At the gate of the courtyard, armed guards stopped several people.

"This is private territory. No outsiders are allowed to enter. Please state your identity and let me go in to report."

His eyes were firm and the submachine gun hanging on his neck was ready. As long as the people in front of him dared to break in, don't blame his gun for not having eyes.

"Tsk, rubbish, I can hold you with one hand. Uncle, let's go in directly! This Long family dares to put on airs in front of us."

The elder man in the lead waved his hand and said, "Little brother, go in and report! Tell your family head that his old brother Ying Zhang and the Ying family came to congratulate the Long family head on his mastership."

To be the guards here, they must have known the news of the warriors. Although they are only Ming Jin warriors, they are equipped with guns and are invincible in An Jin.

After hearing that they came to congratulate and should know the head of the family, the young man immediately went in to report.

But he was still serious.

He said to the other guards behind him: "I'll go in and report, you guys watch carefully."

After seeing this person enter the gate, Ying Zhang smiled lightly and waited at the door.

The guards also thoughtfully found a place for them to sit.

It was the younger man again who said: "Uncle, is it necessary? They invited us here in the first place, and now they let us wait outside the door. They really think that a martial artist at the Grandmaster level is amazing!"

Ying Zhang glanced at his nephew who was ignorant of the world.

"Ying Shengxia, you kid really don't feel unconvinced. I admire him for being a Grandmaster at this age. With your qualifications, I'm afraid you won't be able to become a Grandmaster in this life. With the thousand-year-old elixir, you may still have a chance, but only a little."

Ying Shengxia is now a martial artist in the early stage of Huajin, but he is only twenty-five or twenty-six years old. In the secular world, he is a genius among ten thousand, but in the hidden family, he is almost at the bottom.

In the hidden family, there is only a distinction between the Grandmaster and those below the Grandmaster. If you don't become a Grandmaster, you just need to be a family member. Only when you break through the Grandmaster level can you participate in the decision-making of the family's resource allocation.

These resources naturally include the thousand-year-old spiritual medicine, but since the inheritance, there are not many thousand-year-old spiritual medicines left in the hidden family.

And for a warrior who breaks through the Grandmaster level, unless he is gifted, he cannot do without the blessing of the thousand-year-old spiritual medicine.

From ancient times to the present, how many people have the talent to directly break through the Grandmaster level?

This time, Ying Zhang came out to congratulate Long Pokong on breaking through the Grandmaster level, but his purpose was not pure.

Because he knew very well that Long Pokong's breakthrough to the Grandmaster level at this age was definitely not due to his giftedness. A better explanation is that he has the thousand-year-old spiritual medicine in his hand.

You must know that the thousand-year-old spiritual medicine the size of a thumb is enough to help a martial artist who has perfected his energy break through to the Grandmaster level. If he does not break through, then there is no hope in this life. No matter how many thousand-year-old spiritual medicines he eats, it will be useless. It will also hurt his body because its energy is too huge. Too much is as bad as too little.

Ying Zhang also wondered if Long Pokong had asked the hidden family for it.

But then he thought, this thousand-year-old spiritual medicine was not much in their hidden family, so how could they give it to outsiders?

So he got a final answer, that is, Long Pokong found the thousand-year-old spiritual medicine in the secular world.

It must have appeared in the form of a plant, and the amount used by Long Pokong for breakthrough was probably less than one-tenth. As for the rest, Ying Zhang didn't think that Long Pokong, a master, could keep it.

Anyway, sooner or later someone would have evil intentions, so it would be better for them to be the first one.

In addition, the two families had a marriage contract before, which was not comparable to other hidden families. Ying Zhang believed that Long Pokong could figure out the interests involved.

Hearing his uncle say this about him, Ying Shengxia was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, uncle, can't you give me some face with so many people?"

Ying Zhang was speechless.

"You should learn from your brother and keep your mind calm. The so-called face is not given by others, but you fight for it yourself. Look at your elder brother. I never say this to him. As long as he..."

Ying Shengxia couldn't listen at all.

"Okay, uncle, you don't need to say more. I know my brother is great. I will also work hard. Let's wait to go in!"

For his nephew, Ying Zhang had to shake his head helplessly.

"It would be great if I had half the mentality of your elder brother."

After complaining in his heart, he stopped talking and sat quietly waiting for the announcement.

In the courtyard.

Long Pokong held Pingping and An'an on the left and right.

"Two little guys, do you miss your great-grandfather?"



The two little guys kissed Long Pokong on the face.

"Do you miss your great-grandfather more or your great-grandfather more?"

The great-grandfather is naturally LinOld man, Lin Nan's family went to the Lin family first when they came to Beijing from Shanghai, and then came to the Long family this evening.

With the Lin Nan family easing up, and Lin's father also recovering his martial arts strength, they naturally returned to the Lin family.

But Luoshui also went back to visit from time to time, after all, it was the hometown that had accompanied them for decades.

Long Pokong's question stumped the two little kids.

They were all struggling, after all, they were only three-year-old children, and many concepts were not very clear.

So there was Pingping's next words.

"It seems that he misses his great-grandfather more. He can only eat at his great-grandfather's place, but here he can eat a lot of delicious food."

Lu Miaomiao, who was standing by, was speechless about her son, "Lin Nan, look at your son. If grandpa knew that his great-grandson said this because of ordering snacks, he would be heartbroken."

Lin Nan didn't care, and took Lu Miaomiao's hand and said, "My son is not mine alone. Besides, a child can say whatever he thinks, and his great-grandfather won't care."

Hearing this, Lu Miaomiao patted Lin Nan's chest with her other hand, "You are the only one who can talk."

At this time, An An kicked Ping Ping with her shaking little feet, "You only know how to eat."

Hearing that An An, who was her younger sister, was teaching Ping Ping a lesson like an older sister, Long Pokong couldn't help but say, "Who does An An miss more?"

The little girl rolled her big round eyes.

"I think they are the same."

Long Pokong didn't want to give up.

"There is no third option. An An can only choose one between me and your great grandfather."

The little girl looked around and found that no one gave her an answer. She thought for a long time.

"Then I also miss my great grandfather more."

When this was said, the people present were obviously stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

Long Pokong was happy and gloated: "Then your great grandfather will be sad. He didn't choose him."

An An waved her little hand, "No, no, there are still many children at home. The great grandfather doesn't need me and my brother."

Lin Nan and his wife looked at each other and didn't say much.

At this time, the guard came in.

After explaining the situation at the door, Long Pokong handed the child to Lu Miaomiao.

He took Lin Nan and Long Zhuo to greet the guests.

"Grandpa will come back to play with you two little ones. You two should go to the back hall with your mother first! Just tell people what you want to eat."

Lu Miaomiao held one of them in each hand, and the two little ones said goodbye to Long Pokong and left.

Long Pokong and the other two also walked towards the door.

At the entrance of the courtyard, Ying Zhang was getting impatient.

But he didn't expect that another car came to the door, and the person who got out surprised him.

"Another master?"

"When did masters become so worthless."

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