Start by planting grass

Chapter 220 Nothing in disguise

"Now the Immortal Sect is in great need of life and immortal artifacts. What price do you want to sell them for?" Wu Chu said with some excitement.

"This object is sold to the Immortal Sect first. After I advance to Daluo, if I need any kind of immortal artifact, how about the Immortal Sect help me get it." Xu Yuan said, things cannot be given away for free. They must be returned when I am rich in the future.

"The Immortal Sect will remember your love." Wu Chu nodded and said.

"The Immortal Sect protects me, so I can't keep eating and drinking here." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay, with this life and immortal artifact and the other three together, the Supreme Elder can fully recover, and even increase his strength to another level."

"Xu Yuan, you have made such a huge contribution to the Immortal Sect. From now on, you will be the elder of the Immortal Sect Fuyuan." Wu Chu said.

"Isn't this too fast?"

Xu Yuan was a little surprised to hear that he was made an elder.

"If possible, I would also like to make you the Tenth Supreme Elder." Wu Chu disappeared with a smile.

On Jiuling Island, only Xu Yuan and Zhang Shanyue were left.

"Xiao Yuan, this is an immortal artifact. You can take it out as soon as you ask."

"This is just in case." Zhang Shanyue did not say anything back.

"Now the immortal artifact still has some value in my eyes. In the future, when I become stronger, this thing will no longer be valuable in my eyes."

"The Supreme Elder was seriously injured. If the Immortal Sect cannot be restored quickly, it will inevitably be in turmoil."

"And we grew up under the protection of the Immortal Sect, so I am naturally happy to be able to avoid some trouble." Xu Yuan said calmly.

"Xiaoyuan, you still have a big picture." Zhang Shanyue couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, Xiao Moyang came to Xu Yuan with a lamb.

When Xu Yuan saw the lamb, a strange look appeared on his face.

Name: Jade Heart Sheep, entry: Touch to Health (When in an injured state, every touch will restore a trace of the injury.)

Xu Yuan looked at the lamb with green nipples, bent down, picked him up, and stroked him a few times.

A strange aura blended into Xu Yuan's body. When the aura detected that Xu Yuan was not injured, it returned to Xiaoyang's body.

"Is there anything special about this sheep?" Zhang Shanyue asked curiously.

"It's a bit strange. When my uncle waits for you to be injured, you will know if you touch him again." Xu Yuan said and touched the little sheep again.

At this time, a teleportation array appeared not far from the two of them.

The straw man butler controlled the clone and brought Xu Lingjian to Jiuling Island.

At this time, Xu Lingjian exuded a fierce sword intent, and his eyes were as cold as a sergeant's without emotion.

Seeing this situation, Xu Yuan frowned slightly.

"How is this going?"

"The secret realm that Xu Lingjian entered was the Secret Realm of Ruthless Sword Dao. Xu Lingjian wanted to leave, but was forced into the secret realm and passed on the inheritance."

"Xu Lingjian is slowly recovering his consciousness now, so I brought him back." said the straw man butler.

"Very few people practice the ruthless swordsmanship now." Zhang Shanyue looked at Xu Lingjian and said curiously.

"Yes, although the power of ruthless swordsmanship is great, it is no different from a tool after annihilating humanity."

"There is no humanity, no family affection, no sense of race. This is very dangerous." Xu Yuan also said beside him.

Xu Yuan walked up to Xu Lingjian and looked up, down, left and right.

He suddenly ordered in his heart: "Diwang, don't you have Xu Lingjian's data there?"

"Try to instill it again, maybe you can recover immediately."


After the Diwang Half-Spiritual Grass finished speaking, Xu Lingjian trembled suddenly, and finally his cold eyes began to melt, turning into a normal young man.

"The ruthless swordsmanship is really mysterious, but it's a pity that it's not suitable for me." Xu Lingjian said with some regret.

"You are really a swordsman." Xu Yuan couldn't help but complain.

"Master Cao, from what I have seen and felt during this period, you can help me realize a new way of swordsmanship."

"If I stay on Jiuling Island for a while, I will leave after Wu Tou sees me and continue traveling." Xu Lingjian said.

"It's up to you, you can stay here as long as you want." Xu Yuan waved his hand and said.

By the lake, Xu Yuan and Zhang Shanyue were fishing.

"Your transformed spirit is not simple in my opinion. Its combat power should not be weaker than mine." Zhang Shanyue said.

"It's a little worse than my uncle. He mainly specializes in swordsmanship, and his combat power is not very strong." Xu Yuan said with a smile.

Just as he was eating here, a majestic sword intent suddenly came from a distance.

I saw a dazzling sword light displayed, turning into an image of a blue sea in the sky.

Zhang Shanyue looked at the virtual image of swordsmanship in the sky and felt that he was being suppressed a bit.

"You still said that you are not strong in combat." Zhang Shanyue looked at his nephew with a complicated expression.

"It's not very strong to begin with."


Henghai Immortal Sect, in the cave of the Supreme Elder.

"Now there are three immortal artifacts of life, which can restore 80% of the boss's origins."

"As for the last immortal artifact, let the boss go out and change it. It's just a good time to relax." Wu Chu said.

"This time the boss was injured, but he also killed two big Luo trolls in the abyss. The front line gave the boss a ten thousand years of rest and vacation."

"It's just enough time to let the boss rest and recuperate." The third elder Taishang said.

At this moment, the Supreme Elder in the cave suddenly looked towards the sky.

Finally, a figure appeared in the cave of the Supreme Elder.

"Our two sects can be considered neighbors. We have been enemies for so many years, and it's time for us to finally come to an end."

"Our two sects have the same origin, and we should come together in times of crisis."

"Nowadays, Anyou is seriously injured and will definitely need an immortal artifact of life."

"If nothing else happens, you wizards can produce at most two immortal artifacts of life."

"There are only two immortal artifacts of life and immortality in our Divine Sea."

"Together, we can save An You." The figure said softly.

"Your condition is not that my two sects will merge and become the Immortal Sea Sect again, with your Shenhai Immortal Sect as the main one," Wu Chu said.

"You guessed it right, the future endings of our two sects must be merged together."

"Either I am the master, or you are the master. Rather than doing this, it is better to merge earlier."

"There are two major Immortal Sects in a big world, which makes other Immortal Lords feel that our Immortal Sect is a small family."

"Together, it's good for both of us."

The figure raised his hand, and two immortal objects appeared.

"The origin has been severely damaged, and the road to the rear will be cut off. If the two sects are merged into one, there will be only advantages and no disadvantages."

"Boss Shenhai, please come back, we don't need it for the time being." Wu Chu said.

The phantom frowned slightly.

"Don't let your boss's future get ruined because of your impatience."

"Although the immortal life artifact is rare, it is still possible for our two sects to get it together."

"Excuse me, Boss Shenhai, for worrying about it. We have gathered the immortal life artifacts."

"As for the unification of the two sects, let's follow the original agreement." Wu Chu said calmly.

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