Aurora Technology Building.

Zhang Shaohua, who was sitting in the CEO's office, felt that the response on the Internet was normal.

This office was the one where Long Zhuo killed Miyamoto Mitsuhiro last night, but now there was no sign that a life-and-death battle had taken place here last night.

Not only was the bloodstain wiped off, but the bookshelves and books were also restored to their original appearance.

At this time, Zhang Shaohua had just finished listening to his subordinates' work reports, and he was very satisfied.

"Okay, you continue your work! As long as we work together, the future of Aurora Technology is limitless. I won't give you any empty promises. Now your salary will increase by 10% on the original basis. Don't think it's too little, this is just the beginning."

These words really sounded pleasant. Zhang Shaohua was not like other bosses who only painted big cakes.

"President, you are joking. The increase of 10% is already very good. If we are not satisfied, we are greedy. Aurora Technology has a leader like you, and the future is promising."

The two sides had another round of flattering conversation, and then went back to work.

Zhang Shaohua wanted to continue working, but before that he took out his phone and opened Douyin.

His account has been certified by the platform, CEO of Aurora Technology.

Then he edited an article.

"Dear friends and partners: Thank you very much for your unwavering trust and continuous support for Aurora Technology for a long time! It is because of your solid backing that we have successfully overcome many difficulties and ushered in the dawn of hope!

Now, we are proud to announce that after unremitting efforts and overcoming difficulties, Aurora Technology has finally broken through the technical bottleneck and successfully developed a 0.5nm lithography machine! This milestone achievement not only demonstrates...

Finally, let's cheer together! Fight for dreams! Fight for the future!"

With the picture of the Aurora Technology Building, all the accounts related to Aurora Technology, including Lin Xi's, were also mentioned.

Not only did he put Lin Xi's account first, but he also solemnly stated that he would work hard to manage Aurora Technology.

As soon as this article came out, it was forwarded first. After all, Aurora Technology is now in the limelight, with a lot of traffic, and many bloggers will take advantage of it.

For a time, Zhang Shaohua's article received a surge in likes and reposts.

The comment section was even more explosive.

"Who is this first account? It looks like a private account."

"Click in and you'll know if it's a private account."

"Don't tell me, don't tell me, this girl has a great figure, but she looks like a minor."

"I love her even more when you say that."

"Then if I say she's a lawyer, how would you respond?"

The word "female lawyer" scared everyone.

Someone was the first to speak up, "Forget it, marrying a female lawyer, I'm afraid I'll be left with nothing."

Just as they were discussing Lin Xi, someone from another account that was tagged spoke up.

"This is our boss of Aurora Technology."

This sentence woke the dreamer up.

Everyone responded to the one who said he didn't dare to marry a female lawyer.

"Brother, if you don't dare to marry, ask her if she is willing to marry you?"

"That's right, with your two-liang bones, rich women won't be interested in you. I'm not tall, handsome and strong. If she wants to marry you, she will definitely marry me."



The comments gradually became outrageous, and finally Lin Xi herself jumped out.

A message "I don't plan to get married yet" was sent out, which directly ended the conversation in the comment area.

Knowing that she is a female lawyer, she dared not be presumptuous anymore, for fear that Lin Xi would be like the female lawyer on Douyin before, and the lawyer sent a letter of warning.

However, there are no comments about wanting to marry Lin Xi, which does not mean that no one pays attention to her.

Slowly, her identity was also exposed.

Various nicknames followed.

Rich woman and goddess are everywhere.

If readers see these nicknames, they will definitely think that Lotus Fairy is the most suitable.

Because this nickname is closer to Lin Xi's life in recent years.

In fact, netizens gave this nickname because they thought Lin Xi was born with a low-key personality. Even if she was glamorous, she still liked to get into the circle of ordinary people.

But it was not true. Who doesn't want to live a more comfortable life if they have money? Lin Xi was the same, but the conditions did not allow it at that time.

If Lin Xi had said something about her experiences in recent years on the Internet at this time, Lin Yaodong and his wife would definitely be exposed online.

However, Lin Xi felt that it was unnecessary. It was better to have less trouble than more, and there was no substantial benefit for her to expose Lin Yaodong online.

At most, she could vent her anger, but that would completely break up with their family. It was definitely not worth it.

This was another nickname that once again aroused the enthusiasm of the comment area.

"The second generation of legal maniacs."

Also includedLin Xi and Zhang San's photo.

"I told you! How come my legal madman suddenly took over the Aurora Technology case? It turns out that the goddess is his apprentice!"

"I will definitely pay attention to her. When there is a case in the future, I will find the goddess first."

"Don't even think about it. It's a waste of talent to use the goddess in your case."


Hucheng University.

At lunch, Lu Miaomiao met Han Xiuxiu and others again.

They had a very good relationship with Lu Miaomiao, so they took the initiative to sit over.

Lu Miaomiao couldn't help asking, "Why are you eating so late?"

Speaking of this, Han Xiuxiu could only explain helplessly.

It turned out that they took Tai Chi as an elective in physical education class, and the exam was in two weeks, but there were four of them in the dormitory, and none of them had learned it.

It was not that the physical education class was over, but they were still practicing on the playground.

Hearing this, Lu Miaomiao couldn't help but say: "The simplified 24-style Tai Chi is easy! How can you still not know it after practicing for so long?"

The four people in the dormitory pouted.

They said in unison: "It would be better if it was 24-style. I don't know why the physical education teacher taught us 108-style. If we didn't know it, we could change to 24-style. Who knew that there was a weirdo who really knew 108-style, so we all had to learn it."

Lu Miaomiao was speechless for a while.

At this time, Han Xiuxiu continued to complain.

"The key is that the 108-style needs to be known one by one. Even if the student who knows it and the teacher guide together, it is a drop in the bucket. It can't come to us at all. Maybe we have to ask the seniors from the previous class to teach us."

Speaking of this, Lu Miaomiao thought of Lin Nan, because Lin Nan once said that he was proficient in all kinds of boxing.

Seeing her students learning like this, Lu Miaomiao said that she might have a good coach to teach them.

Then she called Lin Nan's video.

Answer it right away!

"Wife, do you miss me?"

This sentence made Han Xiuxiu and the others laugh so hard that they couldn't stop. "

Now Lu Miaomiao has long lost the immaturity of the time when she just got married. Even in front of students, it is difficult for her to blush.

"Yes, I miss you."

"But let's not talk nonsense with you first. I called you on video to ask you, didn't you say before that you are proficient in various boxing styles? Do you know the 108-style Tai Chi?"

Lin Nan smiled.

"It's no big deal. I dare say that no one in the whole of China can perform the 108-style Tai Chi more standardly than me."

"Why, wife, do you want to learn? It happens to be the weekend tomorrow, I will teach you."

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