Start by planting grass

Chapter 205 I can speak but you can’t listen

On the 75th floor of the Wanzu Stairs, a man who looked like an immortal was sitting on a full moon in the sky, drinking wine from a wine gourd.

After seeing Xu Yuan coming, he just glanced lightly.

"You must be tired after climbing all the way here."

"How about taking a break, drinking some wine, and then playing again."

The man's voice was very chic, but his eyes like stars were filled with endless sadness.

"Master, this Huaxian clan also stored all his soul origins in the origin world."

Xiao Ling's voice rang in Xu Yuan's ears.

"I am Xu Yuan from the human race, how do I call you senior?" Xu Yuan raised his head and looked at the man from the Huaxian tribe and said loudly.

"Call me Fengyue."

The man sitting on Yuanyuan waved his hand gently, and the entire steps began to change.

A beautiful sea of ​​seven-color flowers, a ray of moonlight condensed into the appearance of a woman, playing the flute.

A distant flute sound sounded, and the man fell from the full moon.

A small round table rose from the earth.

"Sit down, you are the first person to come to me." The man made an invitation gesture.

Xu Yuan slowly sat down.

"Senior, you are the second Huaxian Clan I have met with such a sane mind."

"Is it possible for the senior clan to be resurrected in the future?" Xu Yuan asked first.

Fengyue didn't reply immediately, and lightly swept the desk with one hand.

A set of teacups appeared, and Fengyue's elegant condensed spiritual water made tea.

"It may or may not be possible. If this little brother can see this and reach such a high position, his future achievements will be limitless."

A cup of brewed tea was pushed in front of Xu Yuan.

"Senior Fengyue, in what way do you exist?"

To solve the first doubt, Xu Yuan asked the second one.

"A certain memory, a certain feeling. When I meet you, it consumes the origin of my soul."

"If you can't welcome resurrection, it will disappear forever." Feng Yue's tone was very calm.

Xu Yuan picked up the tea cup and took a sip. A strange fragrance spread from his mouth.

After drinking tea, Fengyue changed into wine glasses and placed four plates of side dishes.

"It's a little crude, sorry."

"There is wine and food, why is it so simple?"

Xu Yuan raised his wine glass and saluted Feng Yue.

"After drinking this bottle of wine, senior, let's get started~"

"Don't worry, don't you want to hear the story of Xianting?" Feng Yue said with a smile.

"Then this junior wants to know how Xianting perished~" Xu Yuan narrowed his eyes.

"I know I can say it, but you can't bear the overwhelming cause and effect. It's better for you to pursue it yourself."

Xu Yuan picked up the wine glass and drank with Feng Yue.

"Senior, tell me something useful. Anyway, I haven't heard of it." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

"During the Immortal Court period, the Immortal Courtyard originated from the main star domain of the Immortal Courtyard."

"In this main star field, the divine energy of heaven and earth, immortal divine objects, innate chaotic spiritual treasures, and divine medicine spiritual roots can be seen everywhere."

"That was the birth of a great race in the main star field of Immortal Court, which controlled this main star field."

"But the good times did not last long. Although there are many resources in the main star field, there are still more resources in the main star field of Immortal Court."

"In order to get rid of the oppression of this great race, tens of millions of races united to fight against that great race."

"The battle lasted for 30 billion years. It was not until the great race compromised and gave up 90% of the resources of the Immortal Court's main star field that the war stopped."

"Subsequently, it evolved into a multi-racial alliance to rule the main star region of Immortal Court."

"This is the earliest origin of Immortal Court. If nothing else happens, you should be the first to know among the creatures with independent consciousness." A faint smile appeared on Feng Yue's face.

"Does the main star field of Xianting really have so many resources?" Xu Yuan's eyes were shining brightly.

"Of course, in the original Immortal Court Master's Star Domain, even a blade of grass was equivalent to an immortal artifact."

"I don't know what kind of adventure you have had to have such high talent and trembling to come to me."

"But I haven't seen a trace of immortality from you. It will be difficult for you to take that step in the future." Feng Yue said while pouring wine for Xu Yuan.

"Which step is the realm of Star Lord?" Xu Yuan asked.

"You'll know then~"

"Senior, can you tell me what the main spirit of the Immortal Court is planning now?"

"You can't listen to what I said, so try to become stronger, right?"

"You have entered the game. Only by becoming stronger can you and your race survive in the future." Feng Yue picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

"Thank you for coming here, otherwise, I wouldn't have had the chance to show up."

"Senior, you're welcome. If senior is still on the steps of Ten Thousand Clans in Yuanying Stage, we will meet again in the future."

"Then I look forward to it~"

The two of them picked up the last glass of wine. After drinking it, the surrounding scene began to change and turned into a staircase of ten thousand races.

"Come on, let me see what you can do to get here~"

A wine gourd appeared in the man's hand, became as tall as a person, and stood next to him.

The lid of the wine gourd was opened, and a large amount of wine poured out from the wine gourd, flew into the sky, and turned into a sword.

In the wine floating in the sky, there is also a sword spirit looming in the wine.

When Xu Yuan saw this, two more spiritual weapons and beads appeared before his death and turned into spirits.

The five spirit beads on the previous level were already a bit difficult to fight, and the five spirit beads on this level would definitely not be able to withstand it.

"Come on, little friend, unleash your fighting power to your heart's content~"

"Okay, senior."

Xu Yuan waved his hand, and the seven spiritual beads transformed into spirits and added them.

I thought it was a battle of the ages, but the moment the two sides touched, Feng Yue's body collapsed, and a portal appeared in front of Xu Yuan.

"Little friend, leave me alone. You are very strong and can beat me at this stage, so I don't want to waste the soul power stored here."

"Let's go to the next floor~"

Fengyue's voice became weaker and weaker in Xu Yuan's ears, until finally it disappeared.

"You should say something slutty before you leave."

Xu Yuan said, gathering all the spirit beads around him and stepping into the teleportation array.

In an instant, Xu Yuan appeared in a white world.

"The mission is completed, and ten silks of authority are obtained."

"Congratulations, you now have twenty wires of authority." A voice sounded in Xu Yuan's ears.

"Why is it that we are not on the 80th floor this time, but there are still foreign races that I can meet later." Xu Yuan curled his lips and said.

"Xiao Ling, please send me back."

A powerful force of space locked onto Xu Yuan.

Jiuling Island, after Xu Yuan came back, he suddenly felt that his state of cultivation had become more stable.

"Although I didn't use my full strength, it was still a good fight."

After Xu Yuan said this, he looked up at the sky, looking like a lonely master.

"It's really boring to be invincible in the same realm just after reaching the golden elixir stage."

Just when Xu Yuan said this, a teleportation array appeared not far away.

Zhang Shanyue walked out of it.

"What? I heard you say invincible when I came here."

"I'm just telling myself for fun, uncle, don't take it seriously."

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