The Yanmen County was not in the northernmost part of Bingzhou.

It was in the north of Yanmen.

There was also Dingxiang County, and Yunzhong County bordering the grassland.

The grassland tribes went south to forage for the grassland.

Strictly speaking, it was not Yanmen that was the first to bear the brunt.

But Yunzhong County and Dingxiang County.

What's worse, because there was no protection from the Great Wall,

Yunzhong County and Dingxiang County were exposed to the eyes of foreign races.

Foreign races attacked and plundered every now and then.

The people here can be said to be living in dire straits, fighting against heaven and earth, and fighting wits and courage with foreign races.

This time, the Xianbei army sent tens of thousands of troops south again, and they also rushed to the season when the grain of the Han people was ripe.

For the people in the border areas of the Han Dynasty, it was another heavy blow.

Yanmen County, Mayi.

A few miles outside Mayi City.

In the fields, a large number of people were busy harvesting grain.

They had already received the news.

The Xianbei were going south again to forage for grass and grain, and it was undoubtedly dangerous for them to leave the city at this time.

However, the grain was ripe, which was their annual rations, and they had to harvest it even if it was dangerous.

They could only pray that after they harvested the grain and returned safely to Mayi City, the damn Xianbei would come again.

Because, as long as they returned to Mayi City, they would be safe with the Mayi city wall blocking them.

"It's bad, it's bad, the Xianbei are coming!"

"It's bad, the Xianbei are coming, everyone run!"

"The Xianbei are coming, run!"

Suddenly, a series of childish, panicked voices rang out in the distance.

The people who were rushing to harvest food in the fields were all startled and looked up suddenly.

But they saw that every few hundred steps in the distance, there was a child acting like a beacon tower, shouting loudly and running towards Mayi City in a panic.

And farther to the north, smoke and dust rolled, war horses neighed, and more than a thousand Xianbei people rushed over excitedly.

"Run, the Xianbei are coming!"

Accompanied by a shrill shout, the people in the fields were instantly in chaos.

Some of them ran towards Mayi City without caring.

Others pushed down the grain carts with force, scattering the grain they had just harvested all over the ground.

But they thought about picking it up after the Xianbei left.

Although there was some waste, we couldn't let the Xianbei people take it away directly.

Some people carried their parents and ran towards Mayi City.

"Run, run, we don't need the food anymore!"

Although they were in a panic, they used children with little labor as beacon towers to warn people, and then ran towards Mayi without hesitation.

It was enough to show the habit and tenacity of the people living in the border areas against foreign invasions.

However, even though the people of Mayi had been prepared, it was several miles away from Mayi City. How could two legs outrun four hooves?

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.

The earth shook.

When the Mayi people who were running in the front were less than a mile away from Mayi City.

The war horses were galloping, smoke and dust were rolling, and the Xianbei cavalry, waving scimitars, had caught up with them with a ferocious smile on their faces.



The arrow broke through the air, screams rang out, and a child who was running in the front was shot in the back and fell to the ground.

The faces of the people in Mayi turned pale instantly.

"Haha, it's not that easy to run into the city." A middle-aged Xianbei man with a bow and arrow, gorgeous clothes and a sturdy figure, grinned.

"People, cheer, go and plunder the harvest!"

The middle-aged Xianbei man with a bow and arrow, gorgeous clothes and a sturdy figure shouted.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir, hahaha!"

More than a thousand Xianbei cavalry cheered and called the sturdy Xianbei middle-aged man "sir".

The people of Mayi listened to the cheers of the Xianbei people, and their faces turned even paler, and a flash of despair flashed across their faces. They were actually attacked by a group of Xianbei adults.

In Xianbei.

The smallest unit is Luo, which refers to a family.


Yi, ranging from dozens to hundreds of households. The leader is called Xiaoshuai.

Bu, a tribe, has hundreds to thousands, or even tens of thousands of tribes, and the leader is called adults.

Going up further, there are the real Xianbei nobles, the twelve marshals appointed by the former Xianbei leader Tan Shihuai.

The twelve marshals have tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of followers, and dominate one side, with the son inheriting the father's position.

Famous Xianbei marshals include Suli and Murong.

And in front of us, the Xianbei middle-aged man with gorgeous clothes and a strong figure is actually called an adult!

That is a Xianbei tribal leader.

And anyone who can become a tribal leader must be a

Not a ruthless person.

Every time they invaded, whenever they encountered Han people, they would wipe out their families, and loot their property, young and strong men and women and become slaves, just to expand the tribe.

