Seeing the male college student being rescued, there was a warm applause around, and then someone asked if the male college student needed to go to the hospital.

As for Wang Siyuan, he didn't want to be famous, so he quietly retreated behind the crowd and left last.

Walking on the road, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Is the virus really ineffective?"

He called his father while walking and said vaguely: "Dad, is there any effect on your side?"

The answer he got was still the same, "Not yet, how come, is this virus effective immediately?"

Since Wang Zhigang didn't know about this situation, he was not in a hurry at all, just waiting to see if anyone felt unwell.

Who would have thought that his son actually doubted that the virus was useless.

Wang Siyuan was upset at this time? In order to prevent his father from making trouble, he had to lie first: "It's not so fast, I just want to say that we should go back directly! If the results are out, it should be reported on TV tomorrow, so there is no need to freeze outside in such a cold day."

Wang Zhigang thought about it and it was true.

"Okay, then I'll go back first. You should also go back and accompany Xiaorou. This time, their family gave us a lot of money for nothing."

Before hanging up the phone, in order to prevent the infection from spreading to his mother, Wang Siyuan also specifically instructed that Wang Zhigang needed to go back to the laboratory for disinfection before returning. After agreeing, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Wang Siyuan came to the park alone and sat down.

He took out a cigarette and lit it. He was not afraid of people coming to fine him at this time.

After taking two puffs, he couldn't help but think deeply about what to do in the future if his plan really failed.

To be honest, if it really failed, there would be no loss to the Wang family, that is, the funds in hand would be exchanged for medicinal materials.

When the time comes, just make a move. Anyway, with Xiaorou's father, a large supplier of medicinal materials in Shanghai, the price can still be controlled as long as it is not too outrageous.

In other words, it may not only not lose money but also make a little money, because the prices of these medicinal materials have increased a lot recently.

But Wang Siyuan was unwilling to give up. If his plan succeeded, he wouldn't have to live under the influence of others.

At this moment, Wang Siyuan made up his mind. If he failed today, it might be because he diluted the virus too much. He would go back and use all the remaining viruses to control the concentration. If he still failed, there would be nothing he could do.

Originally, this was prepared for Wang Zhigang, but now it seems that he can't use it.

After smoking the rest of the cigarette in one breath, Wang Siyuan threw away the cigarette butt and left.

Who knew that he would meet the person who came out of the snack street on the road. He saw that the person looked abnormal and was supported by his girlfriend to walk towards the hospital.

Wang Siyuan, who had no hope, was overjoyed.

"Isn't this what the infected patients looked like that day? It just seems that they are not as serious as them."

"Is the virus weakened?"

Wang Siyuan didn't care about this. As long as he was infected, even if it didn't seem to be a big problem now, if he was not cured, he would be finished sooner or later.

This also gave the virus more time to spread, so he wouldn't be isolated immediately.

However, seeing that such a young person might die because of him, Wang Siyuan hesitated again. Why should he deprive others of their lives?

But thinking of his own comfortable life in the future, he would have whatever he wanted, so he immediately put all this behind his mind.

Then he disinfected and went home without hesitation, accepted Xiaorou's surprise, and fought.

In the nearby Shanghai Third People's Hospital, the male college student was only diagnosed with a common fever, and he was prescribed some medicine and went back.

Originally, the hospital wanted to make a further diagnosis, but it would cost money and the school dormitory was about to close, so it didn't continue.

After the doctor on duty sent the male college student away, several people with the same symptoms came one after another.

They didn't want to go into the examination, and finally they could only go back after getting the medicine like the first male college student.

The doctor on duty was very confused at this time.

"What's going on today? Everyone has a fever. This has never happened before!"

Because it seems that there are indeed no symptoms, no one thinks of the virus.

Many people with the same symptoms have come to several other large hospitals in Shanghai.

But because there is only a doctor on duty, they all ignore this situation and treat it as an ordinary fever.

Villa No. 3 in Wutong Bay Villa District.

After dinner, several people started the entertainment mode.

With enough people, "King of Glory" is naturally the most fun.

Lin Nan did not participate, but sat behind Lu Miaomiao and watched her play. Once neededIf he needed help, he would immediately take the phone and operate it.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, don't worry."

"We're being ambushed, there's someone here."

"Grab the dragon, hurry up."


The No. 3 villa was full of laughter and joy, and it hadn't been so lively for a long time.

Seeing that it was the critical moment, Lu Miaomiao knew that she couldn't keep up with the operation, so she immediately handed the phone to Lin Nan.

It was time to show off again. Xiao's hands reached out from both sides of Lu Miaomiao to catch the phone, let her lean on his arms, and held her head to let her appreciate her operation.

At this time, Lu Miaomiao was using Angela, hiding in the bush.

Most players at this level didn't have a good sense of awareness, they only focused on hitting the dragon, and didn't even look at whether there was anyone in the bush.

The consequences are self-evident. Eryisan directly took down the Storm Dragon King. With the blessing of the Dragon King buff, Lin Nan didn't leave even if the skill was still cooling down.

Teammates were also rushing over, and Lin Nan used a coquettish movement plus a flash to hold four people.

When Feng Nanxiao and his men arrived, they took down all of them in one fell swoop. Then they saw that Angela, who was controlled by Lin Nan, not only survived but also got a double kill.

At this point, this round was naturally won easily.

Seeing the other party's crystal explosion photo, today's game time has ended.

"Okay, everyone is tired today. Let's continue playing tomorrow. It's time to take a shower and go to bed."

Although it was not enough, it was time to go to bed.

But I don't know whether to sleep or not.

As for where to sleep, it has been arranged just now. Poor Lin Nan was kicked out again tonight, and the three women will sleep together.

Seeing the three people holding hands upstairs, Lin Nan shook his head helplessly, and then said to Feng Nanxiao and the others: "You should take a shower and sleep too!"

In the largest bathroom upstairs, it is no longer a bathtub, but a bathtub.

Although it is not a big deal usually, there are always people doing cleaning work, so it is extremely clean.

The three women originally said that they would take a shower separately, but when they were choosing a bathroom, they found this, so they naturally went together, asking to save water.

In the smoky bathroom, three figures were looming, and they didn't forget to play around even while taking a bath.

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