Start by getting the thunder ability

Chapter 33 The Tao is as high as the Demon is as high as the Demon

"Xiaomeng! Go to sleep and see you tomorrow."

After sending Xiang Meng to the door, Jiang Hao turned around and wanted to leave, go and have fun! But the corner of his clothes was grabbed by Xiang Meng.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Hao turned to look at her doubtfully.


Xiang Meng lowered his head and said nothing, but his hand was still holding on to Jiang Hao's clothes and refused to let go.

Jiang Hao:

Xiang Meng:

Jiang Hao:

Xiang Meng:

The two remained in a stalemate for more than ten minutes.

".How about I take you to your room?"

Finally, Jiang Hao couldn't bear it anymore and asked tentatively.


Xiang Meng hummed softly, her hands still holding Jiang Hao's clothes and her head still lowered.

The two little red ears were like red-hot irons.

Jiang Hao reluctantly pushed open the door and turned on the light.

The room is okay, well decorated and the space is not small.

"Then you rest first? I'll leave first?"

Jiang Hao asked tentatively.

Xiang Meng:.

Still lowering his head and not letting go.

It’s over~~

Jiang Hao sighed in his heart, it seemed that he was not a part of today's carnival.

"Then I'll tell you a good night story and wait until you fall asleep before leaving?"


Xiang Meng nodded.

Jiang Hao: "Then you go take a bath first!"

Xiang Meng:.

"Don't worry! If I don't leave, I won't peek."

Jiang Hao reached out and touched Xiang Meng's head, with a motherly smile on his face.


After a long silence, Xiang Meng carefully let go of his hand and entered the bathroom with a blushing face.

Jiang Hao took out his cell phone and sent Luo Chen a text message.

【Orange! Brother thought for a while and felt that I can't take advantage of you in vain. These two girls are what you drank with your life. You should enjoy them by yourself. You can have sex tonight. Brother will help you keep an eye on Xiaomeng so that she doesn't give you anything. make trouble. 】

[Young man, just get the butterfly (come on) (three exclamation points)]

In the early morning, when the sun shone into the room and shone on Jiang Hao's face, Jiang Hao frowned and turned over. He wanted to sleep for a while, but he didn't feel very comfortable and could only struggle to sit up.

He spent the night on the sofa last night.

There was no way, as long as he got up, Xiang Meng immediately sat up from the bed and looked at him eagerly.

Seeing this made him feel very angry, so he could only stay.

He didn't dare to sleep on the bed, so he had to sleep on the sofa.

"Hey, what is this?"

Jiang Hao sighed and looked at the bed. Xiang Meng had already gotten up and gone out.

I wanted to go back to my room, but I gave up the idea when I thought that Luo Chen might choose to fight in their room.

Fortunately, there are multiple sets of toiletries in the bathroom, so it’s no problem to brush your teeth and wash your face.

When he got to the bathroom, Jiang Hao was slightly surprised.

Xiang Meng was quite considerate and brought him a change of clothes and squeezed out toothpaste for him.

"Then let's take a shower."

Jiang Hao moved his cervical spine and an idea came to his mind.

Although Luochen has healing skills to protect his body, he will still get drunk after all.

That girl Ma Bing is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It would be interesting if she was drunk and confused and the black devil got involved.

in the living room

Hei Mo was drinking red wine at the bar, and Ma Yuxi was sitting on the sofa, with a lollipop in her mouth and her fingertips tapping rapidly on her laptop.

Ma Bing leaned aside and flipped through the news on his tablet.

Xiang Meng sat in front of the TV, watching the TV series absently.

Seeing Jiang Hao come in, she quickly stood up and said with a blushing face: "Brother Haohao, I'll get you breakfast."


Jiang Hao smiled and nodded, saying hello to everyone: "Morning~~"

"Morning~~" X3

"Why did you get up so early? Where is Luo Chen?"

Jiang Hao took a bottle of yogurt from the refrigerator and drank a few sips. He looked at everyone and frowned slightly.

There seems to be something wrong with this!

Forget about the black devil, according to common sense, Ma Bing and Ma Yuxi should be fast asleep in bed!

Moreover, even if they are all experienced drivers, they can't be so calm after being cheated, right?

Also, where did Luochen go?

According to common sense, he should have been waiting in front of his room door early, waiting for him to come out to show off his achievements to himself, and then make himself envious and jealous.

The current situation is that not only has he not squatted on his own, but now no one knows where he has gone.

His eyes gradually narrowed. Luo Chen wouldn't be killed by these two women, right?

"Going to bed early and getting up early is good for your skin."

Ma Bing shrugged: "As for Luochen! He should be blowing outside. It's best for you to go see him after eating, otherwise he will jump into the sea again."

"Jump into the sea? Why?"

Three big question marks appeared above Jiang Hao's head, and then he seemed to have thought of something and asked tentatively:

"He didn't get hard last night?"

Ma Bing: "hehe~~"

Ma Yuxi looked up at him and started typing on the keyboard again.

The Dark Demon shook the wine glass in his hand and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Brother Hao, breakfast is here. Where are you eating?"

Xiang Meng came over with a dinner plate.

"Put it on the bar."


"Brother Dark Devil, tell me what's going on."

Jiang Hao asked the black devil in a low voice while eating breakfast.

If he really didn't get hard, Luo Chen would be really embarrassed to see anyone.

"I reminded you yesterday that these two women are not economical lamps. Luo Chen's moral practice is too shallow."

The Black Demon took a sip of wine and said calmly.

"Huh? Did he fail?"

Jiang Hao touched his chin.

"Hehe! With his little tricks, he also wants to pick up my sister's body? It's really funny."

Ma Bing said disdainfully: "Sister, I have been in the mall for so many years, what kind of people have I not seen?

If it were so easy to be tricked by you, I would have become a black fungus long ago, and it would also be the charcoal black kind. "

Jiang Hao looked at her in shock: "Aren't you?"

"Speak nicely."

Ma Bing rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't involved in what happened yesterday. Please talk to me. What's yours? I, Jiang Hao, am in need of a woman? What's so fun about two drunken chickens?"

Jiang Hao began to pick himself up.

Don't let them splash this basin of dirty water on yourself.

"It's a good thing you didn't come over yesterday, otherwise you two would be the ones blowing outside."

Ma Bing stretched out a lot: "If it weren't for the purpose of luring you out, I wouldn't have stayed with him for so long. I would have dealt with him long ago. Are you playing tricks with me? Hehe~~"

Jiang Hao: "Damn! What grudge do I have against you?"

"Don't you know the number in your mind?"

Ma Bing looked at her with burning eyes.

"Okay, stop arguing."

The black devil came out and stopped the two of them: "Brother Jiang, you should go and see Luo Chen! What he needs most now is you, a good brother."

Jiang Hao: "I think he needs you as his ex-girlfriend more now."

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