The hacker was in trouble, but he was still in the right place.

Lin Tian quickly tapped the keyboard, and after going through layers of springboards, he quietly found the IP of one of the intruders.

This intruder was very strong, ranking in the top five among all the intruders, but he was facing Lin Tian, ​​who had become a top grandmaster.

"That's all."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

Easily finding out the real IP of one of the other party's main forces gave Lin Tian a clear understanding of his own hacker strength.

There were a total of eleven main intruders, and they had an encrypted chat group with each other. Lin Tian quickly sneaked into the group.

After a few minutes, he also knew the identities of the other main forces.

These people had different identities, some were senior programmers of network companies, some were company executives, and some were still studying.

What they have in common is that they have strong network technology and are quite anti-China, having launched many attacks on China's network.

"Even if the IP is released, with their capabilities, the United States will recruit them, and they will attack China more frantically."

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.

He thought about it and silently checked their bank accounts.

"Tsk tsk, each of them has a lot of money."

"So much money added up."

Lin Tian was surprised. These guys made a lot of illegal profits through hacking. Some of them had tens of millions of dollars.

The various accounts with more than hundreds of millions of dollars added up.

"With so much money, you still work hard. It seems that you enjoy the pleasure brought by work, and money is not important to you."

"In that case, I will help you."

Lin Tian created an anonymous account for himself overseas.

The money in these people's accounts was quickly transferred away, and after tens of thousands of transfers, they all went to Lin Tian's account.


One of them received a bank text message reminder.

But he ignored it.

"Ding!" "Ding!"

In a short time, he received several more text messages.

"What's going on?"

Fearing that his phone might be hacked, he opened it to check.


Instantly, the man was furious.

He had a total of more than ten bank cards, with 30 to 40 million US dollars in them.

Six of them sent text messages.

Informing him that all the funds in these six cards had been transferred away.

"My bank card has a problem. Can you guys check if there is any problem... Hey, why is there an extra person in our group?"

The man sent a message in the encrypted chat group.

His hair stood on end.

There were originally eleven people in the chat group, but now it has become twelve.

The extra person used the avatar of Putin the Great.

"Everyone, thank you for your gift to our great empire. Don't worry, I won't expose your true identity."

"But you have to be more obedient in the future, understand?"

The extra person spoke.

He used Russian, and it was very, very authentic Russian.

The rest of the people in the group all looked very unhappy.

"The money in my card has also been transferred away."

"SHIT, mine is the same."

All banks with SMS reminder services have received SMS messages, and those without this service probably have no funds left.

The other party was able to transfer their money, and their identities were completely exposed.

"Everyone, don't doubt it, all the money in your cards is gone. But you still have real estate and family."

"Your family still has money."

"Be obedient, you will still be free in the future, otherwise you will either go to jail or become a running dog of the US government."

Lin Tian still used Russian. One of the eleven people in the group knew Russian, so he translated it for the others as soon as possible.

"Who are you?"

The leader of the eleven people asked.

The information of several top masters in the Bear Country flashed through his mind, but none of them should have such ability.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"What matters is that you have to listen to me in the future. Dongfanglong has a good relationship with us now, so you are not allowed to target Dongfanglong in the future."

"You will deal with Dongying Country in the future."

"I will not transfer the money you earn in Dongying Country to you. With your skills, you can still live comfortably."

Lin Tian sent a message in authentic Russian.

On the network battlefield, Tan Xin and others were very confused. Why did the enemy's offensive suddenly wither? They were very strong just now.

If they cannot mobilize more experts to defend in a short period of time, the possibility of this server being breached will be very high.

The server connected to the network,

There won't be the most core and important secrets, but the information in the server is also very important.

"Everyone, be careful to defend."

"Don't take it lightly, the enemy is very powerful and cunning."

"Hurry up and send more experts to reinforce."

A group of network experts from the Chinese military are on full alert.

How could they know that the eleven main forces now want to die. The reward for this mission is not low. They wanted to make a fortune, but they didn't expect that the money in the bank card was transferred cleanly.

"Everyone, do you agree?"

"If you don't agree, I will publish your information and what you have done."

Lin Tian asked.



The eleven people were so angry that they gnashed their teeth, but they all sent messages in the group to express their agreement. If they didn't agree, they would definitely lose their freedom.

Their family's money might also be transferred away.

"Everyone, it's a wise choice. God bless you."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, one avatar in the group was missing.

"Everyone, I'm leaving first."

The avatars of the other eleven people all dimmed, and they were now anxious to confirm whether the money in their other accounts was still there.


"Damn it!"

It wasn't long before they confirmed that all the money in their cards was cleared.

One of them had the habit of saving some cash.

Looking at the hundreds of thousands of cash he had saved, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He laughed because at least he still had some money left.

He cried because he had a total of 70 million dollars in his bank cards.

One, two, three...

The avatars in the encrypted group chat lit up again.

"How are you?"

"I have a total of 100 million dollars in my five cards, all gone."

The leader of the eleven people spoke first.

"70 million dollars are gone."

"Not a penny of 60 million dollars is left."

"Hearing you say that, I feel much better. I only have 30 million dollars, and the loss is much lower than yours."

They all wanted to die.

They have strong hacking skills, but it is not easy to make money. They have saved all the money with great efforts.

"Boss, what should we do in the future?"

"Let's follow his words and target Dongying Country in the future?"

"China and Dongying Country have a feud. Could he be Chinese?"

One of them asked.

The one who can speak Russian said: "He should be from Maoxiong Country. My Russian is very good, but he is much more authentic than me."

"It is difficult for Chinese people to reach this level even if they learn."

The leader of the eleven said: "He has detailed information about us and our families. We don't want to lose our freedom and don't want our families to become paupers, so we can only listen to him."

"Let's target Dongying Country in the future."

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