"Haha, carnival."

"Han women, haha!"

A series of grim laughs rang out.

The Xianbei cavalry moved and rushed directly into the people of Mayi.

"Don't rob my granddaughter!"

"Where did you come from, old thing, get out of here."

An old man trembled and blocked the road, and the Xianbei waved his waist knife.

Puff ~

The panicked old man could not dodge, and the scimitar slashed his back fiercely. With a shrill scream, the old man was silent.

"Jiejie ~"

Accompanied by grim laughs, the war horses galloped, and the people outside Mayi City were in chaos, all desperate.

The Xianbei soldiers were inhumane. With their scimitars flashing coldly, they looted property and women, and swung their scimitars at the old and weak Han people without hesitation.


"Don't kill me!"

"Damn Xianbei people, ah!"

Puff! Puff!

Many Han people had almost no power to resist and fell in a pool of blood.

"Dare to resist!"

The Han people were wailing, desperate, and panicking.

"Fight with them. If we don't fight, we will either be killed or be taken to the grassland as slaves!"

"Let's rush back to the city!"

Suddenly, a desperate and angry voice sounded, which shocked the desperate Han people. The next moment, many young and strong people flashed a look of determination in their eyes.

They had no doubt that if they did not resist, they would be taken to the grassland and become slaves. When they thought of the life of being slaves, everyone gritted their teeth.

"Fight, fight them, and escape back to the city!"

The roar sounded, and the young and strong Han people resisted.

They were not without the slightest resistance.

On the contrary, they all went out to work and harvest food. They all had farm tools in their hands, and most of them were young and strong.

"Kill you Xianbei people!"


A young Han man holding a sickle chopped at the Xianbei cavalry, but it chopped on the horse's buttocks. The horse screamed in pain and rushed left and right.

"Resist! Folks, fight them!"

Accompanied by a series of voices resounding.

The young and strong Han people rose up to resist and fought with the Xianbei cavalry.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

"Damn it, the Han people dare to resist, kill!"

The Xianbei tribal leader had a fierce look in his eyes, snorted coldly, and chopped a young man with a scimitar in his hand. Blood flowed, and the young man fell to the ground immediately.

"Xianbei leader, take my knife!"

Just when the Xianbei leader killed a man and was proud of himself, a hook sickle came through the air. The Xianbei leader was startled and dodged almost instinctively, avoiding the throat-cutting knife, but the hook sickle cut his shoulder.

"Ah! It hurts me to death!"

The Xianbei leader cried out in pain and looked at the attacker, only to see a 13 or 14-year-old boy holding a sharp hook sickle and looking at him with hatred.

"Damn it, he dared to hurt you, kill him!"

Several Xianbei cavalrymen around saw their masters being attacked and injured, and they were immediately shocked and angry, and they all killed the brave boy.

Several Xianbei cavalrymen came, but the boy was not afraid. Instead, he stretched out his hand and quickly met them. The hook sickle flashed by, and one of them was cut and screamed.

Several Xianbei cavalrymen became even more angry and besieged the boy. Several weapons attacked him. The boy raised his sickle to block and immediately fell into a bitter battle. His sword skills were quite exquisite and his agility was also fast, but it was a pity that he was still young and lacked strength.

However, at such a young age and without a warhorse, he was able to fight seven or eight Xianbei cavalrymen, which had become the focus of the whole scene.

The injured Xianbei tribal leader was surprised.

In front of Mayi City, there was chaos. The people were unwilling to become slaves and rose up to resist. However, facing more than a thousand Xianbei cavalrymen, the brave Mayi people soon despaired because many of them were injured and fell to the ground.

"Ah, don't kill me."

"Damn Xianbei people, ah!"

"Are I really going to become a slave of the Xianbei people? I am unwilling to do this!"

A series of desperate screams, accompanied by the Xianbei people's grim smiles, seemed to have decided the overall situation. Even the officers and soldiers on the walls of Mayi City who were waiting in full battle array looked at the Han people below with sad eyes.

However, despite this, the officers and soldiers on the Mayi city wall did not go out of the city to rescue.

Their officers and soldiers were not many, only a few hundred, and they were all infantry. Going out of the city to fight the Xianbei cavalry was courting death.

Moreover, there were more civilians in Mayi City, but they all died. If Mayi City was broken and the Xianbei entered the city, it would be the end of the world for the civilians in Mayi City.

Therefore, they could only watch their compatriots fall under the butcher knife of the Xianbei people.

