Seeing Lin Nan was so heartless and laughed so happily.

Lu Miaomiao punched him.

"You know I'm worried about you, how can you still laugh?"

Lin Nan held his white fist on his chest.

"Let's eat first! I'll tell you what happened when I go back tonight."

At this time, Han Xiangru had already entered the door. Seeing that Lu Miaomiao and the others did not follow, she came out again.

"Sister Miaomiao, brother-in-law, you two don't need to flirt at this time!"

The couple looked at each other and laughed.

"Come on, come in!"

At the Peace Hotel, they ordered another table of dishes, but there was no waste. They were all so hungry that there was no need to pack up the leftovers.

As usual, they proceeded step by step.

However, because Lu Miaomiao wanted to improve her novel, the person who guided Han Xiangru with the difficult problems naturally changed to Lin Nan.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Nan's level is relatively high, after all, there is a system reward blessing.


On the big bed, the two of them slept in each other's arms.

"You can tell me now!"

One of Lin Nan's hands was resting on Lu Miaomiao's head, and the other hand was stroking the thigh on his waist.

"Wife, have you played "Hero's Mission"? Compared with "King's Battle", which one do you think is more attractive?"

"Well, how can I play that game, but I have watched the video, and the gameplay is similar to "King's Battle". I think there must be an impact! And I see that the trend in the comment area is more inclined to "Hero's Mission"."

Seeing that his wife was so concerned, Lin Nan also explained patiently.

"Most of those on the Internet are water armies. I can do it if I want, but it's not necessary and it's a waste of money."

"As for the emergence of similar games, it is inevitable that they will take away traffic, but it won't hurt the foundation. Believe me, it won't take a month for the two games to win or lose."

Hearing Lin Nan's explanation, Lu Miaomiao felt that it was still uncertain whether to win or lose.

"Why, you don't believe I can win?"

Lu Miaomiao was also anxious, "It's not a question of belief or not, but..."


Faced with Lin Nan's explanation, Lu Miaomiao didn't know what to say, so she just started.

"Oh, I won't tell you anymore. Anyway, winning or losing doesn't mean much to you. I'm afraid you can't spend all the money you earn now in this life. Even if you don't make money from this game, it doesn't matter. Don't think about it, go to sleep."

Lu Miaomiao turned over and was hugged by Lin Nan from behind, and pulled back to his chest.

"Wife, that's the right thing to think about. I can only say that there is no reason for "King's Battle" to lose. Wait and see!"


At this moment, Lin Nan thought of another thing.

"Wife, I told you last time to quit your current job and become a host. Have you thought about it?"

In the darkness, Lu Miaomiao opened her eyes. She really hadn't thought about this matter. Since the last time Lin Nan mentioned it, she had forgotten it.

"I really haven't thought about it. Are you in a hurry to get an answer?"

I only felt Lin Nan's hand climb up to her chest and his face buried in the back of her neck.

"Not in a hurry. Anyway, we are the ones who organized the competition. You can go on stage whenever you want."

"Go to sleep!"


I thought I would sleep like this, but Lin Nan's hands were always dishonest, making Lu Miaomiao unable to sleep at all.

Knowing that Lin Nan was holding it in, she could only turn around and help again.

"Thank you, wife."

"Go to hell, hurry up and go to sleep."

It was not until the second half of the night that the sound of even breathing came from the room.

The next morning, Lu Miaomiao got up with dark circles under her eyes and went for a run. In order to prevent her from getting a migraine due to not sleeping well, Lin Nan gave her a head massage during breakfast.

After sending Lu Miaomiao and her husband to their respective schools, Lin Nan had nothing else to do today.

I wanted to lie down in the house, but I found that I couldn't rest.

I thought, isn't there Aurora Technology, and they are currently working on manufacturing 0.5nm lithography machines, so this is just the right time to inspect it.

Lin Nan drove directly to the headquarters of Aurora Technology and called Zhang Shaohua on the way to inspect the progress.

Because Zhang San and Lin Xi had introduced Lin Nan to Zhang Shaohua, although he didn't have many shares in the company, he had absolute control.

In addition, the 0.5nm lithography machine manufacturing technology is Lin Nan's private property, so Zhang Shaohua naturally respects Lin Nan very much.

He dropped his work and personally received Lin Nan to inspect the headquarters factory.

Lin Nan is still the first in the headquarters factory of Aurora Technologycame here for the first time, but Zhang Shaohua was not.

When the two of them entered the factory with a group of senior executives, they were warmly received.

Because Zhang Shaohua came here quite often, many people knew him and knew that he was the president.

But seeing him walking behind Lin Nan and introducing various objects in the factory to him, everyone became curious about Lin Nan.

At this time, the factory director had come over.

"President, the factory has been arranged, and you are welcome to inspect."

The factory director is Su Jie, who is in his fifties and looks like a very shrewd person.

It was obvious at a glance that Lin Nan was the boss of this group of senior executives, but he was still the first to talk to Zhang Shaohua, which was always right.

Lin Nan understood these social customs and was also learning, but he probably wouldn't be able to use them in this life.

Zhang Shaohua said at this time: "Director Su, this is Lin Nan, the director of Aurora Technology and also the owner of 0.5nm lithography machine technology. The purpose of coming here today is to check the progress of your manufacturing. Take us in!"

When I heard the surname Lin, I couldn't help but connect it with the Lin family, one of the eight major families in Shanghai.

Su Jie quickly stretched out his hands to Lin Nan, "Hello, Director Lin, please come this way."

After a symbolic handshake, everyone followed Su Jie into the factory.

There was also a row of security personnel standing at the gate, each of them seemed to be a martial artist.

At the same time, there was a sign behind them, "Scientific research area, no entry for idle people."

A group of security guards saluted and watched the few people enter the door. One security gate after another came down, giving the factory more protection.

After entering the door, the scene inside was really shocking. The precision instruments looked very unusual.

Although they came to inspect, the employees did not stop their work.

Although they look like ordinary workers who screw in screws, they are all professionals hired by Aurora Technology with high salaries.

Su Jie can also be regarded as a talent in the research of photolithography machines. She has participated in the development of previous 4nm photolithography machines, so she was not vague when introducing them to everyone.

She walked and introduced them, and almost every corner of this floor was manufacturing parts for photolithography machines.

This shows how complicated it is to manufacture a photolithography machine.

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