Start by getting the thunder ability

Chapter 272 Crazy Jiang Yi

"you you."

Jiang Yi was breathing heavily and didn't know what to say.

In fact, he already believed most of it in his heart.

He still knew very well what kind of character Ji Xuan was.

She is capable of selling her body in order to survive.

Even, for some huge benefits, she is probably willing.

She is a princess of the royal family, a princess with strong ambitions.

It's impossible to sacrifice your life just for a ridiculous first or second time.

Chastity is nothing more than a bargaining chip to her.

She had never handed it over before, but no one had given her the chips that made her heart beat.

"It's very uncomfortable, frustrating, and helpless, right?"

Jiang Hao leaned against the tree and sneered:

"That's right! Just die in anger and regret.

Even if you die, you still have to wear this cuckold for me.

The first inheritance sequence of the Jiang family?

The future emperor of the Tang Dynasty? Stop laughing so hard, do you deserve the surname Jiang? "


Jiang Hao's words once again deeply hurt Jiang Yi.

His blood surged and he spat out a mouthful of blood again.

His complexion became paler and paler, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

He is going to die.

"That's it! Even if it means death! I will use you as my backer, Jiang Hao! Come to hell with me."

Jiang Yi's eyes were full of madness.

At this moment, he completely gave up hope of survival.

Even if his heart was punctured, he would still be able to survive.

But now, he gave up.

He wanted to kill Jiang Hao, even if it cost him his own life.

He formed an extremely complex mudra with his hands.

A terrifying force burst out from his body.

Hot flames enveloped his whole body.

The mighty pressure suppresses the heaven and the earth.

At this time, Jiang Yi returned to his peak again, even! Beyond the peak.

This is his last trump card, the trump card to die together.

He broke his heart and gave up his last chance of survival.

Using the secret technique of mutual death, all potentials are stimulated.

"Mysterious truth! The flame blade splits the sky."

Jiang Yi shouted loudly and once again used the flaming blade to split the sky.

The huge crescent flame blade carries terrifying and fierce power.

He slashed at Jiang Hao.

This time the flame blade was more than three times larger than the one used against Edward before.

Its red light is also much more gorgeous than before.

Wherever it passed, the space was burned red, leaving a fiery red passage.


Jiang Hao's body was directly slashed to pieces.

Well... to be precise, it should have turned into white smoke.

? ? ?

Jiang Yi was stunned.

what's the situation?

The audience was also stunned.

what's the situation?

This..., the Jiang Hao just now was just a shadow clone?

"I suck!"

Jiang Yi was so angry that he cursed loudly.

He used secret techniques to burn out his last life, and wanted to die together with Jiang Hao.

Turns out this guy is just a shadow clone?

So what should he do now?

The heart pulse has been severed, the secret method has been used, but it cannot be taken back!

Jiang Yi is going crazy.

"This, this is too doggy, isn't it?"

The audience looked dumbfounded.

No wonder he had been quarreling with each other before, forcing Jiang Yi to get angry.

So you want to inspire him to risk his life?

"This Jiang Hao is so brave and resourceful, he is so evil."

"Yes! This kind of person is the most terrifying."

"I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. I'd better go around him in the future."

"If I were Jiang Yi, I would be pissed to death in my next life."

Everyone was holding on to their words, and not only did they not criticize Jiang Hao verbally or even in writing.

On the contrary, there was some praise.

Everyone is a psychic.

There are not many brainless pens.

When you talk to others about morality or whatever, it is up to them to talk to you, right?

This is a life and death fight, not a knight's duel.

It's not a fight in the arena.

But there are no rules.

Winning is everything.

Of course, there is a more important point, that is, they are afraid.

If you are making random deductions on the public screen now, there is no guarantee that Jiang Hao will not know about it in the future!

If he finds out, he will take revenge.


Looking at Jiang Yi's miserable condition, they all shuddered.



Jiang Yi looked up to the sky and roared wildly, and the terrifying flame power centered on him and spread to all sides.

"Jiang Hao! Get out of here, you coward, get out of here."

He was yelling like crazy, completely beside himself.

However, not even Jiang Hao's shadow was seen.

How could such a clumsy method of provoking Jiang Hao be provoked?

And Jiang Hao might not be able to hear it at all.

He frantically vented his power, leveling the surrounding area and turning it into scorched earth.

However, this is of no use.

Jiang Hao is not here at all.

"I%¥ # ¥ # ¥¥%"

Jiang Yi completely let himself go.

Clean out all the curse words in your mind.

Crazy insults Jiang Hao, and even his ancestors for eighteen generations.

He didn't even care about whether he had scolded his ancestors.


In the sky, a huge thunder column suddenly descended.

He hit Jiang Yi on the head.

Jiang Yi was not surprised but happy, thinking that Jiang Hao had been provoked by his provocation.

But when he took the blow and prepared to fight, he found that he didn't even see Jiang Hao's hair.

It is Jiang Hao’s divine judgment.


Ups and downs, Jiang Yi's heart was pounding and his face was flushed.

He couldn't hold it in any longer and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This was not due to injury.

Jiang Yi is now truly beyond his peak.

This is being pissed off.

It’s so frustrating! too painful.

Jiang Yi felt like he was going to explode on the spot.

Isn't this too cruel?

The audience felt their scalps were numb.

Although Jiang Yi's performance now is ridiculous and funny.

But if they were replaced by Jiang Yi.

Then can they still laugh?

It was not as scary as Jiang Yi, who probably went crazy on the spot.

He even died on the spot.

Shrimp and pork heart!

This Jiang Hao is too cruel.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"Jiang Hao! You little turtle, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Within Jiang Yi's body, terrifying power exploded.

Completely crazy.

He frantically vented his power and increased his speed to the extreme.

Flying rapidly in the air, attacking the geniuses they encounter indiscriminately.

Even if he, Jiang Yi, dies, he will die vigorously.

Since he couldn't kill Jiang Hao, he would kill others.

He is the future emperor, and when he dies, he will be buried with someone.

In the dark, there were many people staring at him, wanting to kill him.

This includes the people who were chasing him before.

He wants to kill them all.


Jiang Yi completely turned into a murderous maniac and launched a bloody massacre.

Even Jiang Hao might not be able to resist his strength now.

Even if he ran into Edward again, he could be killed within twenty moves.

Among all this, who is his opponent?

Blood dyed the earth red.

Screams came and went.

"Is this the first inheritance sequence of the Jiang family? Nothing more than that!"

On top of a mountain peak, Jiang Hao's eyes flashed with golden light, taking in all of this.

He shook his head in disappointment.

Then he stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at a standard 45-degree angle:

"Masters are indeed lonely!

Is it possible that every one of them can be beaten? "

Sin Island officials were very cooperative and gave him a close-up.

There were even special effects added to him.

"Damn! It's a pretense."

"Wori, how can he show off his face?"

"I really want to strangle this guy."

The audience was completely blown away. Can it be any more shameless?

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