Boom boom ~

Step on


Suddenly, the officers and soldiers on the Mayi city wall seemed to sense something and looked into the distance.

But they saw a group of hundreds of armed infantrymen and hundreds of cavalrymen approaching quickly.

"This..." The Mayi officers and soldiers stared.

What shocked them was that these infantrymen and cavalrymen were all wearing the elite armor of the Han officers and soldiers.

"This is our Han army!!"

An unbelievable exclamation sounded!

The Mayi officers and soldiers were instantly in an uproar and boiling with disbelief.


The elite Imperial Guards cavalry were in front, and the Imperial Guards infantry were behind, moving quickly forward and approaching.

At this time, the Xianbei people also discovered the Han army and were all shocked.

"My Han army is here! It's the Han army!"

"We are saved, it's the Han army!"

The Han people cheered for their survival.

"Infantrymen follow behind, bows and arrows are strung, advance steadily, and the Imperial Guards cavalry will follow me to charge!"

Li Jing, dressed in armor, was quite heroic. He shouted loudly and rode ahead with a horizontal sword in hand.

Three hundred Imperial Guards cavalrymen followed on horseback.

"Damn it, how could there be a Han army!" Seeing Li Jing leading his troops to kill, the Xianbei tribe leader was extremely angry.

However, although he felt unlucky to meet the Han army, the Xianbei leader was not afraid, because there were only a few hundred Han cavalrymen, and they did not take the Han army, which had been vulnerable for decades, seriously.

"Gather, kill them, let them see how powerful we Xianbei people are!" The Xianbei leader shouted loudly, and a group of Xianbei cavalrymen immediately abandoned the people, waved their scimitars, and gathered together with full momentum.

Indeed, for decades, under the leadership of the Xianbei hero Tan Shihuai, the Xianbei people have suppressed all ethnic groups and have long developed a domineering momentum.

Moreover, their cavalry was several times larger than that of the Han cavalry.

However, it was obvious that the Xianbei were wrong, very wrong.

The physical fitness of the soldiers of the Imperial Guards was one in a dozen, and with the historical-level construction and training, they were already elite cavalry.

Even if they were not as good at riding as the Xianbei, they were wearing the fine armor of the Han people and their weapons were ring-headed swords, which were not comparable to the broken copper and iron in the hands of the Xianbei cavalry and the thin clothes on their bodies!


The two armies charged, and the cavalry of the Imperial Guards was in uniform.

The Xianbei cavalry was in large groups.

The two armies soon met.

Two Xianbei cavalrymen attacked Li Jing ferociously.

The horizontal sword in Li Jing's hand flashed.

In an instant, the weapons in the hands of the two cavalrymen broke and flew up, with a puff sound, and in the blink of an eye, two heads of Xianbei cavalrymen flew up, and blood sprayed.


Li Jing led the way and charged into the Xianbei army.

The imperial guards behind him also fought with the Xianbei cavalry.

The Xianbei cavalry was shocked. They were no match for the "weak" Han army in a one-on-one fight. They often chopped the Han army with a knife, and the Han army had armor defense, so it was not a big deal. However, the Han army retaliated with a knife, and they were bleeding instantly.

The advantages of weapons and equipment were revealed at this moment.

The Xianbei army was in chaos, and they felt like they had hit a hard stone.

On the battlefield, Li Jing performed even more bravely, attracting the attention of the people and the Mayi officers and soldiers on the city wall. However, Li Jing rushed left and right in the Xianbei army, and there was no enemy. In a blink of an eye, he took the lives of more than ten Xianbei cavalrymen, which made people open their eyes and look at the powerful Li Jing.

"Follow my command, retreat!"

Suddenly, Li Jing, who was quickly harvesting the heads of the Xianbei cavalry, shouted loudly, and a group of imperial guards responded loudly, following Li Jing and abandoning the Xianbei cavalry.

Li Jing ordered a retreat, leaving the rescued civilians and the officers and soldiers on the Mayi city wall at a loss.

Although there were many Xianbei cavalry, the Han cavalry was not at all inferior, so why did they retreat?

Tap tap tap ~

The sound of footsteps that shook the earth came.

It was the imperial guards infantrymen wearing armor and holding sharp weapons, with all bows and crossbows strung.

"Bows and crossbows, shoot!"

A roar exploded.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh ~

Hundreds of arrows broke through the air and shot at the Xianbei cavalry.


The destructive crossbow rain of arrows came.

