Start by getting the thunder ability

Chapter 204 Heading to the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets

The sea water was rolling, Jiang Hao and others took a cruise ship to X Island.

Prepare to take a plane from there to the Empire on which the sun never sets.

Things in the Snow Country have also come to an end.

Xiang Tian alone withstood the tide of beasts and slaughtered countless strange beasts.

A large number of reinforcements from various countries arrived to build fortifications there, and various experts also rushed to the Snow Country.

Research the cause of this bizarre alien attack.

The Snow Country is completely blocked, except for a few areas where some Snow Country people still live.

A large number of Snow Country people were transported and resettled to other places.

Regarding this incident, all parties have also issued a hush order and no external reports are allowed.

On a cliff, several figures stood quietly.

"Did he notice us? He left so anxiously, and even fled to the Empire where the sun never sets."

"You should be aware of it, after all, he has a fiery eye.

In addition, he has a good mind. As an excellent investigator, he is very vigilant. "

"It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to do it. The forbidden weapon in his hand is too terrifying. Who gave it to him?"

“It should have something to do with the three years he disappeared.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Tian also came, otherwise we would still be able to kill him if we risked our lives in batches. "

"This kid is not simple! He seems to have great luck to protect him.

We made many attempts to get rid of him, but he evaded us. "

"The Eighth Patriarch is about to return. If we don't get rid of him, once what happened back then is leaked, there will definitely be a commotion."

“Let us people over there where the sun never sets figure out a way.

To see if he could be charged with anything, he was immediately put to death. "

"This is the only way. This kid thinks that he will be fine if he hides in the Empire where the sun never sets. It's really ridiculous.

In Datang we still had some scruples, but now that he has left Datang, we can let go. "

On the ship, Jiang Hao looked at the snow country and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is too much!

He hasn't gone to these people to settle accounts yet.

But they came to assassinate him again and again.

"We are from the same roots, so why be so impatient? Do you have to force me to kill someone?"

Jiang Hao slowly closed his eyes.

It's not like he can't kill these people.

It's just that he really doesn't want to do this.

After all, they are his blood relatives, but these people have gone too far.

"Since you are so heartless, don't blame me for being cruel.

Next time I meet you, I won’t hold back. "

A ruthless look flashed in Jiang Hao's eyes.

The sun never sets on the Empire, Capital Airport.

Jiang Hao and his group got off the plane.

Xiang Meng:.


Ma Bing:.

Jiang Hao:.

"Brother Hao! Where is the person picking up the plane?"

After waiting for a long time, Ma Bing couldn't help but ask.

Jiang Hao: "There must be a traffic jam on the road. It's probably going to be there soon."

after an hour.

Ma Bing: "The traffic in this empire where the sun never sets doesn't seem to be very good! It's actually jammed like this."

Jiang Hao nodded and said:

"Well, after all, not every country is managed as well as our Datang.

Just wait a little longer! "

Three hours later.

Ma Bing: “Brother Hao, I think we should take a taxi ourselves.

I have a villa nearby, where should we stay temporarily? "

"Well, if we don't wait any longer, I have a strong feeling that they are coming."

Jiang Hao held on to his last glimmer of hope.

Just like that, another two hours passed.

"Quak, Jiang Xiaozai, please stop holding on, I will starve to death if you hold on any longer."

The toad couldn't help complaining: "It's getting dark today."

"Let's go, let's go, the world is in trouble and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be! These crooks are just unreliable."

Jiang Hao shook his head and sighed, and the group got into the car called by Ma Bing and arrived at Ma Bing's villa.

This is a single-family villa with beautiful surroundings.

The villa is equipped with a butler and maid, and the decoration is very Tang Dynasty style.

"Well~~, the life of this rich man is different!

Ma Bing, how much money did you steal secretly? This big villa probably won't cost 300 to 400 million yuan, right? "

Jiang Hao was lying on the sofa, drinking Bingkuola, and said lightly.

“Quick, this is really nice, much better than the house we lived in in Datang.

He is worthy of the status of the emperor. "

Toad was also very satisfied.

Xiang Meng:.

"Money or whatever, it's just a number to me."

Ma Bing shrugged indifferently and said in a very pretentious manner:

"So what if I have more money? I can't buy the natural materials and treasures I need, and I can't buy the top-notch inherited clay boards?

Why don't I join the Investigation Bureau and risk my life on the front line every day?

Money can only make my quality of life slightly better. "

Jiang Hao: "If Cheng Zi were here, I believe he would beat you to death with a pan."

"Where do you want to go? I'll ask someone to arrange it. There are many places of interest here."

Ma Bing took out her mobile phone:

"But I can only go to ordinary places. I don't have the authority, and I don't have that much prestige. I can't go to many places."

"Let's rest for two days first and get over the jet lag before we start."

Jiang Hao picked up the tablet on the table and flipped it around casually:

"By the way, Bingbing, please find a chef to come over. This time I collected a lot of ingredients in the Snow Country. They are all high-level exotic beasts. Let's have a good meal later.

This thing has improved supernatural abilities and can enhance physical fitness. "

"This is all my responsibility, exotic animal meat is a rare thing.

The entrances to foreign lands are controlled by major forces, and the meat of foreign beasts has been internally digested by them, making it difficult to buy even if you have money.

I've never had much of it before. "

Ma Bing glanced at Xiang Meng, a little sourly:

"It's good to be born into a powerful force! You can eat the meat of exotic beasts from an early age.

You can also get all kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures to temper your body, so you are not on the same starting line as ordinary people like us. "

"Reincarnation is also a technical job! Some people are born as princesses or princes. This is incomparable."

Jiang Hao reached out and touched Xiang Meng, who was shivering:

"Of course, these are just external conditions. Although rich people can get better teaching conditions, geniuses can also appear among poor people!

Although the road to growth may be difficult, as long as you are gold, you will always shine.

Aren’t you growing up very well now? "

"It's true, people still have to rely on themselves in the end."

Ma Bing nodded.

Toad: "Quak, stop talking nonsense here and get ready to eat. I'm hungry."

At night, Jiang Hao was lying on the balcony. He took out his mobile phone and clicked on an avatar.

I typed a lot of words over and over again, but none of them were sent.


He let out a long sigh and was about to put away his phone.

At this moment, I heard a ding-dong sound and the cell phone notification rang.

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