an underground parking lot. At this point, there was no living person in the underground parking lot.

This provided a good convenience for Miyamoto Weiguang's brothers to deal with these women.

Going up all the way, I found that this was actually a hotel.

After asking, I found out that it was opened by their own people. The owner of the hotel is Miyamoto Kawakyo's brother.

As for the rooms, they were all prepared. According to the room cards given by Miyamoto Kawakyo, the younger brothers took the girls to their own rooms.

These rooms are naturally connected. This floor is full of empty rooms, the purpose is to prepare for emergencies.

Seeing that everyone has been arranged.

Miyamoto Weiguang was taken to the largest and most luxurious room.

"Boss, this is your room."

Looking around, I found it was not bad, even better than the secret base in the unfinished building.

"Kawakyo, your brother is thoughtful, bring him to see me! This time he helped so much, I have to reward him."

Hearing this, Miyamoto Kawakyo was very happy.

Because his brother Miyamoto Kawakyo was sent to China to run a hotel because he committed a crime in Japan.

Specializing in providing intelligence and accommodation to the Japanese, it is equivalent to the stationmaster of a liaison station, working for the Japanese official.

It doesn't sound like he was punished for making a mistake. He seems to be living a comfortable life now.

But you have to know that this is not Japan. If you are in someone else's territory and are accidentally discovered, the end can be imagined, and you will definitely die.

Therefore, Miyamoto Kawakyo does not think that this dangerous job is suitable for ordinary people like his brother, but he does not have much power to influence this matter.

Now Miyamoto Weiguang has spoken and wants to thank his brother.

Miyamoto Kawakyo thinks that as long as his brother asks to return to the country to work, then with Miyamoto Weiguang's ability, it will be easy to get.

"Thank you, boss, I will go to find my brother now."

After saying that, he left the room happily.

Miyamoto Weiguang sat cross-legged and checked the progress of his secret method.

"It seems that we have to start tonight."

At this time, Miyamoto Kawakyo has found Miyamoto Kawasang.

Although Miyamoto Kawakyo has been in Shanghai for so long, due to various reasons, they only met when they opened the room at the beginning. It has been many years.

The two hugged each other as soon as they met, which was worth a thousand words.

However, Miyamoto Kawakami knew what his brother came to him to express.

So he worriedly said: "Brother, are you in trouble? I told you a long time ago that you should not come to China to wade into this muddy water. This place is not like those small border countries. We can deal with it calmly. In China, they are extremely unwelcome to us. If we are not careful, it will be the end."

"No, I must find a way to send you back to China. If both of us die in China, how sad our mother will be!"

Facing Miyamoto Kawakami's chattering, Miyamoto Kawakami will not feel impatient, but feel happy that he has such a caring brother.

"Okay, brother, we are not in big trouble this time. Lord Miyamoto Weiguang can be with the powerful Huajin PerfectionistConfrontation means that we can walk sideways in China. Today is just a temporary avoidance. In two days, all problems will be solved. "

"Oh, no more words, you come with me to see the boss now, he said he wants to reward you, you try to ask to return home, I believe he can do it."

He said that he pulled Miyamoto Kawaki to Miyamoto Weiguang's room.

After greeting respectfully.

Miyamoto Weiguang spoke.

"You are Kawaki's brother, and you look as smart as him."

"I won't beat around the bush. I have heard a little about your story, but your family is a branch of the Miyamoto family. After the incident, we didn't pay too much attention to you, so you were exiled to China."

"You and Kawaki have no complaints over the years, and you are still loyal to the Miyamoto family. Now you have helped me a lot, so you can ask for anything now, as long as I can do it. "

Miyamoto Kawasaki was polite at first.

"Lord Miyamoto Weiguang, you are joking. Although I am a branch of the Miyamoto family, I am still a member of the Miyamoto family. It is my duty to contribute to the family."

Miyamoto Kawasaki didn't know what his brother was doing, and thought he was going to give up this precious opportunity.

But he didn't expect Miyamoto Weiguang to be polite again: "That's what I said, but the reward should be given, otherwise who will work for the Miyamoto family in the future."

Having said this, Miyamoto Kawasaki was naturally no longer polite.

In the expectant eyes of his younger brother.

"I hope to fulfill my younger brother's dream of Huajin. I also ask Lord Miyamoto Weiguang to help my younger brother break through Huajin as soon as possible. "

Hearing his brother's words, Miyamoto Kawakyo was very happy. It was not easy to get a chance for his brother to go back, and he didn't want to waste it.

Besides, he is now at the level of perfect dark energy. At the age of more than 40, he may be able to break through the transformation energy by himself.

So he said: "Boss, my brother is talking nonsense. I believe I can break through the transformation energy by myself. Please help my brother get out of this place and return to Japan."

As soon as the voice fell, he didn't expect that Miyamoto Kawakyo would scold his brother.

"My lord asked me what reward I want, why are you butting in."


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