But Lin Nan also went to his place twice.

He drank a lot of tea, but he had never seen this Wuyi Mountain Dahongpao!

"No, I must take more next time."

Seeing that the tea was almost finished, it was time to talk about business.

Zhang San asked expectantly.

"Who is our opponent this time? If it is still one of those small cases, don't tell me. I am not interested. Just leave it to Lin Xi or any other lawyer."

Lin Nan smiled slightly at Zhang San's Buddhist attitude.

"If you say so, this case must be solved by you. Your opponent is the Penguin Lawyer Team."

Upon hearing the name, Zhang San immediately became serious.

"Is it the group known as Blue Mountain Pizza Hut?"

Lin Nan took another sip of tea and nodded slightly.

"I'll take this case. I've heard of Blue Mountain Pizza Hut's reputation. Their business is usually in Beijing, and I've never had a chance to fight them. Now I finally have the chance. I can't let him go no matter what. And I'm looking forward to what level that person is now."

Before the case was mentioned, Zhang San had already revealed his murderous intent.

From his words, Lin Nan heard that there should be a lifelong enemy of his in the Blue Mountain Pizza Hut's legal team.

But what made Lin Nan curious was who could make the legal fanatic Zhang San his opponent.

Curiosity could not be suppressed. Lin Nan asked, so how could Zhang San not answer?

The man Zhang San mentioned was called Wang Zixin, a famous lawyer in the legal community. He was from the same school as Zhang San. The two were jokingly called North Qiao Feng and South Murong by their peers, which shows how strong they were.

But this was in the legal community.

In the real world, everyone only knows Zhang San, including Lin Nan. After all, what he does is closer to the common people, to uphold justice for them and to redress injustice.

As for Wang Zixin, he is a little more mysterious. He has been working for dignitaries, and Penguin is one of them.

From this point, it can be seen that although the two are from the same school, their personalities and work styles are completely different.

As for why Wang Zixin is a knot in Zhang San's heart, it is a long story.

At that time, the two were brothers in the same school, and their teacher had only two apprentices.

At that time, the conditions were difficult, and the two ate and lived together, and everything was the same, so the relationship naturally became increasingly close.

And Wang Zixin was a little older, and he took good care of Zhang San. Zhang San also respected his senior brother very much, second only to his teacher.

Wang Zixin had a cosmic mind and ambitious goals. When he learned that he was determined to become the number one lawyer in China and open the number one law firm in China, Zhang San was the first to jump out to support him, and said that he wanted to be the number one general under his senior brother.

I thought the relationship between the two would always be good, but a case caused them to quarrel, and also made Zhang San have a different view of his senior brother.

Even developed a prejudice against the profession of lawyer.

It turned out that after both of them got their lawyer qualification certificates, their master gave them a case to let them become apprentices, one of them acted as the defendant's lawyer, and the other acted as the plaintiff's lawyer.

After drawing lots, Zhang San drew the defendant.

At that time, he also joked that Wang Zixin would let him go, and his senior brother Gao readily agreed.

At this time, everyone knew that it was a joke.

Soon, both of them met the plaintiff and the defendant, and learned that this was the simplest case of helping or not helping.

Zhang San's client was a high school student, and it was only more than a month before the college entrance examination.

One morning on the way to school, he helped an elderly man who fell down, and kindly sent him to the hospital, and even took out his own New Year's money to help pay the medical expenses.

But who knew that this act of missing you so much would lead to him being sued in court.

After the old man woke up, the high school student brought fruits to see him. He thought he would be thanked by the old man's family and get back the medical expenses he had paid.

Who would have thought that the old man would identify the high school student as the one who knocked him down. In this way, the old man's descendants not only did not return the medical expenses he had paid, but also asked him to pay hundreds of thousands of various expenses.

What could a high school student do? In the end, he could only call his parents.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and in the end, the court had to make a judgment.

As the defendant's lawyer, although Zhang San was defending himself for the first time, he was familiar with the experience taught by his teacher.

After his non-stop visits and investigations day and night, he finally found an eyewitness at the time.

The person was a single mother. She expressed sympathy for the high school student's experience and was willing to testify in court that day.

When Zhang San got the answer and thought he had definitely won this time,But something unexpected happened.

On the day of the trial, the biological mother disappeared, which made Zhang San's advantage disappear. Seeing this, Wang Zixin naturally took advantage of the situation.

One sentence, "Why do you help someone if you didn't hit him?"

Zhang San was speechless. He knew that this was a sophistry, but he couldn't refute it, mainly because the single mother who was an eyewitness did not show up.

In this way, when the strength of both parties was similar, Wang Zixin won the lawsuit.

The family of the high school student also compensated the old man's family with more than 500,000 Chinese yuan.

Because of this incident, the high school student directly delayed the college entrance examination. He could have scored 9 or 2 points, but he only got an ordinary second-tier university.

It can be said that it directly affected his life.

And "Why do you help someone if you didn't hit him?"

This sentence has also been successfully known by everyone, and there are many different opinions and mixed reviews.

However, because of his unscrupulous character and excellent ability, Wang Zixin was successfully noticed by some businessmen, who invested in him to open his own law firm to serve them.

After Zhang San lost the lawsuit, he felt guilty when he saw the situation of his agent.

His apology was not accepted, and the parents of the high school student complained that he had found witnesses and the lawsuit was foolproof, but now it had come to this.

However, their family was still well-off, and things had come to this point. It was useless to blame Zhang San, and he could only say that he had learned a lesson.

Afterwards, Wang Zixin found Zhang San to comfort him and asked him if he blamed him for not showing mercy.

At this time, Zhang San did not know the truth of the matter, but just said: "I am convinced that I lost to my senior brother."

At that time, Wang Ziru had already received sponsorship and planned to open his own law firm, and invited Zhang San to join, and he did not refuse.

I thought that this matter would just pass, and the two would be as good as before.

But when Zhang San found the single mother again and learned the truth, he felt terrible.

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