The more you watch, the more you spend.

"It's a waste of paper to watch beauties, but it's expensive to watch Master Lin's live broadcast."

"Indeed, I've been a stingy person for 30 years, and I usually spend every penny carefully, but I actually gave Master Lin a gift."

"Master Lin's piano sound is poisonous."

Countless people sent barrages, and all kinds of gifts never stopped, and spaceships were often seen.

Erhu one hour, guqin one hour, in just two hours, Lin Tian's fans soared by three to four million.

The number of people in his live broadcast room is close to 10 million.

This is different from the fake data of some anchors. His data is real, and he has no need to falsify it.

"Everyone, the host will be gone for five minutes."

"I see many of you want to see the sound attack. I'll show it to you later. You can discuss what else you want to see."

Lin Tian said and left the camera.

He changed into the clothes and shoes he bought at noon. The clothes and shoes were naturally the two national brands he endorsed.

"Finally, I've waited for the part I want to see the most."

"Everyone, think about it. In addition to the sound attack, what else do you want to see? Let's let Master Lin show some light skills?"

"That's fine, but I don't know if Master Lin can do it."

Countless people spoke in the live broadcast room. Lin Tian temporarily left, but the number of people watching the live broadcast increased a lot.

——There are many people who are interested in real martial arts.

There are still people in Huayin who broadcast this aspect, but many people know that many of them are just flower stands.

Lin Tian is different.

He is a master of both erhu and guqin. Who would be so stupid as to fake and ruin his reputation?

Soon Lin Tian changed his clothes and shoes and came back.

"Master Lin, did you accept an endorsement?"

"Of course, but it's unexpected that it's a domestic product. With Master Lin's strength, international brands should look for him."

Lin Tian came in front of the camera and said with a smile: "I'm sure you've seen it, I accepted two endorsements."

"I promised Huayin before that I would accept advertisements when the number of fans reaches 30 million, otherwise what if Huayin doesn't give me traffic?"

Someone in the live broadcast room gave ten spaceships as rewards.

"Master Lin, as long as you want to leave Huayin, we welcome you at any time, and we will definitely support you with all our strength."

The barrage popped up.

Many people were stunned. There was still such a way to snatch people.

"I have no plans to leave Huayin for the time being. Others who want to poach me don't need to give rewards and don't waste money."

"Everyone, let's get back to the topic."

"Many people want to see the sound attack, let's show the sound attack first. It's troublesome for me to clean up when the wooden board is broken, so let's use this instead."

Lin Tian said and took out a thick iron pot.

"Let me test it for you to see if this is a real iron pot."

Lin Tian said as he picked up a hammer.


Lin Tian hit the iron pot hard with a hammer, and the iron pot dented a little, but it was not serious.

"Bang, bang!"

Soon Lin Tian hammered the rest of the iron pot twice.

"Everyone, this is not a prop."

Lin Tian chuckled.

Soon he hung the iron pot on the wall seven or eight meters away.

He sat in front of the guqin.

Tens of millions of people in the live broadcast room watched intently.


Lin Tian plucked the guqin.


A huge sound rang out, and nothing hit the iron pot, but one of the iron pots dented deeply.

Lin Tian waved his hand, and several strings of the guqin were plucked at the same time, and a knife-shaped sound attack instantly slashed the iron pot seven or eight meters away.

A long cut suddenly appeared on the iron pot.

"So amazing!"

Tang Yan exclaimed in amazement on Luo Bingning's side.

Luo Bingning's face flushed slightly. She didn't even have the Ming Jin level. She used to think that she was definitely better at fighting than Lin Tian.

"Everyone, let's stop here for the sound attack."

Lin Tian chuckled after half a minute.

There were already more than ten scars on the iron pot. He took the iron pot back, and the people in the live broadcast room could see it more clearly.

"Let me see what else you want me to show you. Qinggong? This... my place is small, it doesn't seem to be very easy to show."

"Let me think about it--"

He brought a box of mineral water, and in front of millions of netizens, he casually placed twelve bottles of mineral water on the ground.

"Everyone, watch carefully."

Lin Tian landed lightly on one of the bottles of mineral water, and then he landed on another bottle of mineral water with a tip of his toes.

He moved his body quickly, and his feet never touched the ground. The mineral water he stepped on

The bottle just shook gently.

"Oh my god, this is real Qinggong."

"Newton: Help me up and see this show."

"Master Lin, will you accept a disciple?"

Countless people in the live broadcast room went crazy.

Less than half a minute later, Lin Tian finished and fell to the ground. He chuckled and said, "Family, I don't recommend you to learn this. It's easier to sprain your feet."

Countless people in the live broadcast room: "..."

"Master Lin is naughty again."

"Master Lin, thank you. We really can't learn this from you."

Countless barrages complained.

Lin Tian said: "Guqin and Erhu have both had special live broadcasts. Next time, I will give you a special outdoor live broadcast of martial arts."

"Let's stop here today."

After that, Lin Tian went off the air at the speed of light.

The live broadcast room went black, but countless people did not leave immediately in the live broadcast room, and various gifts continued to take off in the live broadcast room.

The total reward amount gradually approached 40 million.

"Go, let Master Lin see our strength."

"Master Lin will feel embarrassed if we give him more rewards."

"Well said!"

Before the live broadcast room was closed, the total amount of rewards successfully exceeded 40 million, and Lin Tian could get 28 million of it.

But of the 28 million, he still had to pay taxes of nearly 6 million, and he could actually earn 22 million.

Add the previous amount, plus the endorsement fee, let alone 30 million, he would not have much problem taking out 50 million next month.

"Mr. Shen, this is my phone number--"

"If Mr. Shen is convenient, please come to S City as soon as possible."

Lin Tian sent a private message to Mr. Shen.

"Master Lin, we will come tomorrow."

Mr. Shen replied quickly, and he also left his mobile phone number. He wished he could go to S City today.

Half an hour later, Luo Bingning arrived at Lin Tian's place.

She looked at Lin Tian as if he were an alien.

"Bingning, what are you looking at? Didn't you know it a long time ago?"

Lin Tian said with a smile.

There was a bronze treasure chest above Luo Bingning's head.

Even though she had known about it for a long time, she was still surprised to see Lin Tian's live broadcast.

"I didn't know you could do Qinggong, and I didn't know your live broadcast could attract so many people to watch."

"And so many people gave you tips."

"Yan Zi gave you two spaceships. She said you were her idol, but she also said you must be ugly."

Luo Bingning smiled.

Lin Tian approached Luo Bingning, and Luo Bingning's heartbeat accelerated.

"Bingning, hug me."

Lin Tian said as he reached out and hugged Luo Bingning.

Luo Bingning's face turned red, and her heartbeat quickly soared to 140.

"Lin Tian, ​​you, what do you want to do?"

Luo Bingning said in a panic.

Above her head, the bronze treasure chest quickly turned into a silver treasure chest.

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