The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Bingning, I'm off work, I'll be home in half an hour."

Lin Tian sent a message to Luo Bingning and prepared to drive back.

Luo Bingning must have already arrived home, and it feels good to have a wife at home preparing delicious meals.

It's a pity that Luo Bingning hasn't really been married yet.


Luo Bingning called quickly.

Lin Tian answered and turned on the hands-free.

"Lin Tian, ​​I don't have time to cook today. I just got home and received a call. Uncle Tang was in a car accident and was sent to the emergency room."

"I have to go over and take a look."

Luo Bingning said quickly.

Lin Tian was stunned. Uncle Tang was in a car accident?

"Bingning, is it Tang Yan's uncle?"

"Yes, I just got the news. How about you go to the hospital too? Uncle Tang helped with the Wei Jun matter."

"Okay, send the address."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Bingning quickly sent the address.

Half an hour later, Lin Tian and Luo Bingning rushed to the hospital.

"Yanzi, what's the situation?"

Lin Tian and the others saw Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's eyes were red, probably because she had cried. Her uncle Tang Pengyuan was very good to her and thought about her in all kinds of things.

Tang Yan sobbed and said, "Uncle Tang must have been retaliated. A sanitation vehicle suddenly accelerated and hit Uncle Tang's car hard."

"Uncle Tang was seriously injured."

"The driver ran away."

Luo Bingning hugged Tang Yan: "Yanzi, Uncle Tang is a lucky man, he will definitely be fine. Didn't you say that Uncle Tang is a master warrior? His vitality is stronger than that of ordinary people. "

Lin Tian was a little surprised.

Is Tang Yan's second uncle a martial arts master?

Tang Yan cried and said, "Although my second uncle is a martial arts master, he was injured while performing a mission before, and his strength is not as good as before."

"Otherwise, with my second uncle's temperament, he must be in charge of criminal investigation rather than public security."

Luo Bingning said, "How long has Tang's second uncle been in the operating room?"

"More than an hour."

Tang Yan was extremely worried.

She was very nervous after more than an hour in the operating room without any news.

Luo Bingning looked at Lin Tian, ​​she was a little hesitant, she wanted Lin Tian to help, but Tang Pengyuan's identity was special, if something happened to him, Lin Tian's responsibility would not be small.

In addition, the level of the hospital they are in now is not low, and the doctors in the hospital probably won't let Lin Tian participate in the treatment.

"Yanzi, is your aunt here?"

Luo Bingning asked.

Tang Yan nodded: "My aunt is here, she is at the door of the operating room, I came to pick you up and take a breath. "

"I'll take you there."

Lin Tian and the others soon arrived at the door of the operating room.

There were many people waiting here.

Tang Yan's second uncle Tang Pengyuan was the deputy director. He had a car accident, and it was not an accident. This matter was not a trivial matter.

"Auntie, don't be too sad. Uncle Tang will be fine."

Luo Bingning comforted.

"Bingning, thank you for coming."

Tang Yan's second aunt Zhang Ruoman said palely.

"Hello, Auntie, I am Bingning's boyfriend Lin Tian."

Lin Tian also greeted.


Zhang Ruoman looked at Lin Tian a few more times. She heard from Tang Pengyuan that Luo Bingning was already married, and Lin Tian was actually Luo Bingning's husband.

"Auntie, is there any news inside?"

Tang Yan asked.

Zhang Ruoman said in a hoarse voice: "Just now a doctor came out and asked me to sign a few words. The situation is not good, but the doctor said that he would try his best to rescue her. "

Lin Tian listened attentively, he could hear the voices in the operating room.

The situation was critical, but Tang Pengyuan was a warrior, his vitality was stronger than that of ordinary people, he should still be able to survive.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

The lights in the operating room finally went out.

"The operation was successful, the patient is out of danger, the patient will be transferred to the ICU next, the family members can visit tomorrow."

The doctor took action first.

Soon the patient was also pushed out.


Lin Tian's face changed slightly, at a close distance, he found that Tang Pengyuan's condition was different, Tang Pengyuan still had a serious problem that had not been dealt with.

"Wait a minute."

"Doctor, the patient still has a hidden danger that has not been dealt with. If this hidden danger is not dealt with, the patient will be critically ill again within ten minutes."

Lin Tian said with a serious expression.

Several doctors glanced at Lin Tian, ​​they didn't pay any attention to Lin Tian at all, and directly pushed the patient away quickly.

"Lin Tian, ​​why are you cursing my second uncle. "

"Although I am against you and Bing Ning, you don't have to do this."

Tang Yan said angrily.

In her opinion, Lin Tian was just a fool.

Gossip, Tang Pengyuan just came out of the operating room, she definitely doesn't want to hear such words.

"Yanzi, Lin Tian's medical skills are very high."

"Lin Tian, ​​what kind of hidden danger is it? I'll talk to the doctor. If the doctor doesn't listen, I'll let my grandfather talk to the doctor."

Luo Bingning said quickly.

Tang Yan was stunned, Lin Tian's medical skills are very good?

Lin Tian is only 23 years old, how good can his medical skills be?

You have to know that this is S City, and this is the top hospital in S City. The doctors who perform surgery here are all very good.

The doctor who performed the operation on Tang Pengyuan is even more authoritative in this field.

Lin Tian said in a deep voice: "Second Uncle Tang Yan was anesthetized, but he is a warrior, and he will recover much faster than ordinary people."

"Once he recovers, his internal force will work. But the problem is that his meridians are blocked, and his internal force cannot work smoothly. The stimulation of internal force will cause him to bleed profusely."

Tang Yan asked: "Lin Tian, ​​how do you know this?"

"Yan Zi, Lin Tian inherited the ancient medical skills."

"He saw at a glance that a person has lung cancer today."

Luo Bingning said solemnly.

Soon they told the doctor about the situation.

However, the doctors here are not powerful warriors, nor do they know ancient medical skills. They can't find Tang Pengyuan's problem at all.

"As a family member, it's normal for you to be anxious."

"But please believe us, there is no problem with the patient's data. The instrument will not lie, and the data will not lie."

The doctor gave Lin Tian and the others a reply.

Lin Tian shook his head secretly.

The data will not lie, but the data will change.

Soon eight or nine minutes passed.

Tang Pengyuan woke up in the ICU. Normal people would need at least two or three hours to wake up, but he woke up much faster from the anesthesia.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

The rapid alarm sounded quickly.

Soon, Tang Pengyuan's data deteriorated rapidly, his meridians were blocked and his internal force was stimulated, and Tang Pengyuan fell into a coma again.

"Let go, let go!"

Tang Pengyuan was sent to the operating room again.

"How could this happen?"

Tang Yan was dumbfounded, and Aunt Tang Yan's face also became very ugly.

Lin Tian shook his head secretly, it was just expected.

"Lin Tian, ​​can you solve Uncle Tang's problem?"

Luo Bingning asked.

Lin Tian nodded slightly: "If Uncle Tang can come out of the emergency room alive, I should be able to restore his meridians."

He happened to have a box of silver needles on him.

He bought the silver needles in the afternoon.

At least he has inherited the ancient medical skills, so it's better to bring a box of silver needles.


Hearing Lin Tian say this, Tang Yan burst into tears.

Going to the emergency room for the second time might be more dangerous than the first time.

"Young man, do you know medical skills?"

The hospital director came over in a hurry soon.

Sweat broke out on his forehead.

If Tang Pengyuan died because they didn't listen to the advice, their hospital would be responsible, and he, as the director, would definitely be held responsible.

"I know a little bit."

Lin Tian nodded slightly.

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