This guard is an acquaintance from Feng Nanxiao's hometown village.

Ever since Feng Nanxiao returned home to start a company, he has been providing him and his family with various conveniences, and has never missed a gift during the New Year and other festivals.

As for why this is so, it is naturally because he is the security guard of Jiang Lin's community.

I want him to help find out about Jiang Lin and help me deliver things.

As long as Jiang Lin likes it, no matter what aspect of food, clothing, housing and transportation, Feng Nanxiao can get it, and he will let the guard send it to Jiang Lin in various names.

I also appear in Jiang Lin's sight every day, just to be able to reconcile, but it seems that I was too bad back then, so the effect is not very significant.

Sometimes Feng Nanxiao also hates himself, why was he so timid at the beginning and had to run away, otherwise it would not be this result now.

Now hearing the words of the guard, he feels very uncomfortable.

Just when he was thinking deeply, the guard saw Feng Nanxiao's face was very solemn, and sighed again.

"Xiao Feng, this matter still depends on fate. Now that it has developed to this point, there is nothing we can do about it, so don't think too much about it. Your family is still waiting for you. You are young and promising, and you may find a better one in the future."

Feng Nanxiao came back to his senses.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm not that kind of fool. As you said, it seems that she and I are not destined to be together after all. Thank you today for coming to my place so late after get off work. Take this. I will go to your house to thank you next time when I have time."

As he said that, he handed a box of gifts prepared in advance by the sofa to the guard.

Originally, the guard thought that after this time, the two should not have any intersection again. Unexpectedly, this young man is really good. At least he can say such words, which makes people happy.

However, he still declined twice, and Feng Nanxiao understood and cooperated with him to send two more times.

"In that case, uncle will accept it. When you go to uncle's house next time, ask your aunt to kill a chicken for you."

"Then I will thank uncle and aunt in advance."

They chatted for a few more sentences.

"Xiao Feng! Uncle has work tomorrow, so I will go back now. You have to be well alone."

Feng Nanxiao sent him out the door.

After closing the door, he leaned against the door, sat down slowly, covered his head with his hands, and then started crying.

When he said there was no fate, Feng Nanxiao wanted to cry, but he held it back until he sent the guard away.

One night passed.

Feng Nanxiao didn't close his eyes all night, thinking a lot but didn't make a decision.

In addition, he was timid, had few friends, and didn't even have anyone to talk to.

In the end, he could only go to work in his company with a tired body to divert his attention, even if he had a day off today.

In fact, Feng Nanxiao started to pay attention to Jiang Lin since elementary school. I don't know why, I always feel that there is something about her that attracts me.

To be more precise, everyone has it. After all, who wouldn't be attracted to someone who is good-looking and good at studying?

Then it was junior high school. At that time, Feng Nanxiao was also very sunny and didn't know what inferiority complex was. In three years, the two were lucky enough to be assigned to the same class, so they had the opportunity to talk.

But they were still too young. Feng Nanxiao always kept his distance and tried to keep himself in a vague state with Jiang Lin, so that Jiang Lin had no impression of him.

What really made Feng Nanxiao feel inferior to Jiang Lin was in high school. At that time, they were already old enough, and both boys and girls had an understanding of their family background, and their economic conditions were needless to say.

Feng Nanxiao was the same. Although he was admitted to high school with excellent grades, his family was hard to describe.

With a deceased father, a sick mother, and a younger sister in elementary school, it was already very good to be able to go to school. The living expenses were tight every month, and sometimes the tuition fees would be delayed for a long time.

Feng Nanxiao was sensible. He knew that his mother was not easy, so he went to work part-time whenever he had time.

The beverage shop at the school gate is the place to go. Feng Nanxiao's living expenses and half of his tuition are from there.

Jiang Lin is a frequent customer because the manager of this shop is her relative.

Although she always wears school uniforms, she is extraordinary from other places.

At first, Feng Nanxiao wanted to continue to appear beside him like in junior high school.

But during a casual chat after work at the beverage shop, Feng Nan learned about Jiang Lin's family background from the clerk of the beverage shop.

Just the fact that her father is a high-ranking official makes him stay away.

Since then, Feng Nanxiao has not even had the tone to talk to her. Every time he sees her coming in, he hides on purpose. In addition, the drinks she likes to drink are not from his side, so for three years, Jiang Lin didn't even know where Feng Nanxiao worked.However, the crush never ended. Although he was inferior, Feng Nanxiao was extremely confident about his future. He believed that one day he would definitely stand out. He would not become a person like Jiang Lin's father, but at least he would not be disliked if he said it out loud.

In this way, he studied and worked part-time at the same time. At the end of high school, Feng Nanxiao and Jiang Lin had similar scores on the school honor roll.

Feng Nanxiao used the excuse that his family conditions were not good and there was no professional guidance for filling out the application, so he found the grade director.

For a good student like Feng Nanxiao, the grade director was very kind.

After Feng Nanxiao explained his purpose, he directly said that he would help with the application. Under Feng Nanxiao's deliberate guidance, the dean asked Jiang Lin and others with similar scores.

This also let Feng Nanxiao know the application that Jiang Lin had filled out. The grade director asked him to choose from these. Feng Nanxiao chose the same order of filling out as Jiang Lin without hesitation, perfectly replicating it without changing a word.

Feng Nanxiao originally thought that they could go to the same school, but when he saw that Jiang Lin's major was his favorite computer science, and the computer science major of Shanghai University was well-known in the country, Feng Nanxiao did not change a word.

Hard work pays off, and the two successfully went to the same school and major.

During college, Feng Nanxiao had been developing himself, and his professional internship was so outstanding, just so that one day he could openly tell Jiang Lin that he liked her.

But he didn't expect that this girl would have a good impression of him before he confessed his feelings.

Since then, Feng Nanxiao has completely appeared in Jiang Lin's life.

With the increase in the number of meetings and the increase in the frequency of chats, Feng Nanxiao was also addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself, and even wanted to confess directly.

But Feng Nanxiao restrained himself, because he had a software with advanced ideas in his hand, which would definitely become popular as long as someone invested in it, and he would really turn over a new leaf. Wouldn't it be better to wait until then to confess his feelings?

Because of this idea or this software, the two have not spoken to each other in the past few years.

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