Start by getting the thunder ability

Chapter 190 Killed the wrong person?

Snow Country is located in the far north.

It snows here all year round and the climate is extremely harsh.

There is a group of silver-haired people living in this land.

Legend has it that these people have special blood power and can control the wind and snow. These people are the Snow Clan.

Their hair is silver-white and their skin is white and crystal clear, like snow elves.

There are many handsome men and beautiful women in the clan. If they appear in the outside world, they will be the center of attention wherever they go.

However, they have little contact with the outside world and have always lived a life of isolation.

The mission Jiang Hao took was related to the Snow Country.

Recently, people in Snow Kingdom often disappeared mysteriously. At first, it was just a few, but Snow Kingdom didn’t pay much attention to them.

After all, the living environment here is extremely harsh, and it is normal to encounter difficulties.

Until not long ago, there was a village of more than 200 people. All the villagers disappeared overnight.

The top management of Snow Country finally paid attention and sent experts to investigate.

As a result, these people also mysteriously disappeared, along with two villages of a hundred people.

As a last resort, Snow Country issued a reward mission and asked professionals from the Great Power Bureau of Investigation to investigate.

"Aqie~~, it's so cold here! Jiang Hao, you have nothing to do, why did you take this mission?"

Ma Bing, wrapped in a thick down jacket, sneezed and complained.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course I want to see the beauties of Snow Country!"

Jiang Hao hugged Bai Xue and said lightly.

"Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but but I heard that there are beauties from the Snow Country with skin as white as jade and a pure and flawless body. I want to catch one to be my pet."

Toad was wearing black leather pants, a black trench coat, black sunglasses, and a big cigar in his mouth, making him look more and more like a human.

Hmm. To be precise, like a black boss.

Xiang Meng: "Brother Hao, do you think there is some strange beast causing trouble here?"

"Well! Xiaomeng's brain is getting better and better now."

Jiang Hao stood on the top of the mountain, with golden light shining in his eyes:

"I have read through the files of the past few years, and there are more and more incidents of innate beasts causing trouble.

You know, innate beasts were almost impossible to see in the past, let alone those that only existed in legends.

But in the past few years, all kinds of strange beasts have been appearing one after another, and there are also strange places, which are a bit unusual, so I want to know more about them. "

"The sky is falling, and someone tall is holding it up. Why are you worried about it?"

Ma Bing said that he could not understand:

"Wouldn't it be nice for us to do tasks honestly, earn merit points, and improve our cultivation?"

"That's the difference between men and women."

Jiang Hao flicked his head: "Does the sparrow know the ambition of the swan?"

Ma Bing rolled his eyes: "Let's see what you can do."

Toad: "Quak, Jiang Xiaosha, stop talking nonsense, let's get to work quickly."

"Yes! You and Ma Bing will go to Area A to investigate, and Xiaomeng and I will go to Area B to investigate. Keep in touch at any time."

Abandoned villages, silhouettes of people often flash by.

These are investigators from all major forces.

Everyone collects evidence and searches for clues independently without interfering with each other.

In the village, everything is relatively well preserved.

Only people disappeared, leaving no trace behind.

"Fire eyes and golden eyes."

Jiang Hao opened his piercing eyes, expecting to get some clues, but the ideal was full and the reality was very skinny.

He still saw nothing.

“Snow Country is a large inheritance tribe, and all the tribesmen have bloodline abilities.

There are also high-level psychic walkers guarding the village. Even if they can't be defeated, it's impossible that there won't be any traces of fighting, right? "

After searching for a long time, Jiang Hao picked up Bai Xue a little irritably.


Snow White let out a dissatisfied whine.

Suddenly it trembled and broke away from Jiang Hao's arms.

She turned around and called him, "Follow me." Then the four short legs started running quickly.

Jiang Hao's eyes lit up, lightning flashed under his feet, and he followed.

He is the only one who knows about Bai Xue's origin.

This is no ordinary white fox.

This is a magical existence conceived in the center of the Jade Bone Tree.

Jiang Hao wouldn't find it strange to have any heaven-defying abilities.

Even if one day it turns into a beautiful woman, Jiang Hao won't be surprised.

One person and one fox ran wildly on the snow, and finally plunged into a snowy mountain.

The little white fox dug around in the snow for a while, then dug out an unknown seed and swallowed it in one bite.

Then it jumped into Jiang Hao's arms, closed its eyes, and fell asleep beautifully.

Jiang Hao's nose was so angry that he was crooked.

Good guy, you've been running around for so long, is this guy just looking for something to eat?

"What on earth is that? It seems I haven't seen it before."

Recall the way it looked before.

It was crystal clear, and there seemed to be a faint layer of light covering it.

He shrugged his nose.

There seems to be a hint of fragrance in the air.

Could that thing be some kind of natural treasure?

Jiang Hao ran over and dug again to see if there was anything left.

Unfortunately, no.

Depend on! This guy actually eats alone.


The biting cold wind blew snowflakes all over the sky.

Jiang Hao frowned.

"Thunder shock!"

Thunder flashed, and the shock wave blocked a large number of wind blades.

At the same time, he judged the opponent's position based on his feeling and fired an electromagnetic gun.


There was an explosion in the distance, but the cold wind did not stop there, but became even more biting.

"Fire eyes and golden eyes."

Jiang Hao opened his fiery eyes and observed his surroundings.

In the sky full of ice and snow, he seemed to see a hazy figure.

"Golden Eyes of Fire!"

Jiang Hao's pupils turned into two flames.


A shrill scream sounded, extremely sharp and harsh.

Jiang Hao's action was like poking a hornet's nest, and the blizzard mode was activated.

The snowflakes turned into darts and shot at Jiang Hao indiscriminately.

The strong winds turned into wind blades and cut him.

"How dare you act so rampant in front of me with just a small skill?"

Jiang Hao sneered disdainfully, thunder exploded all over his body, breaking the air, and used Thunder Shock in all directions, blocking all attacks.

"You want to taste mine too."

Jiang Hao turned his hand, and the fish intestine sword appeared in his hand:

"Fish Gut Sword, Shadow Clone Technique."

In an instant, the fish intestine swords all over the sky were shot at the figure.


A huge ice dragon rushed out and wrapped around the figure, protecting him from the rain of swords in the sky.


Jiang Hao held the fish intestine sword body, thunder exploded in his body, and at the same time activated the stealth and ultimate killing skills, and threw the fish intestine sword out using the principle of the electromagnetic gun.


The fish intestine sword shot directly through the ice dragon's body, and then penetrated the figure.

The blizzard stopped suddenly, and a small figure fell slowly in the sky.

Jiang Hao's scalp felt numb.

This. This seems to be a little girl!

Did I kill the wrong person?

Thanks for the reward of the electric heating pad

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