"Xiaomeng, where did the child come from?"

Jiang Hao jumped down and asked with a frown.

We promised not to expose it, but we didn't expect it to be exposed so soon. How can we deal with this?

"On the way back, I met a wolf that wanted to bite her. I, I couldn't hold it back."

Xiang Meng was like a child who had done something wrong, lowering his head and hesitating.

"Brother, did you drift to the island in distress?"

The little girl blinked and looked at Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao squatted down and touched her head: "Your island shouldn't welcome outsiders, right? We just want to rest here and leave when the rescue ship arrives, so as to save unnecessary trouble. So try to avoid contact with you.”

"Well, outsiders are really not welcome on the island."

The little girl nodded: "But this little sister just saved me, I will repay you. You come home with me. My house is relatively quiet, no one will find you."


Jiang Hao's eyes lit up: "What about your parents?"

"They're all dead."

The little girl pouted with a sad look on her face.

"Thank you then. Let's stay overnight for a few nights."

Jiang Hao reached out to pick up the little girl and suppressed Xiang Meng who wanted to speak with his eyes.

We were on guard all the way to the little girl's house.

This is a cave in the woods. There are some defensive traps outside, and a thick wooden door is installed at the entrance.

Walking into the cave, although it is relatively simple inside, it is very neat.

The little girl's pretty face turned red: "I'm sorry, my home is too simple."

"Who said it, this place is already very good."

Jiang Hao reached out and touched her head.

The nerves that had been tense finally relaxed.

It seems that this little girl did not lie to them. She does live alone, and she lives in a very secluded place, lucky!

Now that they have a shelter from the wind and rain, they can also have hot meals here instead of nibbling on energy bars.

At the same time, he can also learn a lot of information from the little girl.

Just perfect.

"Little sister, what's your name? Why do you live here alone? It's very dangerous in the deep mountains and old forests."

Jiang Hao asked with concern as he held the little girl in his arms with a soft smile on his face.

"My name is Shui'er. Our family is a hunter. We have always made a living by hunting in the mountains, so we have been living here.

The year before last, my parents were killed by a tiger, so I lived alone. Some uncles and aunts wanted to adopt me, but I didn't agree.

This is my home, and I have to protect it. I can hunt and pick fruits, and I will never die of hunger. "

Having said this, the little girl looked at Xiang Meng gratefully: "I was catching eels in the river tonight and met a wolf when I came back. If I hadn't saved me, I would have died. Thank you, sister."

"No, you should."

Xiaomeng waved her hands repeatedly.

"Little sister, big brother, you can sleep in my parents' room, and I will get you a quilt."

Shui'er jumped off Jiang Hao's lap and ran to get the quilt, with a happy smile on her face.

Apparently she had lived alone for too long and she was lonely.

She was very happy when someone came and talked to her.

".Brother Hao"

Xiang Meng walked up to Jiang Hao and looked at him with a pleading look on his face.

"Don't worry! I'm not a devil. I won't hurt such a small child."

Jiang Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head: "In your heart, do I have such a bad image?"

"No, Brother Hao is very good."

Xiang Meng quickly denied it.

She was also concerned and confused.

In the room, Xiang Meng slept on the bed, while Jiang Hao made a bunk on the floor.

Although it is relatively simple here, it is much better than them lying on the grass.

"Luochen, Ma Bing, please answer when you receive it."

Jiang Hao hid under the quilt and turned on the intercom headset.

"Oh my God! Brother Hao, you've finally turned on the mic. Forget it, you and Xiaomeng are taking a mandarin duck bath. It's been taking so long. You need to be restrained when you taste the forbidden fruit for the first time!"

On the other end of the earphone, Luo Chen yelled.

"Brother Hao! Your desire is too strong, isn't it? Although field battles are fun and exciting, you have to divide your time and occasion!"

Ma Bing also intervened to educate.

".No. That's not the case, I. We don't."

Xiang Meng explained anxiously, her face was red to the root of her neck, and steam was coming out of her head.

Luo Chen: "Then what are you doing now?"

Xiang Meng: ".Sleep.Sleep."

"You haven't done this yet? Xiaomeng, you really can't lie."

Luo Chen was a little angry, and his voice seemed to be crying: "Brother Hao! You abandoned me so ruthlessly, Bingbing, please let me, Mi Qingjin, die, I don't want to live anymore."

Ma Bing: "Get out!"

"We were temporarily taken in by an islander, and now we're going to split up."

Ten minutes later, seeing that the three melon skins finally calmed down, Jiang Hao continued:

"Xiang Meng and I are collecting intelligence from here. You two are squatting on the mountain during the day and quietly conducting reconnaissance at night. Remember, don't be discovered by the islanders. If you are attacked by others, I won't be able to save you."

Luo Chen: "Brother Hao! Can we change?"

Jiang Hao: "What do you think?"

Ma Bing: "Brother Hao! Why don't we go live with you? The environment outside is really bad."

Jiang Hao: "No!"

Ma Bing: "Why?"

Jiang Hao: "It's inconvenient for you two to go out for investigation. Besides, there are no extra rooms here."

Ma Bing:.

"What have you detected?"

"We went to the altar. It was very heavily guarded and protected by a powerful formation. It was almost impossible to attack by force."

Luo Chen said in a deep voice.


Jiang Hao nodded: "Inherited clay tablet, we can only wait for the mysterious forces outside to attack and seize it, and then we will find an opportunity to snatch it."

"Yeah! That's what we think too. We've checked out all the surrounding areas. We'll go there again tomorrow night to determine the best place to ambush."

Ma Bing nodded and suggested: "Brother Hao! Now that you have hooked up with the residents of the island, can you get a way to enter from him? Once the war starts, the people guarding the altar may also go to help. If We have mastered the method of entry, and everything inside is ours."

Jiang Hao: "I'll give it a try! But there's not much hope. Although she is a resident of the island, she has been living in the mountains and forests, making a living by hunting. She shouldn't know such confidential things."

Ma Bing: "Then ask if they have any other treasure hiding places. The defense there should not be as strict as the altar. With my ability, I might have a chance."

Jiang Hao: "Yeah! Please be careful. It will still be the same time tomorrow. Let's call you through the microphone."

Luo Chen: "Brother Hao! Come back soon, I miss you."

Jiang Hao: "Go away~~"

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