Liu Siyu did not answer Chen Chuli's question directly.

Instead, he said, "Just tell me if you want it or not!"

Without any hesitation.


Liu Siyu smiled, "Don't worry! He must be a good person."

While the two were talking, Lin Nan's song had ended.

"I want to sing this song to you."

The last line of the lyrics was full of regret, but Lin Nan did sing it to the person who wanted to hear it, and made up for it.

So that the atmosphere on the scene reached a high point.


Said crazy applause.

With Zhou Keren taking the lead, the rest of the young masters and young ladies and the waiters on the scene also applauded.

Liu Siyu, who was responsible for the atmosphere and a good friend of Lin Nan and his wife, said immediately.

"Lin Nan, I didn't expect you to sing so well. You just sang a song for Miao Miao. Why don't you sing another one next time? After all, everyone should not have heard enough."

Everyone also echoed.

"Yes, brother, you sing so well, I really want to hear another song."

"How about letting the birthday boy choose a song?"

"I think "The Most Dazzling National Style" is the most suitable."

"I think it's okay, let's go with it, let's go with it."

Looking at Lu Miaomiao, she was also among them, what else could Lin Nan say.

It just so happened that the master-level singing skills he had just obtained had not been tested, so he sang again!

In this way, Lin Nan sang another passionate song "The Most Dazzling National Style".

This song is well-known to everyone, and coupled with the atmosphere created by the equipment, it made everyone present sing along.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Lin Nan took the initiative to hand the microphone to Zhou Keyan who was on stage, and he returned to his seat on the sofa.

As for what happened on the stage, he was too lazy to care. Anyway, the atmosphere was already up, and he knew what to do.

"Sing this."

"And this."

"I want to sing "Love Business."

"What do you, a single girl, know about love business? Let's sing mine."

"Isn't yours too explicit?"

"I think so too."


Finally, they were so excited that everyone wanted to sing, and even scrambled for the microphone.

The waiter looked at the other microphones he had prepared in advance and fell into deep thought.

"It seems redundant."

There were people singing, dancing, and rapping on the stage, and everyone's face was filled with smiles.

Watching everyone on the stage having fun.

Lu Miaomiao fell into Lin Nan's arms, "You sang the first song so well, we must stay together forever."

Lin Nan rested his chin on Lu Miaomiao's head and hugged her shoulders tighter.

"Yes, we will never be apart for the rest of our lives."

Just as the two were expressing their feelings, Liu Siyu came over.

She pulled the person in Lin Nan's arms away.

"You've made it impossible for Miaomiao to play. Stay here by yourself. We're going to have fun."

Ignoring Lin Nan's expression, he directly pulled Lu Miaomiao to the stage and joined the group of girls dancing wildly.

Lin Nan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

At this time, the boys who had not left took the initiative to sit over, only three of them.

Perhaps because they were bored, and knowing that a big man like Lin Nan was not someone they could curry favor with, they didn't talk, but just held a glass of wine and tasted it.

During this time, Lin Nan went outside to answer a call from Chen Ze.

The two chatted for more than ten minutes, and Chen Ze also confirmed that he would return to Shanghai next week just to meet Lin Nan and his wife.

As for work, he is now considered a top anchor, and it doesn't matter where he broadcasts, even if he doesn't broadcast for a day or two, it won't affect him at all.

After all, there is an eight-digit fan base, and they are all active fans, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Nan calculated the time.

It was only about two months away from the Chinese New Year. One month later, this semester would end and he and Lu Miaomiao could go back to their hometown.

Lin Nan was not in a hurry because his parents were in charge of the wedding. As for the plan to hold the most traditional Chinese wedding in Prince Gong's Mansion, Lin Nan was already implementing it.

Everything was moving in a good direction.

It was ten o'clock in the evening.

The party was finally over. Everyone had a great time. Even Lu Miaomiao drank a lot of wine and her face was red.

When they parted, they might have been a little confused.

"I have made friends with you all. Let's get together next time."


When they parted, Lin Nan still called Lin Xi along.

After all, the young masters and young ladies present had someone to pick them up when they went home, so they didn't have to worry about safety at all.

On the contrary, Lin Xi was now alone. Not only would she feel lonely when she went back, but she was also a little girl whose safety was not guaranteed.

Lu MiaomiaoMiao naturally had nothing to say. She liked this sister who was recognized by her husband.

The three drove to where Lin Nan parked.

Can't drive after drinking?

But this is not a problem, because everything has been arranged when we came, and there are professionals to help.

Next to the Panamera, a professional driver in a suit and white gloves was already in place.

The two women sat in the back seat, and Lin Nan sat in the co-pilot. According to the instructions, the car drove all the way to Tomson Yipin.

In the back seat, Lu Miaomiao suddenly took out a small box and handed it to Lin Xi.

"Xiao Xi, you call me sister-in-law. This gift must be given, as long as you don't mind it."

Opening it is a pair of green earrings. This gift is actually prepared by Lu Miaomiao for the party. Now it can be regarded as used.

Lin Xi is not a person who has never seen the world. She can see at a glance that the earrings are matched with Lu Miaomiao's bracelet. In addition, Lin Nan's special status, the value of this pair of earrings must be inestimable!

So he quickly refused.

"You dislike that this is not specially prepared for you."

Lin Xi waved her hands quickly, "No, no, it's just too expensive."

"If it's not, then take it."

Then she stuffed the small box into Lin Xi's bag.

Lin Nan, who was in the co-pilot seat, also spoke.

"You should take it if your sister-in-law gives it to you, and you are now the chairman of Aurora Technology. In the future, Aurora Technology will become one of the top 50 companies in the world, so don't talk about how expensive it is."

Lin Xi accepted it.

Lin Nan didn't say anything along the way, but the two girls behind him were chatting happily.

An's old house.

Mr. An was so excited at this time!

"Hahaha, God bless my An family, I know I didn't make a mistake at the beginning."

After leaving the KTV, An Jiazhu went straight to Mr. An and showed his strength in front of him.

As a Huajin warrior, Mr. An naturally saw it at a glance.

An Jiazhu did not let the old man ask more questions, and directly told Lin Nan all about his situation.

This is how the opening scene came about.

Old man An laughed loudly.

"Follow me."

An Jiazhu followed without any hesitation, after all, the only person in the world who was close to him was the old man.

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