Screams and screams resounded among the Xianbei cavalry. Dozens of Xianbei cavalry fell off their horses and were shot dead on the spot.

"Shoot again!" Another loud shout.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~

Another rain of arrows rose into the air, and dozens of Xianbei cavalry who were not in a hurry to dodge were shot dead again.


"Damn it, how could this be?"

"When did the Han army become so powerful!"

More than a hundred people were shot dead in a blink of an eye. The Xianbei people were terrified and everyone was terrified.

The performance of the Imperial Guards obviously exceeded their understanding of the Han army.

The Xianbei tribal leader was also shocked again.

Fearful and angry, he shouted:

"Charge, break through the Han army!"

Immediately, the Xianbei cavalry rode their horses and rushed towards the Imperial Guards.

"Shield soldiers line up, crossbows shoot again!"

The Imperial Guards did not panic, and immediately changed their formation. The front row raised their shields together, and the shields were like a forest.

Lancers and spears were inserted into the gaps of the shields, and the entire army was like a hedgehog.

The thin Xianbei cavalry would surely be broken and bloody if they rushed into the formation.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~"

The arrows in the back row of the Imperial Guards continued to break through the air, constantly harvesting the lives of the Xianbei cavalry, and the Xianbei cavalry suffered heavy casualties.

"Damn it, retreat, retreat!"

The Xianbei tribal leader was frightened, but his courage was broken at this moment.

The Xianbei tribal leader had no idea that the Imperial Guards in front of him were the real elite army of the Han Dynasty. Even if they were infantry, they were not something that the grassland cavalry could easily provoke.

In the past, Li Ling, the grandson of Li Guang, led 5,000 elite Han infantrymen to fight deep into the grassland.

At the beginning, they encountered 30,000 Xiongnu cavalrymen. The Han army was brave, advanced and retreated in a reasonable manner, and used strong crossbows to attack from a distance, killing thousands of Xiongnu cavalrymen.

The Xiongnu Chanyu was shocked and avoided Li Ling's sharp edge.

He gathered 80,000 Xiongnu cavalrymen and surrounded Li Ling's 5,000 infantrymen.

The two sides fought a bloody battle for eight days. The Han army was ready to die and killed more than 10,000 Xiongnu cavalrymen.

In the end, because there was no support, the Han army was defeated, and Li Ling was captured for the remaining 400 soldiers.

This is the real infantry of the Han Dynasty. Even though the infantrymen are at a natural disadvantage against the cavalry, they are not something that foreigners can easily provoke.

However, it is obvious that the Xianbei people have been galloping on the grassland and dominating for too long, and the Han Dynasty has entered its last period, so they have not really seen the real soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

Now hundreds of imperial guards have reappeared the real elite of the Han Dynasty, which makes the Xianbei cavalry tremble.

But, the Xianbei cavalry is going to run?


The Xianbei cavalry just got out of the range of the imperial guards infantry, and the earth shook, and Li Jing led the imperial guards cavalry to kill again.

The imperial guards cavalry fought and entangled.

The imperial guards infantry advanced steadily.

The two cooperated, and under the wide-eyed gaze of the rescued people and the officers and soldiers of Mayi, Li Jing wiped out more than a thousand Xianbei cavalry.

As Li Jing chopped off the head of the Xianbei tribal leader with his sword, the battle ended.

"Clean up the battlefield and collect the war horses!" Li Jing looked at the messy battlefield and took a deep breath.

"Yes!" The imperial guards cleaned the battlefield and collected a large number of war horses.

At this time, the rescued people were excited.

"These are the real elite soldiers of our Han Dynasty! So strong!"

Among the people, the young man holding a hook sickle looked at the Imperial Guards with shining eyes and said excitedly.

At this time, Li Jing, who was dressed in armor, rode his horse to the side of the young man holding a hook sickle amid the noise of the people, looked him up and down, and asked:

"What's your name?"

The young man holding the hook sickle was obviously a little embarrassed, but after looking at Li Jing, he still replied:

"Reply to the general, this is the boy Zhang Liao!"

"How about it, this is the Imperial Guards, do you like it? I see that you have a good bone structure and good roots, do you want to join them?"

Li Jing asked the young Zhang Liao.

"What? It's the Imperial Guards!" The young Zhang Liao was obviously shocked when he heard Li Jing's words, but he soon realized what Li Jing said, looked at the Imperial Guards in armor, and soon a touch of excitement and longing appeared on his face.

"I want..."

————Working hard on typing

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