Of course, Zheng Benye also made corresponding countermeasures to try to retain the users of "King's Strike".

He asked someone to add an activity. In this week, as long as you complete the tasks, you can get a lot of skins and other props that need to be purchased with money.

At the same time, in order to prevent the players who used to pay money from feeling unfair, these rewards were also converted into currency in the game for players to consume.

Of course, these actions are just to change the data for Giant Elephant Technology. It may make less money recently, but it is also a preparation for the future.

As long as you get through now, there will be no worries about not making money in the future. After all, "King's Strike" is a game with system rewards, and the operation and maintenance costs are terribly low.

So even if the current activity intensity is doubled or ten times, it is just a drop in the bucket.

At this time, Lin Nan had already arrived at the company and saw Zheng Benye thinking deeply in front of the desk.

Walked forward and pointed the computer screen at himself.

"Why, Mr. Zheng, what are you worried about?"

Zheng Benye didn't believe that Lin Nan didn't know that "Heroic Mission" would be launched today, after all, the publicity in the past few days was overwhelming.

"Boss, stop joking. Aren't you worried that our players will be snatched away by the opponent?"

Lin Nan found a chair and sat down.

"There's nothing to worry about. The game I made is impeccable. I believe that as long as you follow the information I gave you, there will be no similar game in the whole of China that can match it."

Zheng Benye saw that Lin Nan was so confident and no longer doubted that he would lose. At the same time, he told Lin Nan.

He had already prepared to deal with the same type of games according to the marketing plan that Lin Nan sent at the time.

After the introduction, Lin Nan gave a thumbs up.

Even so, let's see who will have the last laugh in this battle.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the daily ranking of domestic game downloads and the daily ranking of new game downloads began to update frantically.

However, the first place on both lists is still Juxiang Technology's "King of Kings".

As of this time today, it has been downloaded more than 3 million times, and the gap with the second place is more than 1 million.

Zheng Benye clicked refresh, and the next second, the first place on both lists changed from "King of Kings" to "Heroic Mission".

And the download volume of "Heroic Mission" has reached more than 70 million, and the gap with "King of Kings" is still widening.

In less than half an hour, the download volume of Heroic Mission has almost exceeded 100 million.

This is much higher than the first day download volume of "King of Kings", but it is still far from its peak daily download volume of more than 200 million.

Zheng Benye saw this scene like Lin Nan, without any panic.

They are all in the game industry, and they are not surprised by this phenomenon. If Penguin can maintain it, then they should panic.

At this time, the Internet has exploded.

There are short videos promoting "Heroic Mission" everywhere, and game bloggers with tens of millions of fans have directly started live broadcasts.

They should have received a lot of advertising fees from Penguin.

Of course, Chen Ze was also found by Penguin. Game anchors like him are the best promotional tools.

However, Chen Ze refused, not only because he is not short of money now, but more importantly, he is more optimistic about "King's Strike".

According to his understanding, "Heroic Mission" is too fancy, and there is also "King's Strike" as a pioneer roadblock, and the road ahead is probably difficult.

Moreover, he thinks that the traffic of the live broadcast room has not decreased because of "Heroic Mission".

So it is better to broadcast "King's Strike" wholeheartedly and earn less advertising fees. Sometimes you can earn it back in one day of live broadcast.

Of course, the most important thing is to see what netizens say, they are the key to whether the game is popular or not.

Click on the comment area of ​​any "Heroic Mission" short video, all of which are positive reviews.

"Oh my god, Penguin is really considerate. The special effects, the modeling, the map... I feel relaxed after seeing it."

"The optimization is very good. My phone doesn't even get hot when I use it."

"Who said it wasn't? The most important thing is that it actually incorporates my favorite torch goddess. I won't say more. I'm going to fight with her."

Of course, this kind of comment area will definitely not only praise one game. It must praise one and criticize the other, so that it will attract people.

It's easy to know which one to criticize, so the only one left is "King's Strike".

"Have you noticed that "King's Strike" actually organized an event to save us? It's really funny. What did it do before?"

"That's right, what's the use of such a small reward."

"Now that you mention it, I think the modeling of "King's Strike" is really rubbishThere is nothing to watch, and I am not interested in the female characters at all. "

"Sure enough, all the old perverts are the same, I think so too, but "Hero's Duty" is different, it makes my blood boil."


In short, "King's Duty" is devalued and worthless, "Hero's Duty" is praised to the sky, in short, it is just a water army.

Of course, there are also many loyal players of "King's Duty".

But most of them only play games and have no time to comment.

Some sporadic comments will soon be covered by the water army or be criticized.

For example, a comment under the video of the game anchor Donkey, who is as famous as Chen Ze.

A netizen named "Autumn Questioning" commented: "Anchor, do you really think "Hero's Duty" is better than "King's Duty"? Anyway, I think it is too fancy and I am not used to it. I will go back to play my "King's Duty". ”

Therefore, this netizen was chased and attacked as if he had committed a heinous crime.

"If you like to play your "King's Strike", go ahead and play it! No one is stopping you, why are you looking for a sense of existence here?"

"Anyway, I haven't played "King's Strike", and now I just feel that "Hero's Mission" is fun."

"Yes! You are a pure black fan."

"I think you are a wild boar that can't eat fine bran, and you are still fancy, why don't you say that your "King's Strike" is bland and tasteless."

The netizen was not a person who could suffer a loss, and he actually replied one by one.

"No matter how much money you pay for one, I am embarrassed to expose you."

"If you had played "King's Strike" before, your whole family would be stars.


These replies were taken over by the majority of water armies, and the two sides were fighting back and forth.

"I don't know if it's a smear campaign or not, I just know that Hero's Mission is a copy of King's Battle."

Once this comment came out, it was a sure win.

"Come on! Refute me! I'm excited too, let's continue the fight."

They were powerless to respond to the provocation of "Autumn After the Execution" because they couldn't refute it at all, and that was the fact.

Autumn After the Execution thought he had won, but he thought the donkey didn't follow the moral code and directly deleted his comment.

He was so angry that he continued to post more than ten messages in the comment area, all questioning why the anchor deleted his comment.

In the end, he was directly blocked.

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