The protagonist was not at Lin Nan's side, but Lu Miaomiao and others were there.

Lu Miaomiao was very clear about Lin Nan's strength, so she didn't take the camera to look at it.

"How is it, your strength hasn't declined!"

Lin Nan was very confident about his wife's inquiry.

"I haven't declined here."


Liu Siyu took the camera and looked at it with Jiang Lin and others.

"Oh my god, this one is good, this one is also good, no, I want to take a picture like this later..."

The words of several people also aroused the interest of everyone.

"This gentleman seems to have taken good pictures! I just don't know if he can compare with Mr. Yu Yanzu."

"I think it's uncertain."

While everyone was discussing, He Yu had already looked at the photos in Yu Yanzu's camera.

The next step is naturally to see how Lin Nan took the pictures.

After all, she called Lu Miaomiao a sister, and He Yu also thought that if Lin Nan didn't take a good picture, she must not let him lose face.

However, the scores of the ten people are not certain.

When He Yu took the camera to look at it, her heart trembled.

"The photos taken by Lin Nan are no worse than those taken by her idol!"

Because the photos were taken by He Yu, she also looked through all the photos.

"Sister Miaomiao, can you give me a copy of this?"

Because she was not familiar with Lin Nan, she could only ask Lu Miaomiao.

"What's the big deal? It was taken of you. Just copy a copy to the boss."

The ten judges who were elected on the other side could not wait any longer and were eager to know the photography level of the two.

"Uh, I can't wait any longer. Can you show us directly and then give us the score?"

"Yeah! I can't see it, but I feel itchy."

At this time, the owner of the photo studio came over again.

"Since you want to give scores, I think it's better not to mix personal emotions. I think the two teachers must have an impression of the photos they took. Why not give them to me to show, and then let everyone give the scores. In this way, without knowing who is the one, the scores given are the most authentic."

Hearing the suggestion of the photo studio owner, everyone thought it was okay, at least it was fair.

He did it right away. The photo studio owner turned on the 4K high-definition large screen in the store. As a photo studio owner, this thing is naturally necessary, after all, the photos need to be presented to customers.

Then he took away the memory cards of the two cameras.

After some preparation, a photo was presented in front of everyone.

The photo studio owner stood up from the computer.

"Everyone can give scores to this photo. The full score is 10. You say, and I will count."

After giving instructions, the photo studio sat down and wrote the names of Yu Yanzu and Lin Nan on the book in front of him.

In this way, with the first judge scoring, the following people also expressed their opinions and gave scores step by step.

Theme, layout, visual effects...

The ten people are actually photography experts, otherwise they wouldn't analyze so carefully before scoring.

Soon all twelve photos were scored, and the studio owner's notebook had a lot of numbers listed.

But it was either nine or ten, which already reflected the strength of these photos.

At this time, everyone was waiting for the studio owner to announce the results.

The studio owner also got the results after averaging all the scores.

Take the photos and display them on the 4K high-definition screen.

"Don't blink, the final result is out."

Everyone held their breath, especially Yu Yanzu.

Although he thought in his heart that he didn't care about winning or losing, he still hoped that he could win. After all, those who make a living from this can only make more money with solid skills.

What happened today will definitely be posted online. Yu Yanzu saw Lin Nan's photography skills and found them to be absolutely strong, but there was not much difference between him and him. If he could win this competition, he would definitely gain a lot of fans.

On the contrary, Lin Nan was still the same as before, without any emotional fluctuations, and he really didn't care whether he won or lost.

Soon the scores of the two appeared on the big screen. Although there was only a difference of a few tenths of a point, Lin Nan still won.

Yu Yanzu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but he still showed a positive look.

"I think my photography skills are first-class and can be ranked in China, but there are people who are better than you, and I am convinced of my defeat."

Hearing what Yu Yanzu said, Lin Nan also felt that he was right not to give his all, and now this result is in line with his expectations.

So Lin Nan smiled and said: "It was a fluke that I won slightly. You are very good at taking pictures. The difference between our scores is not big. If someone else scored, the win or loss might not be certain.. "

Yu Yanzu didn't expect Lin Nan to take such good care of him, and the two began a new round of mutual flattery.

And the fans were incredulous.

"This man actually beat Yu Yanzu, but he is still an unknown person. It seems that there are still many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in China!"

"It's not that exaggerated. Didn't the gentleman just say that it's hard to say who will win or lose if someone else scores?"

"But what does this have to do with his first-class photography skills? Just tell me if the photos are good or not!"

The man was silent and couldn't refute.

"It's really good. I can meet two photography masters at once today, and I can see such works. It's worth waiting here for so long. "


As for the male fan who questioned Lu Miaomiao just now, he was also somewhat relieved at this time. Fortunately, he apologized just now, otherwise he might have become the target of public criticism now.

After witnessing Lin Nan's excellent photography, Liu Siyu and others naturally did not intend to wait, and they all expressed their intention to go back.

Of course, it was not for taking pictures. Lin Nan was right next to them, and there was plenty of time for taking pictures. They could take pictures whenever they wanted.

The reason why they were in a hurry to go back was that they wanted to eat the steak promised by Lin Nan and drink red wine.

Just as they were about to leave, they also said hello to He Yu.

Liu Siyu said: "Xiao Yu, I mean it. If you can't find a boyfriend, call me on WeChat. The boys here are all high-quality."

The voice was so loud that everyone present heard it clearly, which made He Yu a little embarrassed.

But he still responded: "No problem."

When Lin Nan and his group disappeared, Yu Yanzu saw Feng Nanxiao following behind to get things, and he was full of emotion.

"What kind of people are these! The boss of Qianyi Group helped to carry things. ”

Although the voice was not loud, the fans gathered together were very close, so they could hear it clearly.

“What Qianyi Group, what are you talking about, Mr. Yu Yanzu!”

The identity of Feng Nanxiao is public, and those who are interested can find out with a casual search, so Yu Yanzu did not hide it.

“I said that another older boy among them is the president of Qianyi Group, but he is still treated as a coolie.”

“Hahaha, the president of Qianyi, how old is he, Mr. Yanzu, you must have seen it wrong!”

As soon as this person finished laughing, someone took out his mobile phone to search.

The person next to him came over curiously, “What are you searching for?”

What came into view was the information of the boss of Meileme Group. Seeing the photo above, the fan patted his cheek.

“I am not dreaming! The man just now is really the boss of Qianyi Group.”

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