After leaving the sanatorium, Lin Tian took a taxi to Peking University.

Luo Bingning is a top student at Peking University. Lin Tian is a little suspicious. Is the treasure chest related to academic qualifications or IQ?

Lin Tian is not in a hurry to enter the campus without an appointment. He just stared at the students coming in and out near the gate.


Two hours later, Lin Tian sighed.

He saw many students coming in and out, and some beauties, but none of them had treasure chests on their heads.


The phone rang. It was Luo Bingning calling.

"Lin Tian, ​​where are you?"

Lin Tian answered the call and Luo Bingning asked.

Lin Tian smiled: "I was looking at beauties at the gate of your alma mater, but unfortunately, after two hours of looking, no one was prettier than you."

Luo Bingning spat lightly.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

"Lin Tian, ​​can you do me a favor?"

Lin Tian asked: "What favor?"

Luo Bingning said: "I have a teacher's wife who is very good to me. She is not in good health. Can you go and see her?"

"My teacher is a professor at Peking University. Both the teacher and the teacher's wife are very good, but they can't afford your five million consultation fee."

Lin Tian said seriously: "Bingning, am I such a greedy person? Bingning, I am a little angry that you think of me like this."

"I have to make it clear to you that I am not greedy for money, but I am lustful."

Luo Bingning: "..."

"How about this, when I come back, you kiss me. Or I kiss you, not on the mouth, but on the face or forehead, okay?"

Luo Bingning blushed on the other end of the phone.

She said coquettishly: "Lin Tian, ​​you just want to take advantage."

"Hehe, that's true of men."

"You are my wife, it would be bad if I didn't have lustful thoughts about you."

Lin Tian said with a smile.

"How about it, just a kiss on the face or forehead, isn't it simple? I don't charge them money, there must be some gains."

Luo Bingning pouted: "You have a lot of crooked ideas. My teacher's wife lives in the school, I'll ask my teacher to come out and take you in."

After saying that, Luo Bingning quickly hung up the phone.

She touched her face, which was a little hot.

A black iron treasure chest slowly emerged from above her head.

"Lin Tian, ​​wait at the main gate."

"I'll send you a photo of my teacher, he will come out within ten minutes."

Luo Bingning sent a message to Lin Tian.


Lin Tian initiated a video call, and soon Luo Bingning answered. She asked in confusion: "Lin Tian, ​​do you have any questions?"

Through the video, Lin Tian saw the black iron treasure chest above Luo Bingning's head!

He just thought that there might be a treasure chest above Luo Bingning's head, so he called Luo Bingning to confirm it.

First, to confirm whether there is a treasure chest, and second, to confirm whether he can see the treasure chest above Luo Bingning's head through the video.

"Bingning, I want to remind you, don't forget what you just promised."

Lin Tian laughed.

Luo Bingning rolled her eyes and hung up the video immediately.

"The treasure chest should have just appeared."

"It's just right to test whether the treasure chest will disappear tomorrow."

Lin Tian thought to himself.

If the treasure chest is still there when he goes back tomorrow, it means that the treasure chest can last for a long time, and he will not miss the treasure chest when Luo Bingning is at work during the day.

If the treasure chest disappears in three to five hours or even less than an hour, he will have to consider whether he has been following Luo Bingning all the time.

Six or seven minutes later, Lin Tian saw the target.

Lin Tian approached: "Professor Dai, I am Bingning's boyfriend Lin Tian. I know a little about ancient medicine, and Bingning wants me to see her master's wife."

Professor Dai looked at Lin Tian for a while.

"Xiao Lin, Bingning is thoughtful, but her master's wife's disease is not easy to treat. I took her to many hospitals and got little results."

Professor Dai did not have much confidence in Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was too young, how much ancient medicine could he know?

Lin Tian smiled: "Shall I see Bingning's master's wife first? Even if I can't do anything, I'll visit her master's wife on behalf of Bingning."

"Well, okay."

Professor Dai nodded.

With him leading him, Lin Tian naturally entered the campus easily, but he saw a lot of students along the way, but there was still no treasure chest.

"Xiao Lin, please come in."

"No need to take off your shoes, we have to clean up today anyway."

Professor Dai took Lin Tian to the faculty building where they lived. He was a professor, and so was Mrs. Luo Bingning. The place they lived was not bad.

"Old man, is Xiao Lin here?"

"Bingning girl just called me. I haven't seen Bingning for a long time.

Ning girl, she actually already has a boyfriend. "

The voice of Luo Bingning's wife came from the bedroom.

Lin Tian and Professor Dai quickly went into the bedroom. Luo Bingning's wife sat at the head of the bed. Her physical condition was not very good.

"Not bad, not bad."

"Xiao Lin, you are very handsome."

"You can be Bingning's boyfriend, so you must be talented."

Luo Bingning's wife said with a smile.

"Master's wife, you are too kind. Let me feel your pulse."

Lin Tian said.

Through breathing, complexion, etc., Lin Tian has already made a rough judgment, but by feeling the pulse, he can judge more accurately.


Luo Bingning's wife nodded.

Lin Tian rarely took the pulse for two minutes.

Even when he took the pulse of Mr. Yang, he only spent half a minute.

"Master's wife, are you engaged in sensitive research work? "

Lin Tian asked after taking back his hand.

Mrs. Luo Bingning frowned slightly, and Professor Dai said in a deep voice: "Xiao Lin, do you need to ask such questions in treatment?"

Lin Tian explained: "It's like this, the condition of the master's wife is very special. The master's wife has symptoms such as high blood pressure and liver cirrhosis. "

"But the cause of the master's wife's illness is poisoning."

"It's not a poison that can kill people quickly, but a poison that only makes the master's wife's body worse. The master's wife can't work if her body gets worse. "

Professor Dai's face changed drastically: "Someone poisoned?"

Lin Tian nodded slightly: "Yes, and it's long-term poisoning. This kind of poison can't be given in large doses at one time, otherwise it will be detected. "

Mrs. Luo Bingning said: "Xiao Lin, why do you guess that I am engaged in sensitive research? Why don't you guess that it was done by an enemy?"

"Or this old man wants to poison me and find a young one. "

Professor Dai said unhappily: "What are you talking about in front of the juniors? "

Lin Tian said in a deep voice: "Master's wife, the poison you were poisoned with is not simple. It is difficult for ordinary people to obtain such poison even if they have money."

Master's wife Luo Bingning frowned: "I used to be engaged in sensitive and cutting-edge biological research."

"Later, I fell ill and the project was delayed. As a result, similar research was conducted abroad the following year, and various patents were applied for."

Lin Tian said: "Then it is almost certain. Master's wife, is there anyone who must see you once every two or three months?"

"Professor Dai, you all think about it carefully."

Master's wife Luo Bingning said: "In the past, we had to meet every two or three months. Later, we still had to meet every two or three months?"


Lin Tian nodded.

Master's wife Luo Bingning quickly thought of someone.

Her face became extremely ugly.

She used to have few contacts with people in her research work. Later, she fell ill and lay in bed, and had few contacts with people.

"Master's wife, it seems that you already have a suspect. You should know how to deal with it, I just treat the disease."

Lin Tian smiled and said, "Master's wife, your disease is quite complicated. I can't completely cure it in the short term, but I can help you recover a little."

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